900字范文 > 正规化建设 regularization construction英语短句 例句大全

正规化建设 regularization construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-17 00:08:05


正规化建设 regularization construction英语短句 例句大全

正规化建设,regularization construction

1)regularization construction正规化建设

1.Public security organs must take the point of view of scientific development in work, grasp three key points and solve three problems to promote comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development ofregularization construction and the "three basics" project construction.近年来,一些地方面对公安部先后部署的正规化建设和"三基"工程建设,存在着二者关系处理不好的突出问题,背离了部党委加强"两个建设"的初衷。

2.The four effects produced byregularization construction are organic connections with interaction, which fully reflects thatregularization construction plays a leading role in public security work.保定市公安局开展正规化建设所产生的“四个效应”有机联系,相互作用,充分体现了正规化建设在公安工作中的领航地位和主导功能。


1.Our country"s national defense has constantly been enhanced ; steady progress has been made in the drive to build a revolutionary, modern and regular army.我国的国防建设不断加强,军队革命化、现代化、正规化建设不断推进。

2.Digitized Administration of Police Work VS the Building of Regularized Police Troops;实行警务工作数字化管理 推进队伍正规化建设

3.Consideration on the Normal Construction of County Agricultural Mechanization Schools in Weifang;潍坊市县级农机化学校正规化建设的思考

4.Research on Construction of Education and Training in the People s Police School of Daqing;大庆市人民警察学校教育训练正规化建设研究

5.Strengthen Basic Work of Grass-roots Units of Public Security Organs Based on Standardization;依托正规化建设 加强基层公安机关基础工作

6.On the Position and Role of Regularization Construction from Four Effects;从四个效应看正规化建设的地位和作用

7.Enhancement of the Standardization of the Police Force Calls for the Improvement of the Promotion System;推进公安队伍正规化建设需要健全激励机制

8.Thinking on the regularized building of public security;关于公安队伍正规化建设的若干问题思考

9.Reinforce the Normalization Building for Police Education and Training and Improve Police Capacity;加强民警教育训练正规化建设 提高民警素质

10.‘Three- E’Principle--A New Visual Angle on the Standard Construction of Police;“三E”原则——公安队伍正规化建设的新视角

11.Some Problems to Be Solved in the Strandardization of Campus Papers Publicatoin;校报正规化建设中亟需解决的几个问题

12.On Regularization of the People"s Army in the 30 Years of Reform and Opening-up改革开放30年人民军队正规化建设述评

13.Strengthening Regularization Construction and Promoting Comprehensive, Balanced and Sustainable Development of the "Three Basics" Project Construction;加强正规化建设 推动“三基”工程建设全面、协调、持续发展

14."Efforts have been redoubled to make the People"s Liberation Army more revolutionary, modernized and regularized."人民解放军的革命化现代化正规化建设继续加强.

15."We should pay attention to strengthening itself through science and technology and Building itself into a more revolutionary, modernized and regularized army."注重科技强军,全面推进革命化现代化正规化建设。

16.The Establishment and Action of Three Systems in the Regularization of Railway Police Organs;论铁路公安机关正规化建设中三大体系的建立与运作

17.We can definitely say that Bocheng was one of those who laid the groundwork for a modern, regular army.完全可以说,伯承是我军现代化、正规化建设的奠基人之一。

18.The Implementation of Detailed Management:the Only Way of Promoting the Standardization Construction of Police;实施精细化管理是推进公安正规化建设的必由之路



1.Improving the promotion system is very important to thestandardization of the police force.健全激励机制对公安队伍正规化建设具有重要作用。

2.Strengthens the policestandardization constructionvigorously, it makes a revolutionized, the standardized police troop s essence requests, is maintains the police organ nature, the true colors and the attitude, fulfills and undertakes political and the social responsibility important guarantee practically.大力加强公安队伍正规化建设,是打造一支革命化、正规化的公安队伍的本质要求,是保持公安机关性质、本色和作风,切实履行和承担政治和社会责任的重要保证。

