900字范文 > 目的地营销对策 Marketing advice of Tourism Destination英语短句 例句大全

目的地营销对策 Marketing advice of Tourism Destination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-03 05:27:09


目的地营销对策 Marketing advice of Tourism Destination英语短句 例句大全

目的地营销对策,Marketing advice of Tourism Destination

1)Marketing advice of Tourism Destination目的地营销对策

2)destination marketing目的地营销

1.The driving power ofdestination marketing on region tourism;目的地营销——区域旅游业发展的驱动力

2.To solve this issue we must promote tourism service information system under the framework of the national "Golden tourism",especially the construction of thedestination marketing system(DMS) in the "Golden Week" direct reporting cities.解决这一问题的核心是在国家"金旅"框架下推进旅游服务信息系统,特别是以"黄金周"直报城市为主体的旅游目的地营销系统(简称DMS)的建设。

3.Tourismdestination marketing is an important aspect of tourism marketing.国外旅游目的地营销研究由最初的目的地形象研究向其他视角扩展,开始关注目的地营销组织和信息技术在目的地营销中的应用。


1.A Preliminary Study on the Destination Marketing System in China;我国旅游目的地营销系统的初步研究

2.Several Misconceptions about the Current Destination Marketing System in Tourism;浅议当前旅游目的地营销的几个误区

3.A Few Questions Concerning Tourism Destination Marketing;旅游目的地营销中应关注的几个问题

4.Application of Brand Theory in sales of Tourist Destinations;品牌理论在旅游目的地营销中的应用

5.The driving power of destination marketing on region tourism;目的地营销——区域旅游业发展的驱动力

6.On the Construction of the Traveling Destination s Marketing System in Xinxiang City;略论新乡市旅游目的地营销系统构建

7.Movie and TV Tourism:A New Way of Marketing and Promoting Tourism Destinations;影视旅游:旅游目的地营销推广新方式

8.A Study on the Subjects of Tourism Destination Marketing:a Diversification Perspective;旅游目的地营销主体研究:多元化视角

9.Present Situation of Overseas Studies on Tourism Destination Marketing and Its Apocalypse;国外旅游目的地营销研究现状及启示

10.Review and Prospect of Marketing Research on Tourism Destination in China国内旅游目的地营销研究综述及展望

11.Reflection on the Tourism Destination Marketing System s Operation in China;对我国旅游目的地营销系统运营的思考

12.The Study of Marketing Strategy about Xinjiang Tourist Destination from the Perspective of Integrated Marketing整合营销视角下的新疆旅游目的地营销策略研究

13.Government Destination Marketing: Post-earthquake Recovery Strategy for the Tourism Industry in Sichuan;政府目的地营销:震后四川旅游业的恢复策略

14.Destination Marketing Strategy for Zhenjiang Tourism under Internationalization;国际化背景下的镇江旅游目的地营销策略研究


16.Brief Analysis on Marketing Characteristic and Marketing Tactics in the Tourist Destination;浅析旅游目的地的营销特性及其营销策略

17.The Applied Research on the Procedure of Marketing Planning in the Real Estate;全程营销策划在房地产项目销售中的应用研究

18.The Application of E-marketing in Real Estate Project;网络营销在房地产项目中的应用研究


destination marketing目的地营销

1.The driving power ofdestination marketing on region tourism;目的地营销——区域旅游业发展的驱动力

2.To solve this issue we must promote tourism service information system under the framework of the national "Golden tourism",especially the construction of thedestination marketing system(DMS) in the "Golden Week" direct reporting cities.解决这一问题的核心是在国家"金旅"框架下推进旅游服务信息系统,特别是以"黄金周"直报城市为主体的旅游目的地营销系统(简称DMS)的建设。

3.Tourismdestination marketing is an important aspect of tourism marketing.国外旅游目的地营销研究由最初的目的地形象研究向其他视角扩展,开始关注目的地营销组织和信息技术在目的地营销中的应用。

3)Marketing strategy营销对策

1.Study on District Electric Power Marketing Strategy for JinChang Power Supply Company;金昌供电公司区域电力市场营销对策研究

2.This paper tries to make case study and put forward correspondent marketing strategy for China railway passenger transportation by means of demand elasticity theory.本文试图引用“需求弹性”理论 ,对我国铁路客运进行实绩分析 ,提出相应的营销对

4)marketing countermeasure营销对策

5)Marketing tactics营销对策

1.Main reasons for the situation include shortcomings in the institution of multilateral agriculture products trade,false positioning in the international market,and improper marketing tactics.加入WTO以来,我国农产品出口增长明显,但为此也付出了沉重的代价,其原因主要是多边农产品贸易的制度缺陷、国际市场定位不准、营销对策不当等。

6)marketing strategies营销对策

1.This article proposes relevantmarketing strategies of the "Farmhouse Enjoyment" tourism through the SWOT analysis in order to make the "Farmhouse Enjoyment" tourism develop in a fast and healthy and sustainable way in Changsha so that it plays a better role in economic structural adjustment,economic development and peasants income increase.本文通过对长沙市农家乐旅游发展的SWOT分析,提出了农家乐旅游的相关营销对策,从而促进长沙市农家乐旅游的快速、健康、持续发展,更好地发挥农家乐旅游在经济结构调整、经济发展和农民增收等方面的作用。

2.The traditionalmarketing strategies of medicine market don"t comply with the competitive situation of OTC market.本文综述了OTC市场的历史、现状及发展趋势;对我国OTC市场营销环境进行了分析;对OTC药品消费行为进行了实证研究;在此基础上,研究了我国制药企业面对OTC市场应采取的营销对策。


