900字范文 > 复介电常量 complex dielectric constant英语短句 例句大全

复介电常量 complex dielectric constant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-22 19:16:15


复介电常量 complex dielectric constant英语短句 例句大全

复介电常量,complex dielectric constant

1)complex dielectric constant复介电常量

1.The band structure and the optical transmission properties of the two dimensional photonic crystal withcomplex dielectric constant, especially discussing on the case of negative imaginary part, are analyzed numerically with the plane\|wave expansion method.采用平面波展开法 ,通过数值模拟研究了具有复介电常量的二维光子晶体的能带结构和光传输特性 ,重点讨论介电常量的虚部为负值情形时对传输特性的影响。

2)Complex permeability tensor复介电常数张量

3)Dielectric constant介电常量

1.A practicable transistor on-off circuit is presented which can measure capacitance and dielectric constant accurately.介绍一个实用的晶体管开关电路,用它能够较准确地测定电容和介电常量。


1.Effective permittivity of dielectric sphere with an eccentric spherical inclusion含有偏心球形微粒介质球的有效介电常量

2.The theory and method in measuring accurately the electronic and vacuum dielectric constant of parallel plate capacitor are introduced.介绍了用电子分析天平测量平行板电容器两极板间的静电力和真空介电常量的原理和方法。

3.The relationship between the dielectric constant and density of the material may be described by quadratic equations.密度与介电常量的关系可用二次方程序表示。

4.The square root and the cubic root of the dielectric constants are linearly related to the volume ratios.介电常量的二次及三次方根与密度成线性关系。

5.Using Coaxial Cavity and Coalesce with Perturbation Techniques to Measure Medium"s Complex Permittivity同轴谐振腔及微扰法测量介质介电常数

6.Design of Measurement System Software for Complex Permittivity Based on LabWindows/CVI and GPIB基于LabWindows/CVI介质复介电常数的测量系统设计

7.Measurement of complex permittivity of microwave dielectric materials using TM_(0mn) modes基于TM_(0mn)模式微波介质材料复介电常数的测量

8.Measure of Material Permittivity Based on BP Neural Network基于BP神经网络的材料介电常数测量

9.The Calculation of Quantum Fluctuation and Dielectric Constants in Incipient Ferroelectrics;先兆性铁电体中量子涨落及介电常数的计算

10.Design of Probe for Effective Permittivity Measurement of Chemical Reaction in Dilute Solution;稀溶液化学反应等效介电常数测量探头设计

11.Resonance Cavity Perturbation Method for Measuring Dielectric Constant and Application of Matlab;谐振腔微扰法测量介电常数及Matlab在其中的应用

12.Study on New Methods to Measure Permittivity of Biological Tissue by Using Open-ended Coaxial-line;开口同轴线测量介电常数新方法的研究

13.Measuring the Dielectric Constant of Plant Leaves with Microwave Cavity Perturbation Method;微波谐振腔微扰法测量植物叶片介电常数

14.Investigation on Measurements of LTCC Dielectric Constant Using Ring Resonator谐振环测量低温共烧陶瓷介电常数研究

15.7600Plus-based and LD-3 Methods of Measuring Dielectric Constant基于7600Plus和LD-3测量介电常数的几种方法

16.AC impedance measurement of the dielectric spectra for normal human blood cells交流阻抗法测量正常人血液细胞介电谱

17.Study of the Coaxial Probe in Measuring the Permittivity of the RF/Microwave Dielectric;同轴探头在微波/射频介质材料复介电常数测量应用中的研究

18.Measurement and Analysis of Radio Frequency and Microwave s Complex Permittivity and Complex Magnetic Permeability for Medium Material;介质材料的射频和微波复介电常数复磁导率的测量与分析


Complex permeability tensor复介电常数张量

3)Dielectric constant介电常量

1.A practicable transistor on-off circuit is presented which can measure capacitance and dielectric constant accurately.介绍一个实用的晶体管开关电路,用它能够较准确地测定电容和介电常量。

4)an imaginary part of dielectric constant defect复介电常量缺陷层

1.By means of optical transfer maxtrix,the band function and the optical transmission properties of mirror symmetrical photonic crystals withan imaginary part of dielectric constant defect were studied,especially in the case of negation imaginary part and the λ0/2 optical thickness of the defect.为了研究关于复介电常量缺陷层镜像对称的1维光子晶体的带隙结构和光传输特性,利用传输矩阵法,讨论了缺陷层的复介电常量的虚部为负值且光学厚度为λ0/2的情形对传输特性的影响。

5)permittivity measurement微波复介电常数测量

6)complex permittivity复介电常数

1.Study on thecomplex permittivity of common organic reagent at 2.45 GHz;2·45GHz下常用有机试剂复介电常数的测量与研究

2.Measuring thecomplex permittivity of phantom model by perturbation method;微扰法测量微波等效体模的复介电常数

3.Measurement forcomplex permittivity and complex permeability of film;薄膜材料复介电常数与复磁导率测试研究


介电常量介电常量Dielectric constant来定义:(l)究时所用的频率范围。对低于10,赫左右的频率,插人一平行板电容器中的电介质样品的电容率或阻抗,可以用一些适当电路来测量:谢灵(Schering)电桥的装置常用于直到1护赫的范围,而谐振电路则常用于1少一1护赫的范围。对于105赫以上的频率,介电常量可通过测量电磁波与该介质的相互作用来确定。在大约10“至1011赫的范围内,材料往往充填于波导或同轴电缆之中,然后量度其各种驻波波型。在更高的频率下,就要用到包括反射和透射测量在内的光学技术。在分析化学中所用的测量技术将在下面讨论。宏观理论下式的介电常量K是一个把电位移矢量D、极化强度p和电场E这些宏观量联系起来的无量纲参数:c一C0 一一佑1+器一‘+yx,‘2, 一一D一e0E 一一.一气 一一这里C为充满了电介质的电容器的电容,而C。为真空电容器的电容。介电常量‘也称为电容率(speeifie induetiveeapaeity)或相对电容率(relative permittivity)。它作为静电学库仑定律中的一个比例常量,也许最为人们所熟悉。对于某一给定电荷分布,介电常量表示真空中的电场强度与电介质中的电场强度之比,后一个场由于电介质的极化而被削弱。参阅“库仑定律”( Coulomb’5 law)、“电介质”(dieleetries)、“电场”(eleetrie field)和“电容率”(permittivity)各条。对于低频或静态场,典型电介质的‘值范围从1至10000以上。气体的介电常量仅比1稍为大一点,而高K值则出现在许多极性液体和某些离子固体中。附表列出了一些具有代表性的电介质材料的介电常量。
