900字范文 > 社会主义新农村建设 New socialist countryside construction英语短句 例句大全

社会主义新农村建设 New socialist countryside construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-27 03:18:38


社会主义新农村建设 New socialist countryside construction英语短句 例句大全

社会主义新农村建设,New socialist countryside construction

1)New socialist countryside construction社会主义新农村建设

1.Study on the Paths for the New Socialist Countryside Construction;社会主义新农村建设路径选择研究

2.New socialist countryside construction is an integrated meaning involving four interrelated aspects:economics,politics,culture and social construction.社会主义新农村建设是一个经济、政治、文化和社会建设四位一体的综合概念,其强调的是城市和乡村的整体利益。

3.However, with the ceaseless advance of New Socialist Countryside Construction, delay problems of our county highway planning and construct are increasingly emergence, it become one of the most important problems to restrict the development of county areas.然而随着我国社会主义新农村建设的不断深入,我国县乡公路规划建设滞后问题日益突出,成为制约县乡区域发展的重要问题之一,因此结合社会主义新农村建设,加强对县乡公路网规划建设的研究具有十分重要的现实意义。


1.Rural informatization pushes forward the construction of the socialist new countryside;农村信息化推进社会主义新农村建设

2.Rural Ecological Environment and Construction of New Socialist Countryside;农村生态环境与社会主义新农村建设

3.The Development of Rural NGO and the Construction of Socialist New Village;农村NGO的发展与社会主义新农村建设

4.The Research on the Reconstruction of Peasant Association under the Construction of Socialism New Rural Area;社会主义新农村建设中农会重建研究

5.Peasant-Centered Theory in the Construction of the New Socialist Countryside;社会主义新农村建设中的农民主体论

6.On the Main Body of New Socialist Rural Areas Construction--Peasantry;社会主义新农村建设应以农民为主体

7.Facility Agriculture Development and New Socialist Rural Construction;设施农业发展与社会主义新农村建设

8.Strengthening Humanities Construction in Building the New Socialist Countryside;加强社会主义新农村建设的人文建设

9.Countryside Tourism Development and Socialist New Countryside Construction in Western Areas;西部乡村旅游与社会主义新农村建设

10.On Ecological and Civilized Villages and Building Socialist New Countryside;论生态文明村与社会主义新农村建设

11.Rural social security system and the construction of new socialist countryside;农村社会保障体系与社会主义新农村建设

12.The Construction of New Socialist Countrysides and the Implementation of Social Policies;社会主义新农村建设与农村社会政策的实施

13.Think construction of new rural area of socialism from the perspective of "non-agriculture";从“非农”视角看社会主义新农村建设

14.The Problem of Immigrant Workers in the Socialist New Rural Construction;社会主义新农村建设中的农民工问题

15.A Brief Analysis of Modern Agriculture and Construction of New Socialist Countryside;浅析现代农业与社会主义新农村建设

16.Discussion on the Meaning,Difficulty and Possibility of the Farmer Population Leisure in the Construction of New Socialist Countryside;论社会主义新农村建设中的农民休闲

17.building a new socialist countryside建设社会主义新农村

18.New Peasants: the Base of the New Socialistic Countryside;新农民:建设社会主义新农村的主体


construction of New Socialist Countryside社会主义新农村建设

1.This paper expounds the connotation of new socialist countryside, analyzes the functions of sci-tech information research in the construction of new socialist countryside, and advances some measures for serving the construction of new socialist countryside.阐述了建设社会主义新农村的内涵,分析了科技情报研究工作在建设社会主义新农村中的作用,提出科技情报研究工作服务于社会主义新农村建设的措施。

2.Higher agricultural and forestry education has made great contributions in the service of "agriculture,countryside and farmer" and construction of new socialist countryside.高等农林院校近年来高举社会主义新农村建设的旗帜,为服务"三农"和新农村建设做出了重要的贡献。

3)socialist new countryside construction社会主义新农村建设

1.Study on the Political and Ideological Work of the Socialist New Countryside Construction;社会主义新农村建设中思想政治工作探究

2.What is the foundation of the economic theory that is supporting the fast advancing project ofsocialist new countryside construction.社会主义新农村建设正在迅猛向前推进,其经济理论基础是什么?本文通过分析认为:可持续发展理论指导了社会主义新农村建设的目标定位,平衡发展理论和帕累托最优理论指引和校正了社会主义新农村发建设的行动,它们共同形成了社会主义新农村建设的理论基础,支撑和引领社会主义新农村建设稳步向前发展。

4)socialism new rural reconstruction社会主义新农村建设

1.The report of the Party’s 17th conference points out that we should plan the development of city and countryside, advancesocialism new rural reconstruction and solve the agriculture、 the countryside and the farmer question.党的十七大报告指出,要"统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设。

2.In thesocialism new rural reconstruction,the rural women have met unprecedented opportunities of development.在社会主义新农村建设中,农村妇女遇到了前所未有的发展机遇,她们或外出打工,或返乡在农村独当一面,成为社会主义新农村建设的重要力量。

3.Because the farmer socialcapital has big function in thesocialism new rural reconstruction,and at the sametime we lack of it,so its cultivation is a very important job.由于对于社会主义新农村建设大有作用,而时下又非常匮乏,因此,农民社会资本的培育无疑是一项极其重要的工作。

5)socialism new rural construction社会主义新农村建设

1.Based on the view of information technology,this article first expatiates the significance of information technology for thesocialism new rural construction,then analyzes the negative factors which affect the application of information technology in rural and agricultural production.信息技术是21世纪核心技术之一,本文从信息技术的角度出发,阐述了信息技术在社会主义新农村建设中的重要作用,分析了不利于信息技术在农村和农业生产中应用的因素,提出推动农业信息技术发展和应用的具体措施。

2.But at present,there are some aspects of the village party organization do not go with thesocialism new rural construction.但是,目前一些村级党组织存在诸多与社会主义新农村建设不相适应的地方。

3.During the new period of overall Socialism new rural construction, the CPC s rural primary organizations are challenged by the social new development, the new fulfillment in the primary de.新时期农村基层党组织如何应对新挑战,研究新情况,解决新问题,关系着农村社会的改革、发展和稳定,关系着党在农村执政地位的巩固,关系着社会主义新农村建设的成败。

6)building new socialist countryside社会主义新农村建设


