900字范文 > 步进电动机 Stepping motor英语短句 例句大全

步进电动机 Stepping motor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-31 01:55:52


步进电动机 Stepping motor英语短句 例句大全

步进电动机,Stepping motor

1)Stepping motor步进电动机

1.Design of Distributed Control System of Stepping Motor;步进电动机分布式控制系统的设计

2.The 8051 single-chip computer to control the stepping motor;8051单片机对步进电动机的控制

3.The development review of stepping motor;步进电动机的发展及建议


1.piezoelectric linear stepping motor压电直线步进电动机

2.variable reluctance stepper motor可变磁阻步进电动机

3.two-direction linear stepping motor双向直线步进电动机

4.Analysis and solutions of out-of-step cause for stepper motor步进电动机失步原因分析及解决办法

5.Equally Swing Control of Two Stepping Motors with Microprocessors双步进电动机等幅摆动单片机控制

6.Design of the lnterface of Microprocessor Control System for Step Motors微机步进电动机驱动系统的接口设计

7.Control circuit design of step electromotor six beat working state步进电动机工作状态控制电路的设计

8.Mount the stepper motors to the feed mechanism of machine tool.安装步进电动机供给车床的机械装置。


10.The stepper motors multi-axis motion control based on AT89C52应用AT89C52的步进电动机多轴运动控制

11.The design of control circuit of step motor for driving weld manipulator弧焊机械手驱动用步进电动机控制电路的设计

12.Study of 2-Phase Hybrid Stepping Motor Subdivided Driving;二相混合式步进电动机微步驱动技术的研究

13.Research on Micro-stepping Control System of Hybrid Stepping Motor based on DSP基于DSP混合式步进电动机微步驱动系统研究

14.Instantaneous Torque of Step Motion of Induction Synchronous Motor感应式同步电机步进运动的瞬时转矩

15.Research on Synchronization and Precision Motion Control of Multiple Stepping Motors多步进电机的同步精确运动控制研究

16.Study of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Step Motion Control for the Electric Actuator;永磁同步电动机步进控制的电动执行器研究

17.Research and Realization of the Three-phase Stepping Motor Driving Power三相步进电机驱动电源的研究与实现

18.Stepper Motor Driver for Adopting 8098 Single Clip Microcomputer用8098单片机控制的步进电机驱动源


Step Motor步进电动机

1.Micro-stepping Drive Method Study of Two-phase Step motors;两相步进电动机细分方法研究

2.An Interchangeable Motion Controller for Servo Motor andStep Motor;一种伺服电动机和步进电动机通用的运动控制器

3.Principle of Multiple MicroStep Motors Controlled by One Computer;计算机控制多个微型步进电动机的原理

3)Stepper Motor步进电动机

1.Design of stepper motor driver for spindle mechanism;纱库机构用步进电动机驱动电路的研制

2.Real Time Drive ofStepper Motor Based on Windows 98 OS;基于Windows98的步进电动机实时驱动

3.Out-of-step and oscillation phenomenon can be avoided if stepper motor starts on the optimal starting frequency,and stepper motor can attain to starting rotate speed in the most short time.步进电动机在最佳起动频率下起动,可以避免电动机起动时的失步和振荡现象,并能够在最短的时间内达到起动转速。

4)Stepping motors步进电动机

1.Due to the difference in operating principles between stepping motors and other electric motors, stepping motors have its own unique features which enable stepping motors to continue developments with smaller size, higherefficiency and lower cost in acc.步进电动机是一种将数字脉冲信号转换成机械角位移或者线位移的数模转换元件。

2.For the use of stepping motors,a chopper drive circuit and a frequency and voltagemodulated power source are presented.介绍一种步进电动机统组电流可调的斩波型驱动电路的工作原理和基本特点,并介绍电压和频率可以同步变化,有利于高低速运行的调频调压电源。


1.Application of PLC ControlledStep-motor in Automatic Surface Welding;PLC控制步进电动机在自动堆焊中的应用

2.Drive system of step-motor is designed by using single chip Atmel89C51.采用单片机Atmel89C51设计了四相步进电动机的驱动系统,并对单片机直接进行脉冲分配控制电机进行了论述。

3.The control system of Auto Lensmeter is designed, including the drive circuit and restoration circuit of step-motor.对全自动数字查片仪的控制系统进行了设计,包括步进电动机的驱动电路和复位电路,并根据DSP控制原理设计了相应的驱动程序。

6)step-by-step motor步进电动机

1.Selection of thestep-by-step motor in the numerical control lathe;数控机床中步进电动机的选用

2.Studies of a series of cigarette machines of advanced industry countries, a machine equipped with many frequency conversion synchronous motors andstep-by-step motor etc.先进工业国家的现代烟草机械常常是一台机械上装备有一系列变频调速同步电动机与步进电动机等。


