900字范文 > 配置格局 scheme英语短句 例句大全

配置格局 scheme英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-05 10:56:20


配置格局 scheme英语短句 例句大全




1.The Rational Reason of the Distribution Pattern of the Decision-making Right within the Sector of Educational Finance;公共教育财政支出决策权配置格局的理性思考

2.The Adjustment of Portrait Allocation of Revenue in China;论我国财政收入权纵向配置格局的调整

3.Study on the Reproductive Allocation Pattern of Nutrients in Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis(Bryopsida:Lembophyllaceae)尖叶拟船叶藓营养元素生殖配置格局(英文)

4.New Structure of Allocation of American Enterprises Control Rights and Inspiration from It;美国企业控制权配置新格局及其启示

5.Study on Landscape Arrangement and Rational Allocation of Land and Water Resources in Ningxia Oasis;宁夏绿洲景观格局与水土资源合理配置研究

6.Global allocation of resource and raw material pattern of China s sulphuric acid industry;资源的全球化配置与我国硫酸工业的原料格局

7.Structural Pattern of Mountain Land Types and Optimal Allocation of Land Use;山地土地结构格局与土地利用优化配置

8.The Study on Landscape Planning Based on the Health of Vegetation Community基于植物群落健康的景观格局配置研究

9.Green space landscape pattern and its optimization in eco-factory.生态型厂区绿地景观格局及其优化配置

10.Simulation of optimizing allocation in spatial patterns of ecological forests based on 3S technologies基于3S技术生态公益林空间格局优化配置技术模拟研究

11.Automatic Configuration P-Cycle with Partial Flooding Based DCPC in Optical Mesh Network格状网中基于DCPC协议的局部扩散式P圈自动配置

12.Arrangement of parts or elements.布局部件或元素的配置

13.Window SettingsConfigure your window layout窗口设置配置窗口的布局方式

14.System memory management (configuration layout and availability of memory).系统内存管理 (配置布局和内存可用性)。

15.The educator located the local locationallocated to him.教育家定出了分配给他的局部的位置.

16.The Key to Expand Consumer Needs Adjusting Distribution Pattern;扩大消费需求的关键:调整分配格局

17.Analysis of the Matching Patterns of Land and Water Resources in Northeast China;中国东北地区农业水土资源匹配格局

18.Demonstration Research on Private Enterprises′ Assignment Pattern;民(私)营企业的收入分配格局实证研究


the patterns of reproductive allocation生殖配置格局

1.Systematically deals withthe patterns of reproductive allocation on the biomass and the affecting factors in the tree populations of Gordonia acuminata in the different kinds of successional series of subtropical evergreen broadleaves forest Jinyun Mountain,Chongqing,China.在缙云山亚热带常绿阔叶林不同演替系列中,对四川大头茶乔木种群的生物量生殖配置格局及其影响因子进行了系统研究。

3)landscape pattern planning景观格局配置

4)allocation pattern分配格局

1.Theallocation pattern of biomass and the diversity of understory of three Acacia plantation,7-year-old,were studied in Pinghe,Fujian Province.对位于漳州平和7年生的3种相思人工林生物量的分配格局和林下植被多样性进行研究,结果表明:马占相思林下植被Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最高(3。

5)distribution pattern分配格局

1.Effects of farmland afforestation on ecosystem carbon stock and itsdistribution pattern in semi-arid region of Northwest China;半干旱沙区退耕还林对碳储量和分配格局的影响

2.Thedistribution pattern of concentration of minor nutrient element in plants and the upper soil(0-20 cm) layer in a Dinghushan lower subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest was presented in this paper.报道了鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林各层次植物和表层土壤(0~20 cm)四个微量元素(Cu、Fe、Mn和 Zn)的含量和分配格局。

6)global config全局配置


