900字范文 > 互动与发展 interaction and development英语短句 例句大全

互动与发展 interaction and development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-16 17:09:50


互动与发展 interaction and development英语短句 例句大全

互动与发展,interaction and development

1)interaction and development互动与发展

1.Under the background of "Two Corridors and One Circle", research on the Sino - Vietnamese mutual economicinteraction and development is of practical significance.“两廊一圈”背景下研究中越经济互动与发展具有十分重要的现实意义。

2)interactive development互动发展

1.On theinteractive development of running school and curriculum practice at teacher training institutions;论高师办学与课程实践的互动发展

2.The main type and implementation countermeasures for regional economicinteractive development;区域经济互动发展主要类型及实施对策

3.With the theory of sustained development,this paper puts forward the alternative rautes to theinteractive development economy and environment of in the western Area.以可持续发展理论作为指导思想,提出西部地区实现经济与生态环境良性互动发展的基本思路和具体建议。


1.Dynamic Mechanism Analysis of the Interactive Development of Regional Urban and Rural Tourism;区域城乡旅游互动发展动力机制分析

2.On the Issues and Options of the Development of Interactions between Higher Vocational Colleges in Hunan Province and the Society湖南高职院校与社会互动发展状况及发展建议

3.Research on Urbanization and Real Estate Industry Interaction Development Relations;城市化与房地产业互动发展关系研究

4.A Economic Study on the Mutual Effect between University-town and City;大学城与城市互动发展的经济学分析

5.The Analysis about the Development of Local College and the County Economy;地方院校与县域经济互动发展的分析

6.Interactive Development of Folk Theory and Creation in the 1990s;民间理论与写作在1990年代的互动发展

7.Probe into Interactive Development of School PE and Community Sports;学校体育与社区体育互动发展的探讨

8.Promoting the development of TD-SCDMA by developing the Mobile Internet发展移动互联网,推动TD-SCDMA发展

9.Interaction of the development of sports social science and the development of the society;体育社会科学发展与社会发展的互动

10.The mutual combination and mutual promotion of these two historical processes are developing in interaction and reciprocity.这两个历史过程应相互结合、互促进、共时互释,历时互动地向前发展。

11.Interaction between the Development of the Shanghai City and That of Its Libraries;上海城市发展与图书馆发展的互动作用

12.Historical Interactions Between the Concept of Development and the Development Model since the Founding of New China;新中国成立以来发展观与发展模式的历史互动

13.Remarks on Mutually Beneficial Interaction of the Development of Higher Education in Ningbo;高等教育发展的良性互动——宁波高教发展侧记

14.Talk About The Two-way Matual Act of Physical Development And Social Development In Midwest of China;论中国中西部体育发展与社会发展的双向互动

15.Mutual Interaction: the Development of Scientific Methods and the Development of Science;科学方法的发展与科学的发展:双向互动

16.The Interactive Relation of Economic Social Development;经济社会发展与人的全面发展的互动关系

17.The media sector is leaving the old one-way street into a modern interactive playground.现在的媒体已从“单向”发展而成“互动”。



interactive development互动发展

1.On theinteractive development of running school and curriculum practice at teacher training institutions;论高师办学与课程实践的互动发展

2.The main type and implementation countermeasures for regional economicinteractive development;区域经济互动发展主要类型及实施对策

3.With the theory of sustained development,this paper puts forward the alternative rautes to theinteractive development economy and environment of in the western Area.以可持续发展理论作为指导思想,提出西部地区实现经济与生态环境良性互动发展的基本思路和具体建议。

3)Mutual Development互动发展

1.Integrated mutual development of Nanjing Municipal Circle and the Yangtzi River Delta;南京都市圈与长三角一体化互动发展的障碍及措施分析

2.This article discussed the library culture and the university campus culture reciprocity,and has discussed the library culture and the campus culture mutual development method and the way.本文论述了图书馆文化与大学校园文化的相互关系,并探讨了图书馆文化与校园文化互动发展的方法与途径。

3.The mutual development between the market clusters and the industrial cluster has become the typical characteristic of the economic development in the developed region of China,and has the vital significance to the regional economic development.市场集群与产业集群的互动发展模式已成为我国发达地区经济发展的典型特征,对区域经济的发展具有重要的意义。

4)interaction development互动发展

1.A study on theinteraction development between informatization and urbanization of coal cities in China;煤炭城市信息化与城市化互动发展研究

2.Mechanism analysis of theinteraction development between technology market and technology innovation技术市场与技术创新互动发展的机理分析

3.It is a complicate social economical system which theinteraction development of gas rufuel station and gas vehicle.燃气汽车与加气站互动发展系统是一个大型、复杂、多维的社会经济技术系统,它的应用及推广能起到调整能源结构、缓解环境压力和实现可持续发展战略目标的重要作用。

5)Interactive Development发展互动

1.Study onInteractive Development of Foreign Large-scale Public Buildings and Cities and Its Implications国外大型公共建筑建设与城市的发展互动及其启示

6)interactive development互动式发展


金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)history of metallic material金属材料发展史historyor metalli。material见材料发展史。
