900字范文 > 人的发展经济学 mans development economics英语短句 例句大全

人的发展经济学 mans development economics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-16 06:28:39


人的发展经济学 mans development economics英语短句 例句大全

人的发展经济学,man"s development economics

1)man"s development economics人的发展经济学

1.To Establish the Marxism Theoretical Foundation of Man"s Development Economics——A Study of Marx"s Thoughts on Human-Oriented,Humanism in China and Anthropocentric Economics确立“人的发展经济学”的马克思主义理论基础——马克思人本思想、人本主义中国解读及人本经济学的质疑与分析

2.Man"s Development Economics and the Government"s Social Welfare Improvement人的发展经济学与政府社会福利改进的基础


1.The History of Man s Development Economics and Its Status Quo in China;论中国“人的发展经济学”研究的历史和现状

2.The Study Object、Theoretical System and Significance of Human Development Economics人的发展经济学的研究对象、理论体系及其意义

3.Man"s Development Economics and the Government"s Social Welfare Improvement人的发展经济学与政府社会福利改进的基础

4.On the Latest Development of the Discipline of Population,Resources and Environmental Economics;人口、资源与环境经济学学科的新发展

5.The Inspire of Scientific and Development View to the Research on Human Based Economy;科学发展观对人本经济学研究的启示

6.Development and criticism of economic man theory in the western economics;西方经济学对经济人理论的批判与发展

7.Economic Anthropology: Its Beginning and Early Development in the USA;论美国经济人类学的诞生与早期发展

8.On the Development of National Economy from the Perspective of Economic Anthropology经济人类学视野中民族经济发展分析

9.Heterogeneity of Economic Behavior and Modifications of the Concept of Homo Economicus by Behavioral Economics经济行为的异质性与行为经济学对经济人假定的发展

10.Evolution of Human Development View--From economic growth to scientific concept of development;人类发展观的演进——从经济增长到科学发展

11.On All-round Development of Human Beings from Human-oriented Economics Criticism on Economic-man Theor y;从人本主义经济学对经济人理论的批判看人的全面发展

12.Marketing Economy and Human Full Development--On the Philosophical Base of Humanistic Development View on Science;市场经济与人的全面发展——兼论以人为本的科学发展观的哲学基础

13.Humane Concerns in Marxist Economics and All-around Development of Man;马克思主义经济学的人文关怀与人的全面发展

14.On the Development of Western Economics through a Study of the Hypothesis of Rational Person;从理性人假设看西方经济学的发展——从2002年诺贝尔经济学奖谈起

15.Thoughts on the Subject Development of the Economics of Population, Resources and Environment;我国人口、资源与环境经济学学科发展的思考

16.Low Carbon Economy:Revolution in the Way of Human Economic Development;低碳经济:人类经济发展方式的新变革

17.Institutional Economics Analysis of Chinese Private Economic Development;中国私营经济发展的制度经济学分析

18.Some related economic theories for developing circular economy.;发展循环经济的若干经济学理论探讨


economics of human development人本发展经济学

3)the development of the Law and Economics法经济学的发展

4)development economics发展经济学

1.Discussion on the problems and countermeasures about case teaching in the course of Development Economics;发展经济学案例教学实施中的主要问题及对策

2.Some Reflections on Teaching the Course of "Development Economics";“发展经济学”课程教学的若干思考

3.A consideration of constructing socialismdevelopment economics;创建社会主义发展经济学的思考

5)developmental economics发展经济学

1.Likewise, the socialism that our country practices demands its owndevelopmental economics.本文论述了 (我国 )社会主义必须建立自己的发展经济学 ,并对如何构建社会主义发展经济学进行了系统的探

2.Revival of new classicism indevelopmental economics promotes theories of economic development.发展经济学中新古典主义的复兴从理论上推进了经济发展理论的发展 ,在实践上促成了发展中国家和地区经济的迅速发展 ;它主张的改革开放、实行市场经济的方针是一切发展中国家不可动摇的发展方针。

6)Economics of Development发展经济学

1.Arguments over relations between government and market exist in the economics of development.本文考察了自发展经济学产生以来的主流理论对政府与市场关系的讨论及其变迁的原因 ,并对二者的关系做出了进一步的思


