900字范文 > 期刊质量 Journal quality英语短句 例句大全

期刊质量 Journal quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-20 19:47:47


期刊质量 Journal quality英语短句 例句大全

期刊质量,Journal quality

1)Journal quality期刊质量

1.Relationship among the journal quality, circulation and advertisements:experience from the running of Journal of Bee;期刊质量、发行量、广告三者的关系——《蜜蜂杂志》办刊实践

2.Since the publication of the Journal of Nursing Science went from monthly to semi-monthly,the editing procedures of the Journal have been modified considerably,which contributes to the promotion of working efficiency and helps raise the journal quality.《护理学杂志》由月刊改为半月刊后,编辑部对常规工作中的初审、编辑、复修稿、刊后集体审读工作程序进行了改进,提高了工作效率,保证了期刊质量,减轻了编辑人员的紧张度。

3.This paper discusses the signification of SCI journal evaluation index,the essential meaning of the journal impact factor and the relation of journal quality and paper quality,introduces 32 journals impact factor,total citation frequency,articles,country,issue and so on.文章论述了SCI期刊评价指标含义 ,期刊影响因子的本质意义及其与期刊质量和与论文质量的关系 ,介绍了 32种被SCI收录的历史与科学哲学学术期刊的影响因子、被引频次、年载文量、国家、刊期等 ,指出在具体的评价工作中 ,影响因子是评价期刊学术水平的重要指标 ,论文的引文频次指标是评价论文质量的一种更直接的定量指标。


1.Improve the Quality of the Science Journals and Create Famous-branded Journals;提高科技期刊质量 创精品名牌期刊

2.Influence of "Journals by Scholars" on the Quality of Academic Journals;论“学者办刊”对学术期刊质量的影响

3.Grasp the Key Elements of Quality Control and Improve the Quality of Periodicals;把握质量控制要素,全面提高期刊质量

4.The Differences and Sameness between Qualitative Evaluating Academic Journal and Evaluating Core Journal学术期刊质量评价与核心期刊评价之异同

5.The quality of editors is the key factor affecting the quality of sci-tech periodicals.科技期刊编辑自身的素质是影响科技期刊质量的关键。

6.Professional Level,Practical Wisdom and Periodical Quality: Thinking on the Editors Quality of Academic Periodical;专业水平、实践智慧与期刊质量——对学术期刊编辑素质的思考

7.Research on the Evaluation Index System of Open Access Journals;开放获取期刊质量评价指标体系研究

8.Correctly Using Scientific and Technological Terms and Making Great Efforts for Increasing the Quality of Journals;准确使用科技术语 努力提高期刊质量

9.Strengthen Professional Moral Education Improve Learned Journals Quality;加强职业道德教育 提高学术期刊质量

10.Promotion of Magenines Quality of Sports Scientific and Teehnology by creatlng Concept;树立创新意识 提高体育科技期刊质量

11.Strengthening the Work of Editors and Proof Readers to Improvethe Quality of Scientific Periodicals;加强编校工作 提高科技期刊质量

12.Re-creation Capacity of the Main Practitioners in Academic Journals and Upgrading of Journals" Quality学术期刊从业主体的再造能力与期刊质量的提升

13.Establishment of a set of rules for improving the academic quality of Scientia Agricultura Sinica促进期刊质量提高的制度建设——《中国农业科学》的办刊实践

14.Research on the Quality and Management System for Scientific-Technological Journals of Shanghai Universities;上海市高校科技期刊质量及管理体制的研究

15.Strengthening the Awareness of Responsibility,Improving the Work of Quality Control of Sci-tech Periodical;强化责任意识 做好科技期刊质量管理工作

16.Careful Compilation Revising-Important part for journals quality;编辑审读,认真送审——提高期刊质量的要件

17.Strengthen step quality control to guarantee journals overall quality加强环节质量控制 提高期刊整体质量



quality of journal期刊质量

1.To correctly use scientific and technological terms is one of the important measures for enhancing the functions of academic journals,and is also an important step for increasing thequality of journals.准确使用科技术语,是强化学术性期刊功能的重要措施之一,也是提高期刊质量的重要环节。

