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亲和 affinity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-01 10:56:52


亲和 affinity英语短句 例句大全



1.Affinity Adsorbents for N-Demethylvancomycin;N-去甲万古霉素的亲和吸附

2.Affinity Adsorption and Purification of α-Amylase by Starch Micro-Spheres;淀粉微球亲和吸附纯化淀粉酶的研究

3.Expression andaffinity purification of recombinantstaphylokinase using pET-29b vector;利用pET-29b载体进行葡激酶基因表达与其产物的亲和纯化


1.affinity extraction亲和提取,亲和萃取

2.affinity electron microscopy亲和电镜(术)[用亲和配体包被铜网]

3.Research Progress on Self-compatibility of Self-incompatibility Plants自交不亲和植物自交亲和性研究进展

4.This substance has an affinity for water.这物质和水有亲和力。

5.A natural attraction or affinity.亲和力自然吸引或亲近性

6.Discrimination of two Chinese terms "亲和""亲合"(qinhe) in science and technology literatures;科技文献中的“亲和”与“亲合”辨析

7.negative electron affinity image intensifier负电子亲和势像增强器

8.Maria bears affinity to my mother.玛莉亚和母亲是姻亲。

9.She is very close to her father/She and her father are very close.她和父亲的关系很亲密.

10."See, my dear," father said gently.“看见了吧,亲爱的,”父亲柔和地说道。

11.She inherits her mother"s looks and her father"s temper.她继承了母亲的相貌和父亲的脾气。

12."...Christophe..."...and Francois." Dear Francois.和法兰西斯的双亲”亲爱的法兰西斯

13.She inherited good looks from her mother and bad temper from her father.她继承了母亲的美貌和父亲的坏脾气。

14.Keith and I, we were so close, like brothers.肯思和我,我们是这么亲密,就象亲兄弟。

15.Bertha"s father made a practice of quarrelling with his relatives.伯沙的父亲曾和亲戚们争吵不休。

16.They are my father, my mother, my younger sister and I.他们是我的父亲,我的母亲,我妹妹和我。

17.A Preliminary Discussion about the Custom Culture of Families and Relatives of Lahu Ethnic Minority Group;拉祜族家庭亲属和系亲规矩文化初探

18.I am not related to him in anyway.我和他无任何亲戚关系。


political marriage和亲

1.During the periods of Gao, Hui emperors and the period of Gao queen, they tried to restrain Xiongnu from invasion withpolitical marriage, because the military and economy were not that powerful.武帝以前高祖、惠帝和高后时期,由于国势不振,汉朝试图通过和亲来"约束"匈奴侵扰。

2.When the Tang government attempted continuously to cement relations with rulers of minority nationalities in the border areas bypolitical marriages,the Emperors even more repeatedly married their daughters off to the vassal states,for the superficial peace of the country.唐朝政府在不断对外采取和亲政策的同时,更频频地将公主下嫁到各个藩镇,以求取国家内部的表面和平。


1.OnHe-qin and Hostage of Han Dynasty;汉代的和亲与人质制度研究


1.It is an important measure for the Tang dynasty to cope with the issue of minority nationalities to intermarriages for pacification, and it exceeded former dynasties in range, area, number of people, continuous time, effect, influence etc.和亲是唐朝处理与少数民族关系的重要方式,其和亲范围、涉及面、人数、持续时间、效果、影响皆超过了前代。

5)He Qin和亲

1.On the characteristics ofHe Qin in Wei - Jin Period;析魏晋南北朝时期和亲的特点——兼与汉唐等不同历史时期比较



