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功能型 function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-10 07:02:33


功能型 function英语短句 例句大全



pared with ordinary yogurt,functional yogurt with diversified tastes and rich nutrition is more suitable for a wide range of consumer groups.与普通的酸奶相比,功能型酸奶口味多样,营养丰富,适合更广泛的消费群体,所以功能型酸奶具有极高的研究价值。

2.Afunction plant nutrient agent Luxecote is studied and a diffusion theory model with fast releasing nutrients established.对功能型作物营养剂LUXECOTE进行了研究。


1.function type optic-fibre temperature transducer功能型光纤温度传感器

2.Effect of the Color Paste"s Content on Temperature-fall Coatings色基比对降温涂料功能型性能的影响

3.non-function type optic-fibre temperature transducer非功能型光纤温度传感器

4.Research on Automatic Lost Circulation Prevention Technology of the Functional Compound Gel;功能型复合凝胶自适应堵漏技术研究

5.Study on Photonic Crystal Fibers and Their Functional Devices;光子晶体光纤及其功能型器件的研究

6.small multifunction automatic packager小型多功能自动包装机

7.Functional analysis on the sentence pattern of It is+adj.+that clause ;“It is+adj.+that小句”句型的功能分析

8.IRS2158D"s Function and Typical ApplicationIRS2158D的功能与典型应用

9.An Improved Quality Function Deployment Model: --Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment改进的质量功能配置模型——模糊质量功能配置

10.Function Design and Position Model of Integrated Logistics Center;综合型物流中心功能设计和选址模型

11.This model has been equipped with everything you could possibly need.这种型号功能齐全,能满足您所有需要。

12.Model of Executive Functioning As Predictor of Children s Mathematical Ability;儿童执行功能对数学能力的预测模型

13.Study on the Properties of a Thiadiazole Derivative Multifunctional Additive一种噻二唑型多功能添加剂性能研究

14.Such model is a simplified model, which can indicate the characteristics and functions of the FCS.该模型是能够反映飞控系统功能的简化模型。

15.Abstract: This paper introduces a new type multifunctional automatic breast pump.文摘:介绍一种新型多功能自动吸乳器。

16.This is an extremely versatile new kitchen machine.这是一种功能极多的新型厨房机械。

17.I didn"t realize you could get that in a compact camera.我不知道这部小型相机有如此的功能,

18.in the direction of comprehensive and multifunctional development向综合型、多功能方向发展


functional type功能型

1.From the natiral environmental conditons of Yongchang city,based upon study of the local natural environment and plants design ideas of ecotype,resource-efficient type andfunctional type are proposed in order to create plant landscape with regional characteristics,which provide good references for garden greening in Hexi region.从永昌的自然环境条件出发,研究当地自然环境及植被的特征,提出生态型、节约型、功能型的设计理念,组织设计具有地域特色的植物景观,其园林绿化的建设对于整个河西地区城市建设有着借鉴作用。

3)plant functional type功能型

1.Photosynthetic characteristics and their relationships with leaf nitrogen content and leaf mass per area in differentplant functional types;不同功能型植物光合特性及其与叶氮含量、比叶重的关系

4)function model功能模型

1.Transregional emergency and rescue system for Changjiang River Delta:development research offunction model based on fractal modeling principle;长江三角洲跨区域抢险救援体系——基于分形细化原则的功能模型开发研究

2.The research onfunction model of CAD system based on IDEF0;基于IDEF0的CAD系统功能模型研究

3.The Construction of Electronic Performance System Function Model Based on Informational Technique and Course Conformity for Teacher Training;信息技术与课程整合教师培训电子绩效系统功能模型的构建


1.Objective A retrospective analysis assessed the efficiency of gamma knife radiosurgery fornonfunctioning pituitary adenoma involving visual pathway.目的评价伽玛刀治疗累及视路的无功能型垂体腺瘤的适应证和疗效。

6)Functional model功能模型

1.IP billing functional model in the next generation operation and support system;新一代运营系统和软件中的IP计费功能模型

2.Application Research of Functional Model Based AOP and Refactoring;基于AOP与重构技术的功能模型应用研究

3.The Research of HRMS Basis Performance Management System Functional Model;基于HRMS的绩效管理系统功能模型研究




