900字范文 > 西方古典哲学 Western classical philosophy英语短句 例句大全

西方古典哲学 Western classical philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-06 11:42:24


西方古典哲学 Western classical philosophy英语短句 例句大全

西方古典哲学,Western classical philosophy

1)Western classical philosophy西方古典哲学


1.Inquiry of western classical philosophy to substance and its significance;西方古典哲学对实体的追究及其意义

2.On Evolvement of the Essentialist Mode of Thinking in Western Classical Philosophy西方古典哲学本质主义思维方式的演进

3.The Influence of German Classical Philosophy on Contemporary Western Philosophy;论德国古典哲学对现当代西方哲学的影响

4.On the Turn of Western Modern Philosophy and the Characteristics of German Classical Philosophy;论西方近代哲学的转向与德国古典哲学的性质

5.The Basic Ideas of Western Classic Republicanism试论西方古典共和主义政治哲学的基本理念

6.Relationship Between Classic Philosophic Thought of Natural Law and Western Constitutional Polity of Modern Age古典自然法哲学思想与近代西方宪政的关系

paring and Reflecting on Classical Mathematics between Chinese and Western;古典数学思想的中西比较及哲学反思

8.Hesiod s Mythical Poems in the Source of Classical Political Philosophy;古典政治哲学源头中的赫西俄德的神话诗

9.The model that the Chinese philosophy s world turns--Feng You-lan`s philosophy thoughts meltting into the western philosophy in early days;中国哲学世界化的典范——冯友兰早期哲学思想对西方哲学的融摄

10.Expounding the Feature of "Philosophy" in Western Philosophy--Examining from the perspective of ancient Greek philosophy;西方哲学“哲学”特质的自我解读——在古希腊哲学的视域上

11.Critique of Chinese & Western Classical aesthetics From the Ken of Cultural Aesthetics文化美学视野与中西方古典美学批判

parison between modern rhetoric and western classical rhetoric;现代修辞学与西方古典修辞学之比较

13.A Discussion on the Aesthetic Theories of Oriental & Occidental Classical Literatures试论东、西方古典文论中的美学理论

14.Eastern and Western classical gardens in the pursuit of the comparative aesthetics中西方古典园林在美学追求上的比较

15.The History of European Philosophy欧洲哲学史(西方哲学史)

16.Philosophical Ontology determines Theories of Literary Nature --a general view on relationship between ancient Westernphilosophies and literay theories;哲学本体论决定文学本质论——西方古代哲学与文论关系概说

17.Metaphysics is an accidental problem in the history of western philosophy.形而上学在西方哲学史上是一个古老的问题。

18.Western Epistemology and the Emergence of the Problem of Intuition From Ancient Greece to Modern Philosophy西方哲学认识论与直观问题的凸现——从古希腊到近代哲学


classical philosophy古典哲学

1.The 1990s proses assimilate the intrinsic broadmindedness of Taoism and the Confucianistclassical philosophy of responsibility.20世纪90年代文化散文较多的吸收了古典哲学中道家"逍遥以游"的旷达超脱和儒家"以天下为己任"的千秋情怀的精神内核。

2.Christianity comes into being in the fertile soil ofclassical philosophy.古典哲学乃基督教赖以生根发芽之精神沃土。

3.From the aesthetic angle, the deep effects of Chineseclassical philosophy thoughts on the forming and developing course of Wushu were discussed.从审美视角,探讨了中国古典哲学思想对武术运动在形成和发展过程中的深远影响,中国传统文化是武术运动审美特征产生的根源。

3)classic philosophy古典哲学

4)western classical rhetoric西方古典修辞学

1.Aristotle was regarded as the forefather of the theory ofwestern classical rhetoric.亚里士多德被视为西方古典修辞学理论的创始人,他编写的论著《修辞学》被认为是西方古典修辞学的理论核心。

5)western classical aesthetics西方古典美学

1.From the point of view about aesthetic methodology,with the treatise about the nature of eastern andwestern classical aesthetics and art as it s foundation,and putting it into the literary practice,this article stipulates the nature of art at present.本文从美学方法论的角度 ,以对东西方古典美学艺术本质观的论述为基础 ,结合当前的文艺实践 ,对艺术本质给予了现时代的规定。

6)Western classical西方古典


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
