900字范文 > 体制机制 System and mechanism英语短句 例句大全

体制机制 System and mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-28 13:51:06


体制机制 System and mechanism英语短句 例句大全

体制机制,System and mechanism

1)System and mechanism体制机制

1.This paper establishes the comprehensive evaluation index system of regional system and mechanism,and studies the influence of system and mechanism on economic development of every province in China through Principal Component Analysis.从深层次上看,欠发达地区发展滞后的原因主要在于体制机制的束缚。

2.In accordance with the requirements of democratic governance,to establish and perfect the system and mechanism of village governance in the new rural construction is an important element and necessary guarantee for the construction of new socialist countryside,and also an urgent need to build a harmonious socialist society.按照管理民主的要求,建立和完善新农村建设中的乡村治理体制机制,是建设社会主义新农村的重要内容和必要保障,是构建社会主义和谐社会的迫切需要。

3.For the need of fitting in the agreement of Uruguay multilateral trading negotiation and entering into WTO, overseas national oil and petrochemical companies proceed a series of reform of the system and mechanism in the early of the nineties.为适应乌拉圭多边贸易谈判的约定和转入WTO的需要,90年代初期以来国外国家石油石化公司进行了一系列的体制机制改革。

2)system mechanism体制机制

1.Promoting thesystem mechanism reform of medical service;推进医疗服务体制机制的改革

3)Institutional Mechanisms体制机制

1.The questionnaire includes institutional mechanisms,methods and means,planning and decision-making,supervision and management,refuse standards,refuse classification,quantity of refuse control and other important content of domestic waste management.调查问卷涵盖了生活垃圾管理的体制机制、手段方法和规划决策、监督管理、垃圾标准、垃圾分类、垃圾量控制等重要内容。

4)system and mechanism体制与机制


1.Innovating the system and mechanism to promote reform and development of irrigation district;创新体制与机制 促进灌区改革与发展

2.Research on the System of Agricultural Machine Manufacturing and Mechanism Innovation in Northeast Area of China;东北地区农机制造业体制与机制创新研究

3.Study on System and Mechanism of Sand-desert Control Pattern in DuoLun County;“多伦治沙范式”的体制与机制研究

4.The Balancing Mechanism Between Political Reform and Power;试谈政治体制改革与权力的制衡机制

5.Research on the management system and operational mechanism of sport agent;体育经纪人管理体制与运作机制研究

6.On the Innovation System: the Fusion of Mechanism and System, Efficiency and Benefit;创新体系:体制、机制与效率、效益的融合

7.Research on PetroChina Branch System and Running Mechanism;中国石油分公司体制与运行机制研究

8.System and mechanism studies on urban construction and urban administration;城市建设与城市管理体制及机制研究

9.Management system and function mechanism of expressway company;高速公路企业的管理体制与运行机制

10.Urban management system reform and innovation exploration;经营城市体制及机制改革与创新探索

11.A study on the management system and the function mechanism in the township hospital;乡镇卫生院管理体制与运行机制研究

12.Synthesis and Growth Mechanisms of Nanoscale SrSO_4 Powders with Different Crystallographic Morphologies多形性SrSO_4纳米粉体的制备与生长机制

13.Feedback on management system and operation mechanism in state laboratory国家实验室管理体制与运行机制思考

14.Official Incumbency System and the Mainbody Purification Mechanism for Occupational Crime;官员任职体制与职务犯罪主体纯化机制

15.A Study of Sports Management Institute and Operating Mechanism of China in the New Period;新时期我国体育管理体制与运行机制研究

16.Sports system reform and the market mechanism of China;我国竞技体育体制改革与市场机制的思考

17.Gender Differences of Occupational Status and Mechanism of Formation--The Comparison of In-system and Out-system Organizations;职业地位的性别差异与形成机制——体制内与体制外的比较

18.The Coexisting Mechanism Between Sports Philosophy and Sports Practice;试论体育哲学与体育实践的共存机制


system mechanism体制机制

1.Promoting thesystem mechanism reform of medical service;推进医疗服务体制机制的改革

3)Institutional Mechanisms体制机制

1.The questionnaire includes institutional mechanisms,methods and means,planning and decision-making,supervision and management,refuse standards,refuse classification,quantity of refuse control and other important content of domestic waste management.调查问卷涵盖了生活垃圾管理的体制机制、手段方法和规划决策、监督管理、垃圾标准、垃圾分类、垃圾量控制等重要内容。

4)system and mechanism体制与机制

5)receptor mechanism受体机制

1.Rational therapeutic regime of glucocorticoid in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and itsreceptor mechanism;急性呼吸窘迫综合征患者糖皮质激素合理使用方案及受体机制

2.Thereceptor mechanism of carvedilol on heart failure;卡维地洛治疗心力衰竭受体机制的研究

3.AIM To study thereceptor mechanism of carvedilol (CAR) on heart failure.目的研究卡维地洛(CAR)治疗心力衰竭的受体机制。

6)organizational system机构体制

1.What I have learned from other countriesorganizational systems for oceanic and coastal law-enforcement;海洋大国海上执法机构体制的基本规律与启示


