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孔子美学 Confucius aesthstic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-26 01:24:22


孔子美学 Confucius aesthstic英语短句 例句大全

孔子美学,Confucius aesthstic

1)Confucius aesthstic孔子美学


parative Study of Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844 and Confucian Aesthetics Thought《1844年经济学哲学手稿》与孔子美学思想比较研究

2.Some Problems about Confucius Aesthetics Methodology Modern Transition;关于孔子美学方法论现代转型的几个问题

3.The Confucius esthetics thought affects the profound reason to the Chinese ancient esthetics;试析孔子美学思想对中国古代美学影响深远的原因

4.Knowledge Aesthetics and Life Aesthetics--Basic Differences Between the Chinese & Western Aesthetics by Comparing Plato s Aesthetics with Confucius Aesthetics;知识美学与生命美学——从柏拉图与孔子美学的比较看中西美学的根本差异

5.Confucius’ Artistic Concept of Life : Music Education Excluding that of the Book of Songs ---Re thinkingonConfuciusAesthetics;乐教而非诗教的人生之境艺术观——孔子美学思想再思考

6.Briefly speaking,Confucius" esthetics is that of ceremonial rites and music.孔子的美学概而言之就是礼乐美学。

7.How to Carry out Aesthetic Education in Primary School andMiddle School based on Confucius Aesthetic Ideology;从孔子的美学思想谈如何实施中小学美育

8.A Scanning on Social Aesthetics of Confucian Thougnt Through Lunyu;从《论语》管窥孔子思想中的社会美学

9.Confucius s View on Musical and Ethical Aesthetics;从儒家典籍看孔子的音乐道德美学观

10.Foundation of Confucian Aesthetics:Essence of Confucious Ideology of Aesthetics;儒家审美的基石——孔子人格美学思想述要

11."Perfect" and "Gentle"--On the Aesthetic Thought of Confucius“尽善”、“尽美”与“文质彬彬”——论孔子的美学思想

12.Implication That Confucian Aesthetic Thoughts Had to University Qualification Education孔子的美学思想对高校素质教育的启示

13.Confucius Becomes New Icon of Western Educators;回归孔子——欧美启发式教学发展的终极归宿

14.Confucius aesthetic educational method and modern meaning in philosophy education;孔子教育哲学中的审美教育方法及现代意义

15.A Comparative Study on the Aesthetic Thoughts of Confucius and Plato from the Historical Perspective历史视角下的孔子与柏拉图美学思想比较研究

16.Analysis the Modern Significance of the Confucius Life Aesthetic From Aesthetic Dimensions of Daily Life;从日常生活审美的维度审视孔子人生美学的现代性意义

17.Jiang Kongyang s Aesthetic Theory: An Aesthetics Returns to Aesthetic Phenomenology;蒋孔阳的美学——还原为审美现象的美学

18.The old man upbraided Confucius for harping on the past, expressed his disbelief in the virtues of learning and advised him to stop meddling in other people"s affairs.他指责孔子老是谈论过去; 他不相信学习的美德; 他建议孔子不要再插手别人的事情;


Confucius aesthetic idea孔子美学思想

3)Commenting on the Aesthetics of Confucius论孔子的美学思想

4)Confucius Thought on "Beauty"孔子论"美"

5)Jiang Kongyang"s aesthetics蒋孔阳美学

6)confucius institute孔子学院

1.Language-Culture International Promotion and Confucius Institute: Under the Theoretical Framework of Hard Power-Soft Power;硬实力-软实力理论框架下的语言-文化国际推广与孔子学院

2.An Analysis of the Basic Traits and Main Problems at Nuremberg-Erlangen Confucius Institute;纽伦堡——埃尔兰根孔子学院基本特点及其面临的主要问题探析

3.Confucius Institute: Traditional Chinese Culture and Foreign Language Teaching;从孔子学院的设立看中华文化与外语教学


《当代西方电影的美学思想》中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。
