900字范文 > 甘蔗收割机 sugarcane harvester英语短句 例句大全

甘蔗收割机 sugarcane harvester英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-17 06:01:22


甘蔗收割机 sugarcane harvester英语短句 例句大全

甘蔗收割机,sugarcane harvester

1)sugarcane harvester甘蔗收割机

1.By expounding thesugarcane harvester intelligent design system (SHIDS), this paper discusses the case-based reasoning in the reasoning module of SHIDS.在阐述甘蔗收割机智能设计系统(SHIDS)的基础上,讨论了其推理机模块中的实例推理。

2.Based on exploiting the techniques of expert system and parametric modeling, asugarcane harvester intelligent design system (SHIDS) was developed on I DEAS platform with Visual C++ The overall architecture, functions and implementation of the main modules are discusse提出建立以设计、评价专家系统及参数化建模技术为核心的甘蔗收割机械智能设计系统 阐述了该系统的总体结构及各主要模块的功能描述与设计分析 ,论述了其关键技术 ;并以I DEAS软件作为虚拟产品开发平台 ,用VisualC ++开发出原型系

3.Through the smallsugarcane harvester single disc cutting system equation of motion, the single disc cutting system leakproof shears the generic condition type which as well as the cutter head and the sugarcane do not contact, the union sugarcane harvests the request, establishes the simulation experiment model.通过小型甘蔗收割机单圆盘切割系统运动方程,单圆盘切割系统不漏割以及刀盘与甘蔗不接触的一般条件式,结合甘蔗收割要求,建立仿真试验模型。


1.Kinematics and Simulation of Single Disc Basecutter of Sugarcane Harvester甘蔗收割机单圆盘切割器切割运动分析与仿真

2.Discussion on the Influencing Mechanism of the Cutting Parameters of Sugarcane Harvester to the Crash Rate of Cane Stubble甘蔗收割机切割参数对甘蔗破头率的影响机理探讨

3.Study on Flexible Griping & Transportation Device for Whole Stalk Sugarcane Harvester整秆式甘蔗收割机柔性夹持输送装置

4.Optimization Study on Working Parameters of Sugarcane Harvester Discal Cutter;甘蔗收割机圆盘式切割器工作参数优化研究

5.Design and Simulate the Chassis System for Small-Scale Sugarcane Harvester;小型甘蔗收割机底盘的虚拟设计及仿真研究

6.The Chassis and Steel Frame s Design and Virtual Prototyping Simulation Analysis of Pedrail Minitype Sugarcane Harvester;履带式小型甘蔗收割机底盘和钢架设计与分析

7.Flow Simulation and Layout Analysis of Crawler Minitype Sugarcane Harvester;履带式小型甘蔗收割机物流仿真及布局分析

8.The Whole Stalk of Sugarcane Harvesters Combined Device Kinematics of Lifting整秆式甘蔗收割机组合式扶起装置运动学分析

9.Experimental Research on Influence Factor of Cane-end Cutting Quality of Mini-type Sugarcane Harvester小型甘蔗收割机断尾质量影响因素的试验研究

10.The Research of Vehicle-Soil System and Layout of Pedrail Minitype Sugarcane Harvester;履带式小型甘蔗收割机车辆地面系统的研究及整机布局分析

11.The Virtual Prototyping Simulation Analysis and Experiment Study of Pedrail Minitype Sugarcane Harvester;履带式小型甘蔗收割机虚拟样机仿真分析及实验研究

12.Experiment Research and Mechanism Analyse of Affecting Factors on the Rate of Broken Biennial Root of the Single Base Cutter of a Sugarcane Harvester;单圆盘甘蔗收割机切割器切割破头率影响因素的试验研究与机理分析

13.Structure Design & Analysis and Experiment Research of the Carrying Frame in Minitype Sugarcane Harvester;轮式小型甘蔗收割机台架部件的结构设计分析及试验研究

14.Realization of the technology of the virtual prototyping and application to design and simulate in the small-scale sugar cane harvester transportation module虚拟样机技术的实现及其在小型甘蔗收割机输送模块设计和仿真中的应用

15.Flow Virtual Simulation Analysis and Collecting Device Amelioration of the Minitype Sugarcane Harvester;小型甘蔗联合收割机流程虚拟仿真分析及集蔗机构的改进

16.Development Trend and Technological Application of Sugarcane Combine Harvester甘蔗联合收割机的应用技术及发展趋势

17.Application of Load Sensing Technology in the Sugarcane Combine Harvester负载敏感技术在甘蔗联合收割机上的应用

18.Simulation and Experimentation on the Mechanical and Hydraulic System in Virtual Prototype of Minitype Sugarcane Harvester;小型甘蔗联合收割机虚拟样机电液系统仿真及实验研究


Small-scale type sugarcane harvester小型甘蔗收割机

3)whole stalk cane harvester全茎甘蔗收割机

4)small hill cane harvesters小型丘陵甘蔗收割机

5)sugarcane harvester甘蔗收获机

1.Research of Intelligent Design System for Sugarcane Harvester Based on Object-relational Database;基于对象-关系数据库的甘蔗收获机械智能设计系统的研究

2.The virtual prototype development ofsugarcane harvester used in hill;适用于丘陵地带的甘蔗收获机械虚拟样机的研制

3.The application of fuzzy evaluation expert system onsugarcane harvester;模糊评价专家系统在甘蔗收获机中的应用

6)sugar cane harvester甘蔗收获机

1.The Research of Human-Machine Engineering Principle-based Humanized Design for Small Model Sugar Cane Harvester;基于人机工程学原理的小型甘蔗收获机人性化设计研究

2.An effective method and design thought of developingsugar cane harvester based on virtual prototype are presented by discussing conceptual .结合虚拟设计及仿真手段对甘蔗收获机的关键部件进行概念设计 ,在设计进程中找到冲突 ,通过采用构思—设计法 (Beitz)构建关键部件的功能原理解和设计过程模型 ,并由此进行定向发散性设计 ,得到能解决冲突的关键部件的创新设计以及构建组合式的满足功能要求的整机概念模型。

3.In this article, during the researching work of a small_scalesugar cane harvester, a virtual model of a kind of taijia parts is built.在开发小型甘蔗收获机的过程中,本文利用Pro/E建立了一种台架机构的虚拟模型,此台架采用平行四边形的提升机构和独立刀架,导入机械系统动力学仿真软件ADAMS后,对其进行了仿真,分析其可行性和实用性,并在ANSYS中建立了砍蔗刀片的有限元模型,对刀片进行了结构静力学分析,为后续研究提供了一些有用的设计参数。


