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皮壳 crust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-19 10:47:28


皮壳 crust英语短句 例句大全



1.Main colour of thecrust of jadeite jade includes yellow,white,black,red and so on,which is the secondary colour,whereas other colour called the primary colour often distributes irregularly.翡翠皮壳的主色有黄色、白色、黑色和红色等,为翡翠的次生色。

2.By the surface features ofcrust,distribution of color and characteristics of fissure skeins, the paper discusses the gambling of raw jadeite and its influence to the valuatiion of raw jadeite.本文通过翡翠原石 (赌石 )皮壳的外表特征、颜色分布迹象、裂绺特点,探讨翡翠原石的可赌性及其对翡翠原石评价的影响。

3.After a great deal of observation on jadeite jade rough in Pingzhou and Huadu,Guangdong Province,the jadeite jade samples with yellow,white and grayish blackcrusts are chosen as the major objects for study.在对广东南海平洲、广州花都国际翡翠展销会等翡翠原料集散地大量现场考察的基础上,选取了具有黄色色调、白色和灰黑色皮壳的翡翠原石样品,经肉眼和偏光显微镜观察、X射线粉末衍射和电子探针测试,研究了不同颜色系列翡翠原石皮壳的矿物组成和化学成分特征。


1.Avoid cooking food with a hard shell( e. g. eggs) or thick skin( e. g. potatoes) to prevent them from bursting during the cooking process.避免烹煮有壳或厚皮的食物如鸡蛋及马铃薯,以防中途皮壳爆裂。

2.Utilization of rapeseed hull and production of bio diesel fuel.菜籽皮壳的利用以及生物柴油的生产。

3.To shed or cast off(a covering.脱壳脱或蜕去(壳或皮)

4.To become covered with a crust.有外壳,有硬皮变得覆有外壳,硬皮

5.To remove the bark, husk, or outer layer from;peel.剥皮剥去…的树皮,外壳或外层表皮

6.remove the husks from, as of ears of corn.把像玉米的壳或皮除掉。

7.testaceous echinoderms.有界壳的棘皮类动物。

8.being or having or resembling a hard crust or shell.属于、有或象硬皮或外壳。

9.To remove the hulls of(fruit or seeds).去掉果皮,去壳剥开(水果或种子的)外壳

10.An enveloping sheath or envelope.外皮或包膜一个包装壳或外壳

11.Hard eggs, squishy eggs, leathery eggs,硬壳卵、扁卵、皮革般外壳的卵、

12.Having, resembling, or being a crust.硬皮的,外壳的有、象或成为硬皮或外壳的

13.Having, resembling, or constituting a hard crust or shell.硬皮的,外壳的有、象或构成硬皮或外壳的

14.The shedding of an outer integument or layer of skin, as by insects, crustaceans, and snakes;molting.蜕毛脱去一层外壳或皮层,如昆虫、甲壳纲动物和蛇的蜕皮

15.that under that tough leather shell is just a gooey caramel center.在硬皮革的外壳下 还是有颗火热的心

16.a worker who peels the skins from fruits and vegetables.剥掉水果和蔬菜的外壳或皮的工人。

17.A fold or ridge, as of skin, membrane, or shell.皱襞如皮肤、膜或壳的褶或隆起物

18.Cloth binding (Cloth-bound): A case-boud book having a cloth cover.布面装:用布做书皮的硬壳书本。





5)crust characteristics皮壳特征

6)true and imitative crust真假皮壳


皮壳1.包裹在外面的坚硬外皮。 2.喻指表面的东西。
