900字范文 > 硬挺剂 stiffener英语短句 例句大全

硬挺剂 stiffener英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-18 20:27:53


硬挺剂 stiffener英语短句 例句大全



1.Synthesis of environmental friendlystiffener and its application in textiles环保型硬挺剂的合成及在纺织品上的应用


1.Synthesis of environmental friendly stiffener and its application in textiles环保型硬挺剂的合成及在纺织品上的应用

2.Synthesis and application of core-shell cationic polyacrylate stiffening agent核壳型阳离子聚丙烯酸酯硬挺剂的合成及应用

3.bending stiffness抗挠劲度,抗弯硬挺度

4.The old man is still hale and hearty.老人的身体还挺硬朗。

5.The fishing vest was stiff with newness;簇新的钓鱼装坚硬挺括。

6.Just then the old man strode stiffly into the courtyard.正在这时候,老头子硬挺挺地走到院子里。

7.There the dead man lay, stark and stiff.那个死人躺在那里,僵硬直挺。

8.The carrot went in strong and hard.胡萝卜放入水里时又硬又挺不易折,

9.the entoilage for the jacket front is firm and crisp, but not stiff.胸衬要挺括而有弹性,不能僵硬。

10.testing method for stiffness of vulcanized rubber at low temperture硫化橡胶的低温硬挺度试验方法

11.determination of flexural stiffness of fabrics:flexometer method织物弯曲硬挺度的测定法: 挠度计法

12.These trees are noted for their straightness and hardness.这些树的特点是树干挺直,木质坚硬。

13.He is over seventy but still going strong.他七十多了, 身子骨还挺硬朗。

14.And even stiff cabbages were limp by noon.正午时,连挺硬的卷心菜都蔫了。

15.He looked at Fowler, who was standing stiffly a few feet from him.他望着弗勒,弗勒硬挺挺地站在一边,离他有几尺远。

16.Textile glass-Rovings-Determination of stiffnessGB/T7690.4-1989纺织玻璃纤维无捻粗纱硬挺度的测定

17.Rage and hate flowed into her and stiffened her spine.忿怒和憎恨交并而来,立刻挺硬了她的脊骨。

18.European cress having stiff erect stems; sometimes placed in genus Turritis.欧洲的一种十字花科植物,具有挺、硬的直立茎。


stiffening agent硬挺整理剂

3)collar stiffener衣领硬挺剂

4)lining cloth hard fin-ishing agent衬布硬挺整理剂


6)stiffening finish硬挺整理

1.The discussion ofstiffening finish on polyester oxford;涤纶牛津布硬挺整理工艺探讨

2.The stiffening agent TF-630 of methylol amino resin was applied tostiffening finish for polyester oxford.分析了羟甲基化氨基树脂类硬挺剂TF-630在涤纶牛津布上进行硬挺整理的各工艺因素(树脂用量、催化剂TF-630C用量、焙烘温度和时间等)对整理效果的影响。


硬挺剂分子式:CAS号:性质:旨在改进织物外观、增加织物弹性与丰满感,并赋予硬挺性所用的物质。该类物质应不泛黄并能耐热水洗涤。常用的有聚丙烯酸酯、聚乙烯乙酸酯与它们的共聚物(Perapret F50,K,VA,VW;Stiffening Agent 855)等。
