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芽器官 Organism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-23 15:40:54


芽器官 Organism英语短句 例句大全



1.Research of Betula halophilaOrganisms Excised Culture and Quick Reproduce Technology;盐桦芽器官离体培养与快繁技术的研究


1.Bud Organ Tissue Culture of Plus Tree of Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla巨尾桉优株芽器官的组培技术体系研究

2.The covering of the spore-bearing organ in many fungi.包被很多真菌的产芽孢器官的外裹套

3.A structure bearing or consisting of a reproductive organ or part, such as a reproductive polyp or bud in a hydroid colony.生殖芽体有生殖器官或部分生殖器官的结构,如再生性珊瑚虫或螅状群的芽体

4.Stem A longitudinal axis upon which are borne the leaves, buds, and reproductive organs of the plant.茎:植物体着生叶、芽和繁殖器官的纵向轴状结构。

5.Physiological and biological responses of alfalfa shoots and roots to salt stress苜蓿幼苗芽、根器官对盐胁迫的生理生化响应

6.Genetic Fidelity of Regeneration Adventitious Shoots in Grape through Organogenesis葡萄器官发生途径再生不定芽的遗传稳定性

7.One of the small, round or cone - shaped protuberances on the top of the tongue that contain taste buds.舌乳头舌尖上的一种小而圆或核形的有芽状味觉器官的突起

8.According to former officials, the bacteria cultures could be used to make biological weapons, including anthrax.据以前的官员说,细菌培养菌可以用来制造生物武器,包括炭疽芽孢。

9.The initial clustering of embryonic cells from which a part or an organ develops; primordium.原基,芽基,胚基长出部位或器官的胚胎细胞群;原基

10.A small, rounded organic part, such as a taste bud, that resembles a plant bud.蕾一个小的,圆形的器官组成部分,如味蕾和植物的芽很相似

11.The Effect of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal-immune Organ in Rats by Additive of Gamma Germ;芽孢杆菌制剂对小鼠下丘脑—垂体—肾上腺—免疫器官的影响

12.Primordium (pl. primodia) A collection of cells that differentiates into a specialized cell, tissue or organ, e.g. the apical shoot and apical root primordia of the embryo.原基:指能分化出特化的细胞、组织或器官的少数细胞,如胚芽原基和胚根原基。

13.the digestive [respiratory] apparatus消化 [呼吸] 器官

14.Relating to perception by a sensory organ.器官感觉的有关用感觉器官感知的

15.A tubular part or organ of the body.管状器官身体管状部分或器官

16.One of the organs of speech, such as the lips or tongue.发音器官一个发音器官,如嘴唇或舌头

17.Moral Reconsideration of Organ Transplantation:from the evaluation of commercialization of the organ;器官移植道德反思——兼评器官商品化

18.Of or relating to the organs involved in the formation and excretion of urine.泌尿器官的尿液形成及排泄器官的,与这些器官有关的


shoot organogenesis芽器官发生

3)in vivo culturing of imaginal disc器官芽的体内培养


1.Distribution of Heavy Metal(Cd?Pb?Cu?Zn) in DifferentOrgans of Maize;几种重金属(Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn)在玉米植株不同器官中的分布特征

2.Distribution of five heavy metals in different organs of wheat;五种重金属在小麦植株不同器官中的分布特征

3.Reflections of covertness and overtness of human organs in English and Chinese expressions;人体器官的隐显性在英汉习语中的折射


1.Distribution of airborne fluoride inorgans of rice plant and its effect on fluoride content in brown rice;源于大气的氟在水稻不同器官的分布及对糙米含氟量的影响

2.Effects of Ethanol Extract from Mrrubium Incisum on Organs Injury in Acute Microcirculatory Disturbance Rats;夏至草醇提物对急性微循环障碍大鼠器官损伤的干预作用

3.Effects of Ethanol Extract from Mrrubium Incisum on Nitric Oxide and Nitric Oxide Synthases of Multiple Organs in Hemorrhagic Shock Rats;夏至草醇提物对失血性休克大鼠器官一氧化氮及其合酶的影响

6)germination apparatus发芽器


听觉器官和前庭器官的进化5 脊椎动物平衡器官―半规管的比较

听觉器官和前庭器官的进化5 脊椎动物平衡器官―半规管的比较 李瑞端绘[图]