3)construction of regular public security troops公安队伍正规化建设

4)Standardization construction规范化建设

1.Discussion on standardization construction of supervision and management for soil and water conservation;水土保持监督管理规范化建设的探讨

2.The contents, measures and actual effect of the standardization construction on the opening teaching of physics experiment in University of Petroleum were introduced in this paper.介绍了石油大学开放式物理实验教学规范化建设的内容及取得的效果。

3.Strengthening the standardization construction of curriculum design of police training,establishing a curriculum mechanism of"distinctive level,teaching by needs,open and flexible,close to actual combat"and making the training contents scientific and rational to upgrade training quality have become an important topic for departments of police training.应当加强民警培训课程设置的规范化建设,建立"层次鲜明、因需设教、开放灵活、贴近实战"课程设置体制,实现民警培训内容的科学化、合理化。

5)Standardized construction规范化建设

1.<Abstrcat> It is very necessary in standardized construction to implement the photography on crime, it is a prerequisite of guaranteeing the evidence value of the criminal on-the-spot photo; It is the assurance of investigating and giving a clue, analyzing synthetically to the details of the case.实行刑事照相规范化建设很有必要,它是保证刑事现场照片证据价值的前提;是为侦查提供线索、对案情进行综合分析的保证。


1.Practices and Thinking of Standardization of Colleges and Universities Industry高校产业规范化建设的实践与思考

2.Thestandardization of teaching management is the problem should be always concerned during the process of the development of vocational colleges, which is concerning the realization of the cultivation objectives for talents in these colleges.教学管理的规范化建设是高职院校发展进程中必须时刻关注的一个问题,它事关高职院校人才培养目标的实现。

3.Achievements have been made in the construction of criminal law enforcementstandardization in recent years,but public security organs at all levels still have a vague idea and inadequate practices.刑事执法规范化建设多年来虽已取得一定成效,但各级、各地公安机关仍存在认识模糊、实践不足的问题。


《建设强大的现代化正规化的革命军队》《建设强大的现代化正规化的革命军队》Build a Powerful Modernized and Regularized Revolutionary ArmyihllQ:命军,d‘一)才‘l’}二刁、卜鲜内‘乍1在华 全文《邓小 走规许的特}仁战的水、卜.推动旱的和易。,},于卜石,匕’建处的现J ianshe Qiangda de XiandaZhengguihua de Geming!undui《建设强大的现代化正规化的革队))(B“11‘l‘才p‘,、,,。,介,IM‘,‘le‘:,i:‘ReguI’Iri:ed Re、1‘,11才rior了u尽A月7了介)关J:新时期‘引从建设日标和任务问是事著作。是邓小平J几1981年gJ」191北某地检阅军事演习部队时的讲话,约800字,收人1994年川J」{I}版的、卜文选》第2卷。讲话称赞演习检验厂部队现代化、化建设的成果,较好地体现】’现代战’点,摸索J‘现代条件卜诸军兵种协},叮经验,提高厂部队的军政素质和实,l戊对全军的建设、战备和训练是个有力讲话指出,霸权}:义严币地威胁若世占平和:1,l司的安个,必须保于,’f高度的警才囚人民解放军是人民民i二专政的‘}剐虽启负肴保IJ.社会1己义子11}xJ,保I之“【,LI了设的光荣使命,必须建没成为一支强、响月~‘‘~代化、正规化的革命军队。全定要坚持四项基本原则,加治思想建设;改善武器装备,国防现代化;继承和发扬人队的光荣传统,加强军政训练一步增强部队的军政素质,现代条件下诸军兵种协同作.力;加强作风培养,严格组律,扎扎实实地做好反侵略.的准备。《建设强大的现代化正规革命军队》为新时期军队建明了方向和目标。(王长多 一一咋跳J与击勺︻L儿fr盯山日目吞杏尹Z﹂﹂J口仁七托︶旧J写盈匕卜廿凡口汽卜芯的指卜﹄飞兄)
