900字范文 > 起垄 ridging英语短句 例句大全

起垄 ridging英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-05 12:31:46


起垄 ridging英语短句 例句大全



1.A multi-functionalridging fertilizer applicator is designed using small disc plow and face-to-back plows twiceridging structure.采用了小型圆盘犁、正反铧式犁两次起垄机构设计了一套复合起垄施肥机具,使得一次完成多项作业,克服了传统起垄方式易引起的中间土壤架空现象,使得成型一致,垄体饱满,内部土壤密实,利于作物生长。

2.The new planter can complete every field works such asridging,shaping,seeding,covering and squashing the soil,etc,thus it can reduce working procedure in field,raise working efficiency,and also improve the quality of ridge and planting.研制了畦作沟灌的小麦起垄播种机,采用Pro/E软件建立了整机模型。

3.The determination of the major component s parameters and the design of structure of the 2BSL-2 model of potatoridging plante were stated.本文主要论述了 2 BSL- 2型马铃薯起垄播种机主要部件的参数选择、结构设计。


1.Design and Experiment of 1QL-70 Bed Former for Permanent Raised Beds1QL-70型固定垄起垄机设计与试验

2.Effects of Different Ridging and Ridge Height on Growth, Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco不同起垄方式及垄高对烤烟生长和产质量的影响

3.Study and Design on Ridge Culture Furrow Irrigation of Wheat Seeder;畦作沟灌小麦起垄播种机的研究与设计

4.Application and Theory Research on the Furrow-ridge-opener of Water-application-furrow Seeder;灌水沟播机起垄开沟器理论及应用研究

5.Design and Experimental Study on the Whole Film Mulching and Ridge Forming Combined Machine起垄全铺膜联合作业机的设计与试验研究

6.The Effect of Different Ridge and Cultivation Methods on Yield and Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacoo不同起垄及移栽方式对烤烟产量与质量的影响

7.The major performances and the extension prospect of the comprehensive processing machine with deep scarifying and shallow plough and ridging深松浅耕起垄综合作业机主要性能及推广前景

8.Catchment effect of ridging and mulching in maize field in soil wind erosion area of Loess Plateau黄土高原土壤风蚀区玉米起垄覆盖集水效应

9.The content of potassium and the tobacco leaf quality in the treatment of ridging by low planting and applying potassium fertilizer at rosette and toping stage respectively are better than any other treatment.以低起垄两次培土成垄,团棵期、圆顶期分次施钾对烟叶的钾含量和品质效应最好。

10.Study on Collecting Rainfall and Increasing Yield Effect of Ridge Film Mulching Micro-rainwater Catchmen Planting Technique of Maize in Dryland;旱地起垄覆膜微集水种植玉米技术的集雨增产效应研究

11.The Study of the Effects of Ridging Ways and Planting Density on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco起垄方式和种植密度对烤烟生长及烟叶产量、质量的影响研究

12.An Analysis of Economic Benefit of Citrus Bed-Planting--Based on Real Demonstration of Dangyang柑橘起垄栽培技术的经济效益分析——基于当阳市的实证

13.Effects of Ridge Planting and Different Plastic Film Mulching on the Growth and Development of Cotton起垄种植与不同地膜覆盖对棉花生长发育及产量的影响

14.theory of inflation induced by monopoly垄断引起通货膨胀的学说

15.China was now formulating the Law on Anti-Monopoly.中国目前正在起草《反垄断法》。

16.This monopoly capital, combined with state power, has become state-monopoly capitalism.这个垄断资本,和国家政权结合在一起,成为国家垄断资本主义。

17.The Characteristics of Technical Standards Anti-monopoly and the Revelation for China s Anti-monopoly Legislation--Starting from that Microsoft Monopolizes Case;技术标准反垄断的特征及其对我国的启示——从微软垄断案说起

18.A small ridge or raised area bordering an irrigated field.土垄围绕着灌溉畦田的小埂或隆起的地带


Ridge forming起垄

1.Design on fertilizer mechanism for tobacco ridge forming and fertilizing machine;烟草起垄施肥机排肥机构的设计

2.The design of YQS 120 tobacco ridge forming and fertilizing machine;YQS 120型烟草起垄施肥机的设计

3.A whole film mulching and ridge forming combined machine which integrated the ditching,ridging,shaping,fertilizing,film mulching,covering soil,pressing plastic film as a whole system was designed and developed to solve the problem of no matching machines about the whole film mulching and double-ridge furrow drilling technology.针对全膜双垄沟播技术推广中无配套机械的问题,设计研制了集开沟、起垄、整形、施肥、铺膜、覆土压膜作业为一体的起垄全铺膜联合作业机。

3)ridging mode起垄方式

1.Effects of differentridging mode and the methods of applying potassium fertilizer on the contents of aroma components in flue-cured tobacco;不同起垄方式与钾肥施用方法对烤烟中性致香物质含量的影响

4)film-covering and ridge-forming起垄覆膜


1.Effects ofBed-planting on Physiological Characters and Grain Protein Content in Different Genotypes of Winter Wheat;起垄栽培对不同基因型冬小麦生理特性及子粒蛋白质含量的影响

2.An Analysis of Economic Benefit of Citrus Bed-Planting——Based on Real Demonstration of Dangyang柑橘起垄栽培技术的经济效益分析——基于当阳市的实证



