900字范文 > 生活时尚英语口语900句:Unit 1 清新茶馆

生活时尚英语口语900句:Unit 1 清新茶馆

时间:2024-04-12 04:18:57


生活时尚英语口语900句:Unit 1 清新茶馆

第一部份 新鲜生活

Unit1 Comfortable Teahouse 清新茶馆

生活时尚英语口语900句:Unit 1 清新茶馆

1.Would you rather have tea or coffeec?你要茶还是咖啡?

2.Are you going to have dessert?你想吃甜点心吗?

3.What would you like to drink, please?请问你想喝点什么?

4.Do you like to have anything else9你还要吃别的东西吗?

5.ls it strong enough ?够浓吗?

6.Do you like it weak or strong?你喜欢淡的还是浓的?

7.Do you take milk and sugar in your tea?你的茶要放牛奶和糖吗?

8.ls lt strong enough for you?你喝这个够浓吗?

9.Would you like black tea or green tea?你喜欢红茶还是绿茶早

10.Do you like it with sugarc?你喜欢喝放糖的吗?

11.Could l have the bill please?请把账单给我好吗?

12.Would you bring me another cup of green tea?请再给我一杯绿茶好吗?

13.I always have black tea in the moming.我总是在早上喝红茶。

14.l"m thirsty.Please give me a cup of tea.我渴了,请给我一杯茶。

15.Give me a cup of tea with a slice of leman,piease.请给我一杯柠檬茶。

16.I"ll just have a small piece of apple pie.我要吃一小块苹果馅饼。

17.Give me a glass of cold water,please.请给我一杯冷水。

18.Please serve us as quickly as possible.快一点儿。

19.We have tea,coffee,orange luice.我们有茶、咖啡、橘子汁。

20.Another cup of orange jence,please.请再给我一杯橘子汁。

21.Tea with a slice of lemon, please.请给我一杯加柠檬片的茶。

22.Coffee with cream.请给我一杯加奶油咖啡。

23.I hope this black tea is to your taste.我希望这种红茶合你的口味。

24.Get me some cake,please.请给我一些蛋糕。

25.I"ll take ice-tea.我要喝冰茶。

26.I"d rather have a stronger one.我想要更浓一些的。

27.I"d like some Jasmlne tea.我想喝点菜莉花茶。

28.Let me refill your cupr我来给你再斟上一杯。

29.For aroma and flavor,l think you can"t beat Ceylon teas.就香气和味道来说,我想什么也比不上锡兰茶。

30.After a Chinese meal,a cup of green tea really refreshes your mouth.吃完中餐后,喝杯绿茶能让你口气清新。

31.Tea does good to people"s health.There are many kinds of fea.Say,black tea,green tea, scented tea, brick tea.milk tea,iasmine tea,dvysanthemum tea and so on.茶对人健康有益,种类很多,有红荼j绿茶,诧茶,砖茶,奶茶,茉莉花茶,菊花茶等。
