900字范文 > 供水量 water supply英语短句 例句大全

供水量 water supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-18 08:26:41


供水量 water supply英语短句 例句大全

供水量,water supply

1)water supply供水量

1.The effects of spraying technics,water supply and soil texture on the developing and growth of vegetation are studied quantitatively.通过试验定量研究了岩石边坡植被护坡喷射施工过程中,喷射压力、供水量及所用土壤质地对植被萌发生长及基质混合物稳定性的影响。

2.Water supply could be analyzed fromwater supply capacity of the project area and the use of surface runoff coefficient.水平衡分析应从项目区供水能力、地表径流利用系数等分析供水量,从农作物的种植结构、灌溉保证率、复种指数、灌溉定额等分析需水量,从而确定是否采取工程措施,保证供水量大于需水量,满足农田灌溉要求。

3.Thewater supply system was employed to produce a series of water supplies for studying the effects ofwater supply on the seedlings growth of Calamus tetradactylus .用喷灌系统形成有规律的供水量梯度研究白藤苗木生长与水分的相互关系。


1.Analysis on Water Supply Amount and Water Price of Repaying Loan For Langdian Water Project;浪店水源工程供水量及还贷水价分析

2.BP Neural Network in Prediction of the Urban Water Supply神经网络在城市供水量预测中的应用

3.Rationing water during the drought.在干旱时期定量供应水

4.Is the water supply adequate?水的供应量足够吗?

5.water rationing, shortages自来水定量供应、 短缺.

6.Cost reducing of water production and marketing in water supply distribution system based DMA and PMA供水管网分区计量在降低供水产销差中的应用

7.Research on Regional Water Supply Measure Technology in Plain River Network;平原水网地区区域供水计量技术研究

8.Study on Prediction of Water Consumption and Inverse Analysis of Node Demand;时用水量预测及供水管网节点流量反分析研究

9.An ample water supply is probably the greatest advantage of soil submergence for irrigated rice.大量供水可能对灌溉水稻淹水土壤有很大好处。

10.The designed maximum capacity of the supply system is 1.1 billion cubic metres per annum.供水系统的设计最高供应量是每年11亿立方米。

11.Present equipment requires a high level of quality service without interruption.现在的设备要求供电不中断的高水平供电质量。

12.The research of the press of supply and return water and the quality of heating in heating network热网供回水压力及供热质量的分析研究

13.The water supply is insufficient for the city"s needs.水的供应量不能满足该市的需要。

14.The state provides large sums of money for water conservancy projects.国家提供了大量资金来兴修水利。

15.The strike,couple with the flood,was expected to reduce supplies of food drastically.罢工加洪水,预计会大量减少食品供应。

16.Atlanta is down to just a 90-day supply of water.亚特兰大目前仅有90天的水供应量。

17.Profits in Supply Chain Considering Influence of Quality Levels;考虑质量水平影响的供应链利润模型

18.The discussion about introducing ISO9000 quality management system into water supply enterprises;供水企业导入ISO9000质量管理体系的探讨


Water supply quantity供水量

1.Application of the method of mathematical modeling in the forecasting of urban water supply quantity;数学建模方法在城市供水量预测中的应用

bined with the example of a certain interbasin water transfer project,the paper determines the economic and rational project scale by analyzing the water quantity in diversion area,the relation between water transfer scale and water supply quantity and unilateral investment of water transfer scale.本文结合某跨流域调水工程实例,通过调出水资源量分析,调水规模与供水量关系分析,以及调水规模单方水投资分析,确定经济合理的工程规模。

3.Based on the analysis of the water supply system operation,the measures have the good energy saving effect through the adjustment of the water supply quantity and the water supply range in the pressure station and implementing the partial pressure water supply under this premise of guaranteeing the water market demand,which acquires the better social and economic benefits.在对供水系统运行分析的基础上,保证用水市场需求的前提下,通过调整水厂的供水量和加压站的供水范围,并对大型加压站实施分压供水等措施,产生了较好的节能效果,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

3)water supply volume供水量

1.Study on prediction ofwater supply volume based on grey system model in the Qiantang River basin;灰色系统模型在钱塘江流域供水量预测中的应用研究

2.The results shown that the totalwater supply volume is 69.根据2000年地表水供水调查资料,对西北6省(区)的供水工程、供水量、供水水质情况进行了统计分析。

4)water supply供水,供水量

5)total water supply供水总量

1.Achievements in water conservation in Zhengzhou:from the aspect of sudden drop oftotal water supply;从城市供水总量骤降看郑州节水成效

6)available water supply可供水量

1.On the Basis of predicting the water demand in different industries in Fuzhouhe watershed and considering the project water demand of first-stage of Huyanhe nuclear power station,theavailable water supply in design level year is calculated with long series adjustment method,according to the basic data of water supply,water use and reservoir monitoring.在复州河流域需水预测以及考虑红沿河核电厂一期工程施工用水的基础上,依据该流域蓄水工程的来水、用水条件和水库观测资料情况,采用长系列调节计算法计算了流域内设计水平年蓄水工程的可供水量,从而论证了红沿河核电厂一期工程施工取水水源水量的可靠性。

2.The simulating series produced from the model are used foravailable water supply calculations.对用水文比拟法求得的盘石、里店两水库的天然年径流量序列进行了随机过程分析,根据天然年径流量序列的相关结构特性,建立相应的随机水文序列模型,生成模拟序列,并对其作长系列可供水量调节计算,以与样本序列的成果作比较,来检验盘石、里店两水库设计枯水年时向核电厂供水的可靠性。


可供水量可供水量available water supply规划的基础上,将工程设计供水能力与来水、用水过程相结合,通过水量调节计算而确定的供水量,既不是工程的最大供水量,也有别于已经发生的实际供水量。影响可供水量的主要因素有以下几个方面:①来水情况。包括河川径流的数量、年内年际变化和地区分布特征,地下水的补给、贮存和开采条件,以及水源地的污染程度等。②需水要求。包括用户的地区分布和用水组成,各类用户需水量的时间变化和保证率。另外,河道内的用水要求对可供水量有直接的影响。③工程条件。包括现有和新增地表水工程的调蓄能力和引水能力,水井工程的开采能力。工程老化、库渠淤积及大型水库调节运行方式对可供水量有较大的影响。区域可供水量的计算途径有两种:①先计算单项工程不同保证率的可供水量,再用同频率相加法求得各分区的可供水量;②将供水和用水视为整体系统,按照一定的调度原则,从上游到下游逐级进行水量调节平衡计算,求得各分区不同保证率的可供水量。前一种途径虽然计算简单,但缺点较多,既没有考虑各项工程、各种水源之间的水量补偿关系,也不能反映各分区来水的频率组合,故计算精度不高。对于大流域而言,上下游、干支流有密切的水力联系,宜采用后一种途径进行计算。在具体计算方法上,又可分为系列调算法和典型年调算法。由于选择典型年的任意性较大(即不同选择方法有不同的结果),且调算时无法考虑水库和地下水含水层的多年调节作用,故在具备较长水文系列资料时通常采用系列调算法。 (贺伟程)kegong shuiliang可供水t(available water supply)在某一水平年需水要求和指定供水保证率的条件下,现有和规划的水工程设施可能为用户提供的水量。在区域水资源供需平衡分析工作中,通常要计算3个水平年(现状、近期、远景)3种保证率(尸二50%、75%、95%)的可供水量,为研究对策措施、选择工程项目和安排实施步骤提供依据。可供水量是在需水量预测和工程
