900字范文 > 水分经济效益 Economical water use efficiency英语短句 例句大全

水分经济效益 Economical water use efficiency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-08 02:51:47


水分经济效益 Economical water use efficiency英语短句 例句大全

水分经济效益,Economical water use efficiency

1)Economical water use efficiency水分经济效益

2)hydropower economic benefit水电经济效益


1.Calculation of Economic Benefit about Hydroelectric Based on Optimal Selection from Complex Project Group;基于复杂项目群优化选择的水电经济效益计算

2.Study on Calculating Method of Economic Benefit of Pumped-storage Power Station;抽水蓄能电站经济效益计算方法研究

3.Study on risk analysis methods of economic benefits for water conservancy projects;水利水电工程经济效益风险分析方法研究

4.Study on Dynamic Benefits and External Economy of Pumped-storage Plant;抽水蓄能电站的动态效益及其外部性经济研究

5.Research about Economical Benefit of Tai an Pumped Storage Power Station Project;泰安抽水蓄能电站项目经济效益评价研究

6.The Research on the Rationales and Mechanisms of Immigrant Sharing the Economic Benefit of Hydroelectric Project;水电工程移民共享经济效益的机理与机制研究

7.Discussion on Measures of Improving Overall Economic Benefit of Dongwushi Hydropower Station提高东武仕水电站整体经济效益措施的探讨

8.An analysis on economic efficiency of adding a new pneumatic water pump for the heat-power plant of baogang group热电厂增加汽动给水泵工程的经济效益分析

9.Strengthening economic dispatching of electric network improving economic benefit of enterprise;加强电网经济调度 提高企业经济效益

10.Research on the application of volume regulation in improving economic benefit of low head hydroelectric plant;库容调度在提高低水头水电厂经济效益中的应用研究

11.The Evaluating Research of Economical Benefit of Pumped Storage Power Station in the Electricity Market;电力市场条件下抽水蓄能电站经济效益的评价研究

12.The Yangtze River Three Gorges Project is an eye-catching hydropower project, which has profound economic and social benefit in terms of its flood-prevention, electricity generation and navigation functions.长江三峡工程举世瞩目的水电工程,具有防洪、电、运等巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

13.Calculation of the Economic Benefit of the Electric Locomotive by the New cost Benefit method采用费用效益法计算电力牵引的经济效益

14.Measuring of Environment and Ecology Benefits and Benefits on Economic Increasing of Small Hydro Power Station for Fuel Project in Rural Areas;农村小水电代燃料工程生态环境效益及经济拉动作用评估

15.Evaluation on Economical Benefit & Comprehensive Utilization Effect of Geheyan Hydroproject in the Past 10 Years;隔河岩水电站投运十年来综合经济效益分析与评价

16.Discussion on Calculation of Cost and Benefit andEconomic Evaluation on Extension of hydropower Project;水电扩建项目费用、效益计算与经济评价问题探讨

17.--The level of economic benefits were recovered back.——经济效益水平恢复性回升。

18.The economic results of enterprises are still fairly low.企业经济效益仍处于较低水平。


hydropower economic benefit水电经济效益

3)economic benefit for hydropower station水电站经济效益

1.Concerning with the risk of economic benefit of hydropower station, adopting "disassembling" analysis method, this paper identifies and briefly analyzes risk factors and their respective function mechanism ofeconomic benefit for hydropower station.针对水电站经济效益风险 ,采用“分解”分析方法 ,辨识出影响水电站经济效益的风险因素 ,简要分析了各因素的作用机理 ,由此建立了基于最大熵原则的风险分析模型 ,给出了求解方法。

4)watersaving economic benefited节水经济效益

5)economic analysis经济效益分析

6)economic benefit analysis经济效益分析

1.Itseconomic benefit analysis results show that: The best treatment which have the most economic benefit are treatment 6 (P 300 g/tree + K 300 g/tree + N 150 g/tree), its annual profit are 1528.对雷州林业局 7种施肥处理的尾叶桉MLA无性系 7年生与 3年生林分进行经济效益分析 ,结果表明 :最佳处理 6 (P30 0 g/株 +K30 0g/株 +N15 0 g/株 ) 7年生时年均利润 15 2 8。

bining the case of investment project of Xinjing Century Town, I explore practical method and theoretical system ofeconomic benefit analysis on investment project about real estate——model of.本文结合新景世纪城投资项目案例,从房地产投资项目经济效益分析全过程的三个阶段——投资机会分析阶段、产品开发策划阶段、经济效益评价三个阶段,进行房地产投资项目经济效益分析。

3.Economic benefit analysis,as one of the core parts of project appraisal,analyze and calculate the direct benefit and cost of the project.在对项目评估尤其是经济效益分析的目的和内容进行分析的基础上,对如何构建有效的、具有实践操作性的经济效益分析指标体系进行了比较系统的研究。


