900字范文 > 生态与经济 ecology and economy英语短句 例句大全

生态与经济 ecology and economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-08 17:45:32


生态与经济 ecology and economy英语短句 例句大全

生态与经济,ecology and economy

1)ecology and economy生态与经济

1.The interactive development model ofecology and economy in Ke"erqin deserts科尔沁沙地生态与经济互动发展模式

2)economy and zoology经济与生态

1.Postmodernism is an outcome in the process of industrialization and modernization of the Western World, which has an important meaning for modernization construct and getting a balance betweeneconomy and zoology, avoid environment risking in subsequent market economy countries.后现代主义是西方工业化、现代化进程的产物,它的重要意义之一在于对后起市场化国家的现代化建设具有处理好经济与生态关系、规避生态环境风险的积极借鉴意义。


1.Relation between Circular Economy and Ecological Economy;关于循环经济与生态经济关系的探讨

2.Discussion of cleaning production, circulative Economy and Ecological Environment;浅谈清洁生产、循环经济与生态环境

3.Research on the Coupling of Economy and Eco-environment in the Economic Belt of Tianshan North Slope;天山北坡经济带经济与生态环境耦合关系研究

4.Cyclic economy and eco-city construction: thought and practice;循环经济与生态城市建设:理念与实践

5.Ecology and Economy:A History of Eco-economic Thought;生态学与经济学:生态经济思想探源

6.The Paradigm of Ecological Economics;生态经济学的范式——生态、经济与德性之思

7.Theory and Development Trend of Ecological Economy;生态经济理论与生态经济发展走势探讨

8.Ecological Effect of Information Economy on Western Ecological Restoration;信息经济的生态效应与西部生态建设

9.Forest Eco-economic Productivity and the Development of Forestry Produce;森林生态经济生产力与林业生产发展

10.A Discussion on the Difference and the connection between Ecological Economics and Environmental Economics;论生态经济学与环境经济学的区别与联系

11.The Study of Models of Structure and Management of Ecological Economic Forestry;生态经济型林业结构组合与经营研究

12.Changing the Economic Growing Mode and Develping Urban and Rural Ecological Economy;转变经济增长方式与发展城乡生态经济

13.Ecological Economy and Sustainable Development in the Underdeveloped Areas in Zhejiang;生态经济与浙江欠发达地区的经济发展

paring Environmental Economics with Ecological Economics by Their Knowledge Systems;环境经济学与生态经济学学科体系比较

15.Ecological Economics Challenges and Inherits Traditional Economics and Its Definition生态经济学对传统经济学的挑战、继承与定位

16.Economic System Foundation for Eco-Economy and a Harmonious Socialist Society经济生态与社会主义和谐社会的经济制度基础

17.The Clash of Blance between Ecology and Economy -About the Problems of Xinjiang s Eco-economy;生态平衡与经济发展的冲突——有关新疆生态经济问题的探讨

18.A Case Study of Pinggu:Harmony Development of Economy and Environment;生态环境与经济协调发展的实证研究——基于平谷区生态经济的调查


economy and zoology经济与生态

1.Postmodernism is an outcome in the process of industrialization and modernization of the Western World, which has an important meaning for modernization construct and getting a balance betweeneconomy and zoology, avoid environment risking in subsequent market economy countries.后现代主义是西方工业化、现代化进程的产物,它的重要意义之一在于对后起市场化国家的现代化建设具有处理好经济与生态关系、规避生态环境风险的积极借鉴意义。

3)environmental and ecological economics环境与生态经济

4)Harmony between economy and ecology经济与生态协调

5)economic and ecologic effets经济与生态效益

6)ecological environment and economy生态环境与经济


