900字范文 > 字形 grapheme英语短句 例句大全

字形 grapheme英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-30 10:03:39


字形 grapheme英语短句 例句大全



1.Through a correcting task,this paper investigates the characteristics of the role of sound andgrapheme of the Chinese characters for foreign students with different mother languages in text reading.采用校对任务探讨了母语为拼音文字和表意文字的外国留学生在汉语阅读中字音、字形作用的特点。

2.Based on an analysis of its usage in New Sayings of the Word, the present article discusses the development of the Chinese character "zhu":its meaning enriched with more features; itsgrapheme changed.“箸 (著 )”是魏晋时期发展较快的一个词 ,本文从它在《世说新语》中的使用情况来说明它在这一时期的基本情况 :〈1〉词义有所丰富 ,用法极具特色 ;〈2〉字形也在发生改

3.According to Chinese myths, thegrapheme, meaning and cultural information of related Chinese characters in Shuowen Jiezi could be analyzed scientifically.以中国上古神话中的图腾神话为纲,能对《说文解字》中相关汉字的字形、语义及背后所隐含的文化信息作科学分析。


1.In a zigzag manner or pattern.之字形之字形风格的或之字形形状的

2.Arranged in or forming a cross; cruciform.十字形的以十字形排列的或形成十字形的;十字形的

3.To cause to move in or form a zigzag.使之字形移动,形成之字形

parison on phonetic component of semantic-phonetic compound characters between old Chinese writing and Egyptian hieroglyphic;古汉字形声字与圣书字形声字的声旁对比

5.To Compare the Later Emerged Pictophonetic Characters with the Ancient Writing in Bronze;后起形声字与金文用字字形字义之比较

6.skating figures of eight on the ice在冰上滑‘8’字形.

7.The font colors used for the text, highlighted text and cursor have also been changed.用于文字字形颜色、字、标也凸显改变.

8.The Historical Evolution and Analysis of the Sound and Form of Using Common Chinese Characters in Japanese;日语常用汉字的字音、字形溯源分析

9.An Analysis Of The Form and Connotation Of The Chinese Character jia (家) And The Chinese " Home" Culture;古文字“家”字形、义及“家”字文化

10.The variants of Chinese Characters Influence in Sound Symbols of Pictophonetic Characters;汉字形体变化影响形声字“声符”表意

11.The Stduy of Formal Description of Chinese Character Glyph and Application汉字字形形式化描述方法及应用研究

12.Stroke-Segment-Mesh Depiction of Chinese Character Glyph and Algorithm for Glyph Comparing汉字的笔段网格字形描述及字形比对算法

13.One of the triangular characters of cuneiform writing.楔形字楔形方字的三角形字之一

14.alphanumeric graphic display字母数字图形显示器

15.graphic alphanumeric generator图形字母数字发生器

16.the use of ideograms in writing.使用象形文字的字体。

17.The Origin of Writings and the Similarities and Differences Between Hieroglyphs,Cuneiform,Chinese Characters and Alphabet;文字起源及象形文字、楔形文字、中国文字和字母文字之异同

18.The hieroglyphic code...据象形文字记载...


character form字形

1.From the evolvement of its Chinesecharacter form,we can see the specifically culture meaning.从其字形的演变,可以透视出特定的文化内涵。

2.This paper summarizes the status quo of the writing forms of Chinese characters, expatiates on the main problems facing the perfection of the criteria of Chinesecharacter forms, puts forward the four basic principles in the establishment of generalcharacter form criteria in handwriting forms: generalization, easy identification, smoothness and being pleasing to the eyes.概述了汉字书写形式的现状,阐述了完善汉字字形规范面临的主要问题,提出了确立汉字手写体通用字形规范的四条基本原则通用性原则、易识性原则、流利性原则、美观性原则。

3.From the emergence of Chinese character to the period of Xiaozhuan, many ofcharacter forms have changed.汉字自产生之日起,至《说文解字》立为正体的小篆止,多数字的字形发生了或大或小的变化。


1.Inconsistency in Chinesefonts in Windows XP are also pointed out for further ex.1字符集汉字字序(笔画序)规范》的19处笔顺错误,并根据同一汉字字形的变动分类分析讨论,提出更正方法。

2.Researching on the course of processing of Chinese characters is vital to the researching of processing offont.影响字形识别的因素有很多,包括笔划、部件、字频、字形结构、整体与部分的关系、语音等。


1.The Form and thee Sense of Chinese Characters"Fang" (方)and "Pang" (旁);释方(旁)的字形和本义


1.Thegraphically related characters was used as priming item to test if there was fast priming during Chinese reading and the time course ofgraphic activation during Chinese character recognition was discussed.以字形相似的汉字为启动字,探讨字形信息激活在汉字识别中的时间进程。

2.The result suggested that phonology play a role in thegraphic processing of low-frequency Chinese c.两个实验考察汉字识别中语音对字形加工产生的影响。

3.Using different tasks, the time course ofgraphic, phonological, semantic in formation activation during Chinese low frequency characters recognition was inv estigated in two priming-category judgement experiments based individually on th e semantic (Experiment 1) and phonological information (Experiment 2).两个实验分别采用基于语义的和基于语音的启动范畴判断作业 ,在不同的SOA条件下 ,考察低频汉字形、音、义信息激活的相对时间进程。

6)character pattern字形

1.In the history of Shuowen research , Shuowenxizhuan is an enduring work : first to analyze and explain the interpretation of characters in Shuowen , and elucidate Xu shen s theory oncharacter pattern and denotation .《说文解字系传》是说文学史上第一部全面分析说解《说文》释语,阐发许慎汉字形义理论的不朽著作。


