900字范文 > 实有 real exist英语短句 例句大全

实有 real exist英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-26 02:38:28


实有 real exist英语短句 例句大全

实有,real exist

1)real exist实有

1.Thoughts of Master Huiyuan of Lushan are deeply affected by the concept of "real exist" from Sarvastivada.庐山慧远的佛教思想深受有部的"实有"思想影响,并在其思想体系中保持一致性和连贯性。

2)Actual entities现实实有

3)organic experiment有机实验

1.Have studied theorganic experiment of synthesis the bromine ethane.研究了合成溴乙烷的有机实验,为提高效率、降低污染、保证安全,采用了安全的催化剂,对实验予以改进。


1.Construction and Practices of Comparative Teaching Modefor the Teaching of0rganic Chemistry Experiment;有机实验对比教学模式的构建与实践

2.experimental organic cooled reactor实验性有机冷却反应堆

3.Implementation of Research-based Teaching in Organic Chemistry Experiment;有机化学实验实施研究性教学的思考

4.Intensifying the Environmental Protection Consciousness and Implementation of "Green"Organic Chemistry Experiment强化环保意识,实施“绿色”有机化学实验

5.Practice on Interactive Teaching Mode in Organic Chemistry Experiment“有机化学实验”互动教学模式的实践

6.Assessing students experimental achievements step by step to enhance their abilities in organic chemical experiment;微格量化实验成绩,提高有机化学实验教学质量

7.Further Promoting Experimental Teaching Reform of Organic Chemistry, Optimizing the Teaching Process;深化有机化学实验教学改革优化实验教学环节

8.Discussion About Teaching Creative Combinition of Organic And Analytical Chemistry Experiments有机与分析实验相结合的创新型实验教学探讨

9.I watched the computers carried out of the lab.我见有人把计算机从实验室搬出去了。

10.State Key Laboratory of Gas Geochemistry有机地球化学国家重点实验室

11.State Key Laboratory of Bio-organic and Natural Products Chemistry生命有机化学国家重点实验室

12.State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry应用有机化学国家重点实验室

13.State Key Laboratory of Elemento-Organic Chemistry元素有机化学国家重点实验室

14.have hands-on experience of a computer keyboard有操作计算机的实际经验.

15.That is combination of laboratory analysis, scientific research and teaching.也就是实验与科研和教学的有机结合。

16.He believes his experiment has a sporting chance of success.他相信他的实验有几分成功的机会。

17.Study of Teaching Method of Aim Management in Organic Chemistry Experiment有机化学实验目标管理教学法的研究

18.Some Imp ressions about Improving Organic Chemistry Experiment Teaching对改进有机化学实验教学的几点思考


Actual entities现实实有

3)organic experiment有机实验

1.Have studied theorganic experiment of synthesis the bromine ethane.研究了合成溴乙烷的有机实验,为提高效率、降低污染、保证安全,采用了安全的催化剂,对实验予以改进。

4)organic chemistry experiment有机实验

5)Paying practice有偿实习

6)Effective compaction有效压实


