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文本误读 Text Misreadings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-20 23:09:36


文本误读 Text Misreadings英语短句 例句大全

文本误读,Text Misreadings

1)Text Misreadings文本误读

1.Acculturation,Text Misreadings, and Translation Strategies;文化迁移、文本误读与翻译策略


1.Text Misreading and Acculturation as Embodied by the Translational Phenomenon of "Yuan" in Journey to the West;从《西游记》中“缘”的翻译现象看文本误读和文化迁移

2.Text Misreading and Acculturation-A Case Study of the Translational Phenomenon of "Dao" in Journey to the West;文本误读和文化迁移——以《西游记》中“道”的翻译现象为例

3.The Operas about The Dream of the Red Chamber in Qing Dynasty:Reception and Misunderstanding;清代红楼戏曲:文本意义的接受与误读

4.The "Misunderstanding"Phenomenon During the Course of Acceptance;浅析文本接受过程中的“误读”现象

5.Psychology and Periodic Features of Cultural Misreading in Text Translation;文本翻译中文化误读的心理及阶段征象

6.Reflections on Cultural Default in Light of the Mistranslations of Turbulence;文化“缺省”与“误读”——贾平凹小说《浮躁》英译本文化“误译”探微

7.Lastly, the analyzing of cultural misunderstanding is to surpass the textual culture.最后,分析文化误读的目的是为了实现文本文化的超越和升华。

8.An Analysis of Mistakes in S. Shapiros English Version of Outlaws of the Marsh;文学翻译的文化误读——对S.Shapiro的英译本《水浒》的分析(英文)

9.Rationalness Cold-shouldered and Literary Froms Mistaken-Pondering on the Teaching of Scientific Expositions;理性的冷落和文本的误读──对科技说明文教学现状的思考

10.Reading fileError Zero Length读取文件长度为零错误

11.Cultural Misunderstanding: Two Cases Studied;文化误读二题——“听”、“I”透析

12.Read the conversation and say the sentences are true or false. Read the conversation loudly.略读课文,判断句子正误,大声朗读课文。

13.An error occurred while trying to read remote access policies from the local configuration file从本地配置文件读取远程访问策略时,出现了一个错误

14.Textual Travel and Translational Deviation-On the Creative Misreading of Cold Mountain Poems by Gary Snyder;文本旅行与翻译变异?——论加里·斯奈德对寒山诗的创造性“误读”

15.Romance Novel,or Money Novel?--on the misreading of the novel text by Zhang Hen-shui言情小说,还是言钱小说?——论对张恨水小说文本的误读

16.The Comprehension and the Misprision : to Discover the Meaning in the Literary Readings;“理解”与“误读”:文学阅读中的意义发现

17.On Cultural Misreading and Mistranslating in Literary Translation:An Philosophical Hermeneutics Approach从哲学解释学透视文学翻译中文化误读与误译

18.An error occurred setting the file read pointer. File %1设置文件读指针时产生错误。文件 %1


cultural misreading文化误读

1.On Cultural Misreading and Translator s Subjectivity in the Tvanscation;翻译中的文化误读与译者主体性

2.Generally speaking,cultural misreading is very common in cultural communications.而从比较文学形象学的角度出发,揭示不同文化之间的先天性差异才是文化误读的根源。

3.In text translation,cultural misreading exists during the process of cultural exchange home and abroad,which is closely connected with consciousness or unconsciousness,meanwhile it always presents periodic features.文学文本翻译中文化误读现象在中外文化的传递和交流中普遍存在,与译者有意或无意的心理密切相关,同时这一文化现象总呈现出阶段性的征象。

3)cultural misunderstanding文化误读

1.It is necessary for the students to learn about the culture of the country if they want to have a good command of its language,so that they can avoidcultural misunderstanding.语言是文化的一部分,要真正掌握一门语言,就必须了解其国家的文化,从而避免产生"文化误读"。

2.This paper is to examine and explaincultural misunderstandings in the following aspects: word meaning association and cultural images,semantic meanings and word connotations,with a view to revealing the sources ofcultural misunderstandings,and provides some favorable suggestions for English l.文章从汉英文化的词义联想、文化意象、词汇的语义、文化蕴含等角度去阐释“文化误读”,揭示“误读”的根源,为英语教学者和学习者提供一些可行性建议,从而促进英语教学和学习的正迁移。

3.According to that,the study and use of Chinese and English idiom should first permeate through the surface layer to get the intercultural understanding,and secondly should convert flexibly,to eliminate thecultural misunderstanding of individuals,thirdly should change the concept to eliminate thecultural misunderstanding of colony,conse.鉴于此,对英汉习语的学习应用,一要透过表层,进行跨文化理解;二要灵活转换,消除个体的文化误读;三要转变观念,消除群体的文化误读,从而提高跨文化交际效果。

4)Literature misreadiry文学误读

5)negative interpreting culture误读文化

6)culture misreading文化误读

1.Although writers pay great attention to culture introducing,culture misreading still more or less exists in passages of Chinese textbooks.华文教材是中国文化得以传播和传承的最直接也是最便捷的重要工具之一,编者们在编写过程中尤其注重中国文化方面的导入,而当前的华文教材所选用的文化篇目中或多或少的存在文化误读的问题。


文本细读法文本细读:英美新批评的术语。燕卜荪出版于1930年的《含混的七种类型》一书,被认为是典型的“文本细读”之作。其基本内容就是“对诗歌进行分析性的细读”。所以布鲁克斯说:燕卜荪式批评的要义,就在于“批评要在诗作为诗的结构中处理诗的意蕴”;而以往的批评则倾向于“用散文的方式寻找诗的‘善’和‘真’,使诗成为哲学或者科学”。在布鲁可斯看来,燕卜荪的批评是要告诉人们:诗歌的隐喻承担着“功能性”、而不是“修饰性”的作用(functional not decorative role),诗歌的韵律和词句“也都成为诗歌展示意义的积极力量”。
