900字范文 > 体验深度 the depth of experience英语短句 例句大全

体验深度 the depth of experience英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-18 10:33:02


体验深度 the depth of experience英语短句 例句大全

体验深度,the depth of experience

1)the depth of experience体验深度

2)in-depth experience深度体验


1.An Empirical Study of Tourist Experience in Recreational Business District (RBD)城市游憩商业区(RBD)深度体验研究

2.Jianmenshudao Scenic Areas Experiential Tourism Products Planning;剑门蜀道风景名胜区体验旅游产品的深度开发

3.A Depth Development of Wutaishan Mountains Tourism from an Experiential Economic Perspective;体验经济视角下五台山旅游的深度开发

4.Experimental research of degree of methane decomposition in plasma using laser spectrum method激光光谱法等离子体裂解甲烷深度的实验研究

5.Deep Exploitation Strategy of Rural Experience Tourism--the Combination of Experience Marketing and Cyber Marketing;乡村体验游的深度开发策略——体验营销与网络营销的结合

6.A responsibility both men had to feel deeply in light of their attachment to their own children.他们两人一定要从热爱自己孩子的角度来深刻体验这种责任。

7.A Experimental Investigation on Optical Plasma Temperature Measurement During Deep Penetration Laser Welding;激光深熔焊接光致等离子体温度测量的试验研究

8.Basic Experience and Concerns of Deepening Yunnan Collective Forest Tenure Reform;云南集体林权制度改革基本经验及深化改革关注点

9.On the Exploitation of the Ancient Town Tourism From the Economic Perspective--Take the Ancient Town Xitang as an Example;从体验经济视角探求古镇旅游产品的深度开发——以西塘古镇为例

10.This liquid zone extends from a depth of 2,900 kilometers to a depth of 5,100 kilometers.这个流体带从2900千米深度延伸到5I00千米深度。

11.Dignity Reflected from Depth--Analysis on the Xiaoxiang Morning s in-depth report style;在深度中彰显厚重——《潇湘晨报》深度报道文体分析

12.Deepening Reform of Laboratory Organization and Building Experimental Teaching Courses System;深化实验体制改革 构建实验教学课程体系

13.Experimental Research on Advanced Treatment Process for Oil Refining Wastewater Reuse炼油污水深度处理回用工艺实验研究

14.Experimental Study on Advanced Treatment of Coking Wastewater by BAF;BAF深度处理焦化废水的试验研究

15.Advanced Treatment for the Landfill Leachate by Oxidation;垃圾渗滤液的深度氧化处理试验研究

16.Test Research on the Peak-load Regulation with Deep Vacuum Operation of 100MW Units;100MW机组低真空深度调峰试验研究

17.Experimental Study on Ultrafiltration Technology for the Advanced Treatment of Oilfield Polymer Flooding Produced Water;超滤深度处理聚驱采油废水试验研究

18.Deepening up reform in bio-chemistry experiment teaching and perfecting "little teachers"mode;深化实验教学改革,完善“小老师”制度


in-depth experience深度体验


4)proof depth检验深度

5)water depth水体深度

1.A New Approach in Studying Depositional System Within Rift-subsidence Basin:from paleogeomorphology,lithologic change andwater depth to depositional system;断陷盆地沉积体系研究新思路:从古地貌、岩性变化、水体深度到沉积体系

6)depth of hull船体深度


