900字范文 > 有氧运动能力 aerobic capacity英语短句 例句大全

有氧运动能力 aerobic capacity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-20 13:09:42


有氧运动能力 aerobic capacity英语短句 例句大全

有氧运动能力,aerobic capacity

1)aerobic capacity有氧运动能力

1.Aim:To investigate the effects of CoQ10 supplementation on liver mitochondrial function andaerobic capacity in adolescent athletes.目的:观察CoQ10补充对青少年运动员肝线粒体功能和有氧运动能力的影响。

2.The body composition, vital capacity andaerobic capacity indicated by PWC 170 were measured and compared in 30 Tibetan students and 30 students of Han nationality.观察比较了 30名藏族学生和 30名汉族学生的身体成份、肺活量、和以PWC170 为代表的有氧运动能力。


1.Effects of HiHiLo on Aerobic Ability of Elite Male Middle Distance Athletes;HiHiLo对优秀男子中跑运动员有氧运动能力的影响

2.Effects of Hypoxia Preconditioning on the Aerobic Capability of Mice;低氧预适应对小鼠有氧运动能力的影响

3.Effects of Hypoxic Exercise and Carbohydrate-electrolyte Solution Ingestion on Body Fluid Balance and Aerobic Capability;低氧下运动及补液对机体体液平衡和有氧运动能力的影响

4.The Effect of 8-week Different Hypoxia Training on Aerobic Athletic Ability of Rower8周不同模式低氧训练对赛艇运动员有氧运动能力的影响

5.Association between CKMM-3 NcoI Gene Polymorphism and Aerobic Performance;CKMM基因3’NcoI多态性与有氧运动能力的关联研究

6.Association between ATP1A2 Gene Polymorphism and Aerobic Performance;ATP1A2基因多态性与有氧运动能力的关联性研究

7.Association of the KCNA7 Gene T418M Polymorphism and Aerobic Performance;KCNA7基因T418M多态性与有氧运动能力的关联性研究

8.The Factors Regulating Metabolism during Aerobic Exercise(Review);有氧运动中影响运动能力的代谢因素

9.Aerobic exercises can enhance the ability of muscle to use oxygen and improve heart and lung fitness.有氧运动能提高肌肉的运氧能力,改善心肺功能。

10.The Influence of L-carnitine on Aerobic Exercise and Anaerobic Exercise CapacityL-左旋肉碱对有氧运动与无氧运动能力的影响

11.On Aerobic Tensity and the Results of 2 000m Canoeing;2000m赛艇运动有氧能力的发展

12.Study on Training Effect on Women Aerobic Capability;运动训练对女子有氧工作能力的影响

13.Effect of Rg3 on Swimmers" Aerobic CapacityRg3对游泳运动员有氧能力的影响

14.The Influence of Sports Training on the Aerobic Ability of Football Players;运动训练对足球运动员有氧能力的影响

15.Primary Introduction about the Effect of Sports Trainingon Football Players Oxygenized Ability;初探运动训练对足球运动员有氧能力的影响

16.An experimental study of aerobic anaerobic capacity of col lege students对大学生参加运动有氧无氧能力的实验研究

17.The Relationship between serum testosterone level and the aerobic and anaerobic exercises ability;血睾酮水平与一次有氧和无氧运动能力的关系

18.Maximal aerobic capacity of footballer and the evaluation principles for its training;足球运动员专项有氧能力评定指标及最大有氧能力的评定方法


aerobic performance有氧运动能力

1.Association between ATP1A2 Exon23 SNP/G772A, Intron8 SNP/A57G and Intron20 SNP/T1842G Gene Polymorphisms and eliteaerobic performance.探讨Na~+-K~+-ATP酶α2亚基基因(ATP1A2基因)Exon23 SNP/G772A,Intron8 SNP/A57G,Intron20 SNP/T1842G多态性与杰出有氧运动能力的关联性2。

3)aerobic ability有氧运动能力

1.Aims:Compared the effects of HiHiLo(living highexercise high-training low) and LoHi(Living low-exercise high) on hematological parameters andaerobic ability.研究目的:通过观察现代五项运动员4周HiHiLo低氧训练对血象指标及最大摄氧量的影响,探讨HiHiLo低氧训练提高运动员有氧运动能力的效果,为其确定低氧训练提供指导。

4)aerobic exercise有氧耐力运动

1.Effect of obesity andaerobic exercise on anti-oxidation enzyme and nitric oxide of rats;肥胖以及有氧耐力运动对大鼠血清抗氧化酶和一氧化氮的影响

5)aerobic endurance exercise有氧耐力运动

1.Influences ofaerobic endurance exercise on injuries of free radicals in mouse musculature;有氧耐力运动对小鼠肌肉组织自由基损伤的影响

2.PPAR was playing the vital role in the adipocyte differentiation and the metabolism of fat condition,but the adipose tissue was in an important origin of energy inaerobic endurance exercise of organism .有氧耐力运动对人体有生理生化、心理等多面的良好影响,最利于人们的健康,可使人体获得最佳摄氧量,目前是大众体育锻炼主要推荐项目。

6)anaerobic capacity无氧运动能力

1.The impact of Carnosine complex and new sodium bicarbonate preparation administration onanaerobic capacity;肌肽复合物、新剂型碳酸氢钠补充对人体无氧运动能力的影响

2.Objective: To investigate the impact of carnosine complex and new sodium bicarbonate preparation administration onanaerobic capacity and metabolism.研究目的:探讨肌肽复合物和新剂型碳酸氢钠的补充对人体无氧运动能力和代谢的影响。


无氧运动能力人体无氧运动能力(anaerobic exercise capacity)是指人体肌肉在无氧供能代谢状态下的身体工作能力,通常以最大无氧代谢状态下的身体工作能力表示。测量与评定人体无氧工作能力对于客观地分析与评价人体运动能力、检查运动训练的效果以及探讨无氧工作能力的发展及其对训练的适应规律等理论和应用问题具有重要意义。
