900字范文 > 职业技能人才 talents with vocational skills英语短句 例句大全

职业技能人才 talents with vocational skills英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-25 00:09:38


职业技能人才 talents with vocational skills英语短句 例句大全

职业技能人才,talents with vocational skills

1)talents with vocational skills职业技能人才

1.On the urgency of developing higher vocational education from the relationship of the demand and supply oftalents with vocational skills;从职业技能人才供求状况谈发展高职教育的紧迫性


1.Research on the Vocational- technical Talents Training of the Colleges of Science and Engineering of the New Century;新世纪理工科院校培养职业技能人才研究

2.National Professional Standards and the Cultivation of High-skilled Talents in Higher Vocational Education;国家职业标准与高职高技能人才培养

3.Expeditely Develop Vocational Education and Cultivate High Skill Person;加快发展职业教育 培养高技能人才

4.Thinking of how to quicken training of high profession skillful talents;加快培养高等职业技能型人才的思考

5.Vocational Colleges are the Main Channel of Training Professionalswith High-Technical Ability;职业院校是高技能人才培养的主渠道

6.Discussion about the Training of Skilled Specialists in Guangzhou and the Response of Vocational Education广州技能型人才培养与职业教育应对

7.Cultivating the "High Skill Talents" in the Art Designing Major of the Higher Vocational Education高职艺术设计专业“高技能人才”的培养

8.On National Vocational Standard and Higher Vocational High-Skilled Talents Training;浅谈国家职业标准与高职高技能人才培养

9.Strengthening Practice Teaching and Training Skilled Talents;加强实践教学,培养技能型职业技术人才

10.Training the Urgent-needed Talents in Digital Control Technology in Vocational Colleges;高职数控技术技能专业紧缺人才的培养

11.WTO and Training of High-quality Technical and Skilled Talents;WTO与高素质职业技术和技能人才的培养

12.Skills-Secondary Vocational School Training Model in the Example-to Professional Farm Machinery;中等职业学校技能型人才培养模式研究

13.Develop a Mode Research According to the Business Enterprise Technical Ability Demanding Senior High Vocational School Talented Person;基于企业技能需求的高职人才培养模式研究

14.Reflections on the Cultivation of High-Skilled Talents in Secondary Vocational Education;对中等职业教育造就高技能人才的几点思考

15.On the Training of Technical Talent in Professional Education Viewed from"Made-in-China";从“中国制造”看职业教育技能型人才的培养

16.Analysis of Differences in Personnel Training of Higher Vocational Education and Secondary Vocational Education;职业教育与技能型人才培养层次的差异分析

17.Considerations about the Modes of Cultivating the High-skilled Talents in Higher Vocational College;高等职业院校培养高技能人才模式思考

18.Training highly skilled people for advanced manufacturing:the important mission of vocational education;高职教育要为现代制造业培训技能型人才


professional & technical talents职业化-技能型人才

3)talented persons with high quality and professional techniques高素质职业技能人才

4)specialized talents职业技术人才

1.The discussion on the value-person assumption and the realization of value forspecialized talents;关于价值人假设与职业技术人才价值实现的探讨


1.Engaging in business education and vocational education is the pursuit of his life,and valuingproffessionals,cultivatingproffessionals and strictly administerproffessionals is the key of his success.他不仅大力培养国内专业技术人才、重金聘请国外职业技术精英,而且注重发掘女子职业人才资源,并由此形成了一套独特的职业人才管理思想与模式。

6)professional skilled talent专业技能人才


