900字范文 > 逻辑学课程 logic curriculum英语短句 例句大全

逻辑学课程 logic curriculum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-09 03:24:27


逻辑学课程 logic curriculum英语短句 例句大全

逻辑学课程,logic curriculum

1)logic curriculum逻辑学课程

1.This paper discusses the necessity oflogic curriculum\"s teaching reform from logic class teaching object,teaching content and teaching method.从逻辑学课堂教学对象、教学内容、教学方法等角度,阐述了逻辑学课程教学改革的必要性,并在教学实践的基础上总结出一些教学改革的具体措施,为高职文科教育教学带来一些启示。


1.Logic Course Teaching Reform and theEducation of Innovation and Creation;逻辑学课程教学改革与创新、创造教育

2.Teaching and Research of Flip-Flop in Logic Design;《逻辑设计》课程中触发器教学研究

3.An Analysis of the Basic Educational Curriculum Reform from the Pointview of Logic;基础教育课程改革分析的逻辑学视角

4.The Teaching Method and Mode Discussion of the Course of Digital Logic;《数字逻辑》课程教学方法和模式探讨

5.Practice and Experience of CAI in Digital Logic Course;数字逻辑课程的CAI教学实践与体会

6.Logic,Mathematics and Quality Education--Bijie University"s Logic Quality Course Construction for Example逻辑、数学与素质教育——以毕节学院逻辑学精品课程建设为例

7.Textbook Logical Structure of Subject Curriculum and Teaching Theory in Elementary Schools;小学学科课程与教学论教材的逻辑结构探讨

8.Research on the Practical Teaching of the Course PLD Theory and Application《可编程逻辑器件原理及应用》课程实践教学研究

9.The Analysis and Investigation of Logic Knowledge in High School Mathematics;中学数学课程中逻辑知识的分析与调查研究

10.On Several Logic Questions Existing in A Course in Logic;《逻辑学教程》中存在的几个逻辑问题

11.Division of Learning Fields of Sport and Health Course and Logical Relations among Them;体育与健康课程学习领域的划分及其逻辑关系

12.Application of the"Full Design"Teaching Model in the Teaching Process of Digital Logic Courses“全程设计”教学模式在数字逻辑类课程教学过程中的应用

13.Reviewing and Prospecting of Logic Teaching Thirty years:A Concurrent Analysis of "Logic Foundation Course" and"Logic for Undergraduates"逻辑教学三十年回顾与展望——兼评《逻辑学基础教程》、《大学逻辑》

14.Logical System and Its Disposal Principles in the Organization of the Subject Curriculum Content;学科课程内容组织的逻辑体系及其处理原则探析

15.Enhancement of the Teaching Approach in Water Pollution Control Engineering via Application of Multimedia Courseware以形象、逻辑的多媒体课件强化水污染控制工程教学

16.On the Impact of Logical Study upon the Belief Disparity in Deductive Reasoning逻辑课程学习对演绎推理中信念偏差效应的影响

17.Life imitation: exploration of the logical starting point of physical education curriculum revision;生命化:体育课程修订的逻辑起点探究

18.Application of EDA Technology in the Course of Digital Logic;EDA技术在“数字逻辑”课程中的应用


Logic Quality Course逻辑学精品课程

1.Logic,Mathematics and Quality Education——Bijie University"sLogic Quality Course Construction for Example逻辑、数学与素质教育——以毕节学院逻辑学精品课程建设为例

3)the logics teaching逻辑课教学

4)digital logic course数字逻辑课程

5)digital logic courses数字逻辑类课程

6)Course of Formal Logic形式逻辑课程