2.On the base of the journals management, it can be stressed on thequality of journal, the distribution and multi-dimensional publishing.在经营杂志的实践基础上,从提高期刊质量、扩大期刊发行和开创立体办刊的局面这3个方面进行了总结。

3)periodical quality期刊质量

1.Raisingperiodical quality, advancing periodical arrangement standardization and normalization;提高期刊质量 推进期刊编排的标准化规范化

2.Important countermeasures for improvingperiodical quality are provided: orientating policy of running periodical,constructing editorial board of high academy level,setting up fine columns.从学科范围和稿源现状两方面分析了〈〈中国西瓜甜瓜〉〉更名〈〈中国瓜菜〉〉的原因,提出明确办刊方针、组建高水平编委队伍、打造精品栏目是进一步提升期刊质量的重要措施。

4)Quality of periodical期刊质量

1.This paper discusses relation between editors quality and quality of sci-tech periodicals,as well as influence of editor s quality on quality of periodicals, lists several kinds of quality which should be possessed by editors of sci-tech periodicals,such as knowledge structure,subject selection,scientific prediction,and communication and exchange.论述了编辑素质与科技期刊质量的关系以及编辑素质对期刊质量的影响。

2.The quality of sci-tech periodicals editors being high or low is an important basis for the quality of periodicals.科技期刊编辑素质的高低是决定期刊质量好坏的一个重要依据。

3.Through analysis on the present situation of agricultural sci-tech periodicals, this paper discusses on that the contents deepening into the practi ce, the well-designed column, the aesthetically designed format and well-opera ted advertisement are the key factors of lifting the quality of periodicals.通过对农业科技期刊现状的分析,论述了期刊内容深入实际、栏目精心策划、版式设计美观及经营好广告是提升期刊质量的关键要素。

5)quality of journals期刊质量

1.The makings of the editorial staff are a decisive factor in ensuring thequality of journals of science and techonology.编辑人员的素质是保证科技期刊质量的决定性因素。

6)Quality of E-journal电子期刊质量


蚕茧质量监督检查和国家生丝质量检验蚕茧质量监督检查和国家生丝质量检验cocoon quality supervision inspection and national silk quality inspection检验局承担并组织有关检验机构对全国已核发生产准产证的缘丝、绢纺企业的生丝、绢丝质量进行抽查检验(两年共四期),以考核生产企业生丝质量水平。中国桑蚕鲜茧评茧计价方法主要有3种:①鲜上光茧干壳量仪器评定(简称仪评)计价;②“组合售茧、嫌丝计价,’(简称“组、缎”)评茧方法;③茧层率评茧计价。国家质量技术监督局于19望)年6月7日下发了《关于加强茧丝质t监督工作的通知》,要求加强桑蚕鲜茧收购期间的质量监督执法检查;重点做好鲜茧收购过程中“四率”(仪器配备率、仪器完好率、仪评率和仪评相符率)的检查工作。各级专业纤维检验机构应充分发挥职能作用,加强蚕茧质量监督管理;加强对茧站仪评计价工作指导;加强对蚕茧收购计t器具的检定工作;充分运用法律手段,在蚕茧收购期间开展执法检查活动,对违法行为坚决予以查处。在国家生丝质t检验方面,1998年国家经贸委等4部门联合发布了(缀丝绢纺准产证制度实施办法》,规定缎丝、绢纺企业准产的基本条件。经国家茧丝绸协调小组审议,并报国务院领导批准,“国家生丝质量检验”项目列人(国家茧丝绷发展风险基金》第二批发展项目。该项目由中国纤维检验局承担并组织依法设t或依法授权的具有生丝、绢丝检验能力的纤检局(所)、生丝质检站对全国已核发生产准产证的缀丝、绢丝企业的生丝、绢丝质量进行检验。(吕善模),ngconjian zhilia叩Jiondu iianCha he gUOJia she叩51 zh1旧nyan蚕茧质一监督检查和国家生丝质t检验coon甲ality su伴币sion inspection and natsilk卿ality ins衅tion)专业纤维检验机构蚕鲜茧收购期间,对茧站收购鲜茧进行质量监督和检验的全过程。国家生丝质量检验是指由中国CO-nal桑查维
