900字范文 > 土地利用综合效益 comprehensive land use efficiency英语短句 例句大全

土地利用综合效益 comprehensive land use efficiency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-19 18:08:13


土地利用综合效益 comprehensive land use efficiency英语短句 例句大全

土地利用综合效益,comprehensive land use efficiency

1)comprehensive land use efficiency土地利用综合效益

1.Firstly,the evaluation indicator system ofcomprehensive land use efficiency is established,which consists of 22 evaluating indicators and three sub-goals of social efficiency,economic efficiency and eco-environment efficiency.首先建立了以土地利用综合效益为总目标,土地利用社会效益、经济效益和生态环境效益为子目标,包括22个评价因子的土地利用综合效益评价指标体系。


1.Study on Evaluation to Integrative Efficiency of Land Use in Liuzhou City;柳州市土地利用综合效益评价的研究


3.Assessment of the Land Use Benefits in a City Scale: a Case Study of Shenzhen;城市土地利用综合效益评价:城际比较

4.Evaluating on Land Use Multiple Efficiency and Its Evolvement in Zhanjiang;湛江市土地利用综合效益及其演化评价

5.The Benefits Evaluation Method and Application of Urban Land Use;城市土地利用综合效益评价与案例研究

6.The Study on Evaluation of Integrated Land Use Efficiency and Land Optimization in Lanzhou City兰州市土地利用综合效益评价及优化配置研究

7.Study on the Comprehensive Benefit Evaluation of Urban Land Use in Chongqing重庆市城市土地利用综合效益评价研究

8.Theoretical and Empirical Research on Synthetic Land Use Benefit Evaluation of Industry Park;工业园区土地利用综合效益评价理论与实证研究

9.An Analysis on the Evolvement of Urban Land Use Multiple Efficiency of Super Cities Accessory Center Regions--A Case Study of Jiangbei, Chongqing;特大城市副中心区域城市土地利用综合效益演化研究——以重庆市江北区为例

10.The Study on Evaluation of Land Use Degree and Land Use Multi-efficiency in Taihang Mountain Area of Hebei;河北太行山区土地利用程度与综合效益评价研究

11.The Evaluation Index and Method of Urban Land Use Efficiency--A Case Study in Wuhan City;城市土地利用效益综合评价指标体系与评价方法——以武汉市为例

prehensive Evaluation for Environmental Benefit of Land Use in Towns --Enample for Beibei Chongqing;小城镇土地利用环境效益综合评价探讨——以重庆市北碚区为例

13.The Calculation of Town Land Asset Value andthe Synthetic Evaluation to its Economic Benefits;城镇土地资产总价值测算及其利用效益综合评价

14.A Study on Coupling Relationship of Land Use Benefits in Ningbo City;宁波市土地利用效益的耦合关系研究

15.Analysed the Urban Land Supply and Demand of Chongqing and Appraise the Utilizes Benefit;重庆城市土地供需分析及其用地效益综合评价

16.The Comprehensive Evaluation on Benefit of the Xinjiang Cultivated Land Utilization Based on GIS基于GIS的新疆耕地利用效益综合评价研究

17.Regional Differences Evaluation on the Comprehensive Benefit of Marine Resources Development and Utilization海洋资源开发利用综合效益的地区差异评估

18.The application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation(FCE) in efficiency evaluation of general land use planning implementation--A case study in Lanzhou City模糊综合评价法在土地利用总体规划实施效益评价中的应用——以兰州市为例


Comprehensive utilization benefit综合利用效益

3)integrated benefit of land土地综合效益

4)land use benefits土地利用效益

1.Coupling model ofland use benefits and its application;土地利用效益的耦合模型及其应用

2.The results show that the evolving processes of coupling degree ofland use benefits can be divided into three stages in Shenzhen.研究结果:深圳市土地利用效益的耦合度演化分为3个阶段。

3.A dynamic coupling model betweenland use benefits is set up according to the theory and method of general system science.深圳市是中国经济发展速度最快的沿海开放城市之一,其土地利用效益非常明显,并且具有耦合关系。

5)Land use efficiency土地利用效益

1.Evaluation of land use efficiency in Economic Belt on the Northern Slope of the Tianshan Mountains天山北坡经济带土地利用效益评价

2.Land use efficiency is one of the primary fields in urban land use study as it is an essential indicator for land use assessment.在高度城市化地区开展土地利用效益评价研究有助于衡量城市土地利用水平,实现城市土地高效协调利用。

3.The key to above problems is to optimize the land resource disposition, enhance the land use efficiency.优化土地资源配置、提高土地利用效益是解决上述问题的关键。

6)land use synthesis土地利用综合体


土地利用类型(见土地利用分类)土地利用类型(见土地利用分类)type of land usetudi Iiyong Ieixing土地利用类型(t月祀oflanduse)见土地利用分类。
