900字范文 > 中青年男性 young middle male英语短句 例句大全

中青年男性 young middle male英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-18 03:32:28


中青年男性 young middle male英语短句 例句大全

中青年男性,young middle male

1)young middle male中青年男性

1.cases ofyoung middle male (30~60 years)with apparent clinical symptom(all the 60 cases have vertigo, hemianesthesia and inertia for a moment and all this can respite themselves) were observed in this article.对 6 0例无明显临床症状的中青年男性 (30~ 4 9岁 )进行了血液流变学及血酯的测定 ,(6 0例均有一过性眩晕、半身麻木无力 ,为时 1s,自行缓解 )。


1.The Study of High Trig1yceride Level and ACS in Young and Middle-aged Male Patients中青年男性ACS发病与高TG的相关性探讨

2.Influential Effects of Health Education on Male Young and Middle-aged with Hyperlipoidemia健康教育对中青年男性高脂血症的影响

3.Correlation analysis on the living behavior and semen quality of 1346 healthy young and middle aged men in the Three Gorges Reservoir area三峡库区1346例健康中青年男性生活行为与精液质量的相关分析

4.Study of inertia Parameters of Human Body in Chinese Male Youngsters;中国男青年人体惯性参数的实测研究

5.Conclusion: Boys are more likely to get addicted to computer games than girls.结论:在青少年中,男性比女性更易电脑游戏成瘾;

6.An Investigation and Analysis of Physical Self-Perception of the Middle-Age and Young;城镇居民男性中青年群体身体自尊情况初探

7.An Analysis of the Modernity of the Youth Image Presentedin the Metropolitan Narratives of Violet;《紫罗兰》都市叙事中青年男女形象的现代性剖析

8.23% of young men and 19% of young women are overweight, and 6% and 8% respectively are obese.23%的青年男子和19%的青年女子体重过重,其中6%的男性和8%的女性患有肥胖症。

9.A young person, especially a young male in late adolescence.青年,小伙子年轻人,尤指处于青少年后期的男性

10.Attack and Defense Analysis of Chinese Young Men s Basketball Team in World Youth Basketball Championships;世青赛中国青年男子篮球队攻防能力分析

11.Effects of Male Obesity on the Physiological and Metabolic Reaction in Acute Endurance Exercise of Differing Intensity;肥胖对青年男性在不同强度耐力运动中生理代谢反应的影响

12.Research on Chinese Youth Athlets of Man-style for Woman Technique in Table Tennis中国青少年乒乓球女子运动员“技术男性化”的研究

13.Establishment of a static balance ability software platform for male adolescents构建中国男性青少年人体静态平衡能力的软件评价平台

14.Young women"s attitudes toward the idea of "men managing external affairs women internal青年女性对于“男主外女主内”的态度

15.A Research on the Personality Traits of Young New Prisoners;初入狱青年男性罪犯的人格特征研究

16.A study about personality of juvenile male offenders;男性青少年罪犯的人格特征比较研究

17.Effect analysis of the response time of F scale in MMPI-215 in the male youth;青年男性MMPI-215F量表应答时间效应分析

18.Chronic and acute effects of smoking on left ventricular relaxation in young healthy smokers吸烟对青年男性左室舒张功能的影响


Young and middle-aged male男性中青年人

3)young men青年男性

1.Objective:To investigate the prevalence and related factors of prostatitis-like symptoms amongyoung men.方法:应用NIH-CPSI和自行设计的前列腺炎相关因素问卷对潍坊市潍城区2500例青年男性(年龄18~30岁)进行调查,收集相关信息,进行病例对照研究,筛选前列腺炎样症状发生的危险因素。

4)male youth男性青年

1.Variation of tear film stability on themale youth working in desert;戈壁环境对男性青年泪膜稳定性的影响

5)young male男性青少年

1.Analysis on influential factors and utilization of reproductive health services amongyoung males;男性青少年对生殖健康服务的利用及影响因素分析

6)middle-aged male中年男性

1.Objective:To explore the prevalence of osteoporosis in themiddle-aged male in Suzhou by analysis of the quality and quantity of the calcaneum bone using quantitative ultrasound(QUS).目的:通过对苏州地区40~60岁中年男性进行跟骨定量超声测定,分析苏州地区中年男性骨质疏松现状及成因,并为骨质疏松的防治提供依据和借鉴。


