900字范文 > 现代化理论 modernization theory英语短句 例句大全

现代化理论 modernization theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-25 17:07:47


现代化理论 modernization theory英语短句 例句大全

现代化理论,modernization theory

1)modernization theory现代化理论

1.A Comparative Analysis of the Modernization Theory and the Dependency Theory;关于现代化理论和依附理论的比较分析

2.A Probe into the Modernization Theory of the Chinese Communist Party;中国共产党现代化理论探析

3.The Communist Party of China unifies the Marxistmodernization theory and China s concrete national condition,complies with the China s emodernization advancement and the world modernization advancement,has formed China s modernization integrity,and the systematic theory system.中国共产党把马克思主义现代化理论与中国的具体国情相结合,顺应中国现代化进程的发展和世界现代化浪潮的推进,形成了关于中国现代化的完整、系统的理论体系。


1.Modernization Theories and Theoretical Modernization--The Reasonable Consideration to the History Evolvements of Modernization Theories;现代化理论与理论的现代化——对现代化理论历史演进的理性思考

2.The Comparative Study of Deng Xiaoping s Theory of Modernization and Western Theories of Modernization;邓小平现代化理论与西方现代化理论比较研究

3.The Theories of Modernization and Overall Development of Human Being;人的现代化理论与人的全面发展理论

4.High-modernization Theory:A Recent Exploration in Studies of Modernization;高度现代化理论:现代化研究的新近探索

5.To Explore the Communist Party of China to Modernized Theory and Modernized Strategy;中共对中国现代化理论和现代化战略的探索

6.The banner of modernization theory w ith chinese characteristics:Deng Xiaoping modern thought;中国式现代化理论的旗帜:邓小平现代化思想

7.Theories of the second modernization & strategies forthe development of Henan Province;第二次现代化理论与河南现代化的发展战略

8.On the Innovative Character of Deng Xiaoping Theory on Modernization;试论邓小平现代化理论的创新性特征

9.Deng Xiaoping s Theory on Agricultural Modernization and the Development;论邓小平的农业现代化理论及其发展

10.Simple Discourse about the Form and Development of Chinese Modern Theory;略论中国式现代化理论的形成和发展

11.On The Theories of the Modernization of Chinese New Poetry and the New Criticism;论新批评理论与袁可嘉新诗现代化理论

12.A Comparative Analysis of the Modernization Theory and the Dependency Theory;关于现代化理论和依附理论的比较分析

13.The New Theory of Human Society: The Second Modernization;人类社会发展新理论:第二次现代化理论

14.The Theory of the Modern Olympic Games Cultural Construction and Chinanazition;现代奥运文化构建理论及中国化论略


16.Chinese Adaptation of Western Modern & Contemporary Literary Theories;试论西方现当代文学理论的“中国化”

17.Theoretical Reflections on Urbanization and Modernization:The Process of European Urbanization and Modernization;城市化与现代化的理论思考——论欧洲城市化与现代化的进程

18.On Cooperative Thoughts of Zhang Junmai s Modern Construction;张君劢现代化构建的合作化理念论纲


theory of modernization现代化理论

1.Karl Marx had his specialtheory of modernization.马克思有其独特的现代化理论,马克思主义中国化当然包括其现代化理论的中国化。

2.When we take the study of happiness we should consider of the poor condition in our country,pay attention to all-round and long-term development of human beings,treat the index of happiness scientifically,and build thetheory of modernization which is suitable for China.研究幸福问题要考虑中国的贫困现状、注重人的全面进步和长期发展、科学对待"幸福指数"研究,还应学习幸福理论的发展模式,构建适合中国国情的现代化理论。

3)the theory of modernization现代化理论

1.The theory of modernization answered the country from the traditional to a modern changing characteristics and the path,and with many of the social development theory that the development battle.西方对于现代化的研究已经有200多年的历史,20世纪60年代出现了以"现代化理论"正式命名的理论。

2.Word history can be understood from a newangle with the help ofthe theory of modernization and comparative method of history; classroom teaching method will be selected according to the characteristies and the knowledge structure of world history.运用现代化理论和比较史学方法可以从新的角度认识世界历史;二是应根据历史知识的结构和特点选择课堂教学的方法,因“材”施教,不拘一格,同时强调了实践教学的重要性。

4)the modernization theory现代化理论

1.Arisen in 1950s,exploring the relationship between social psychology and social change fa- cilitate formation of social psychological theories inthe modernization theory.现代化理论产于20世纪50年代,对社会心理与社会变迁之间关系的探索,形成了现代化理论中的社会心理学说。

5)theory modernization理论现代化

6)classical modernization theory经典现代化理论

1.The first was the modernization research in the 1950s-1960s appeared in the America, and theclassical modernization theory was the main achievement.第一阶段是20世纪50—60年代的现代化研究,其主要成果是经典现代化理论。

2.Since 1950s,classical modernization theory as the generalization of the process of Europe society modernization has been affected by Social Darwinism obviously.20世纪50年代以来,经典现代化理论作为欧洲社会现代化进程的概括,明显受着社会进化论的影响,而且,社会进化论的两大缺陷从一开始就注定经典现代化理论诠释力的虚弱及其诠释空间的狭小。

3.In the late 20th century,a large number of issues that appeared in development of Western developed countries severely challenge theclassical modernization theory.进入20世纪下半叶,西方发达国家在发展进程中出现的许多问题使经典现代化理论受到重大挑战。


《建设强大的现代化正规化的革命军队》《建设强大的现代化正规化的革命军队》Build a Powerful Modernized and Regularized Revolutionary ArmyihllQ:命军,d‘一)才‘l’}二刁、卜鲜内‘乍1在华 全文《邓小 走规许的特}仁战的水、卜.推动旱的和易。,},于卜石,匕’建处的现J ianshe Qiangda de XiandaZhengguihua de Geming!undui《建设强大的现代化正规化的革队))(B“11‘l‘才p‘,、,,。,介,IM‘,‘le‘:,i:‘ReguI’Iri:ed Re、1‘,11才rior了u尽A月7了介)关J:新时期‘引从建设日标和任务问是事著作。是邓小平J几1981年gJ」191北某地检阅军事演习部队时的讲话,约800字,收人1994年川J」{I}版的、卜文选》第2卷。讲话称赞演习检验厂部队现代化、化建设的成果,较好地体现】’现代战’点,摸索J‘现代条件卜诸军兵种协},叮经验,提高厂部队的军政素质和实,l戊对全军的建设、战备和训练是个有力讲话指出,霸权}:义严币地威胁若世占平和:1,l司的安个,必须保于,’f高度的警才囚人民解放军是人民民i二专政的‘}剐虽启负肴保IJ.社会1己义子11}xJ,保I之“【,LI了设的光荣使命,必须建没成为一支强、响月~‘‘~代化、正规化的革命军队。全定要坚持四项基本原则,加治思想建设;改善武器装备,国防现代化;继承和发扬人队的光荣传统,加强军政训练一步增强部队的军政素质,现代条件下诸军兵种协同作.力;加强作风培养,严格组律,扎扎实实地做好反侵略.的准备。《建设强大的现代化正规革命军队》为新时期军队建明了方向和目标。(王长多 一一咋跳J与击勺︻L儿fr盯山日目吞杏尹Z﹂﹂J口仁七托︶旧J写盈匕卜廿凡口汽卜芯的指卜﹄飞兄)
