900字范文 > 公共信息资源 public information resources英语短句 例句大全

公共信息资源 public information resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-20 11:32:43


公共信息资源 public information resources英语短句 例句大全

公共信息资源,public information resources

1)public information resources公共信息资源

1.There are many reasons lead to inefficiency in the domain ofpublic information resources management in China.造成我国公共信息资源管理低效的原因很多,本文试图从经济学的角度分析造成公共信息资源管理低效的原因,旨在为提高公共信息资源管理的效率提供建议与帮助。

2.This paper discusses and explores systematically on how to build a scientific and effective macro-administration system ofpublic information resources for China and human society today.本文立足于立法(国家立法和国际法规)与政策(国家政策和国际社会、国际组织政策)这两大现代社会管理的宏观管理基本手段,对我国和当代人类社会公共信息资源社会宏观管理体系的构建进行了系统的学术思考。


1.Study on the Multiple Management System of Public Information Resources;公共信息资源的多元化管理体制研究

2.Market Allocation of Public Information Resources:Practices and Problems;公共信息资源市场配置的实践与问题

3.Research on the Pluralism Strategy for the Management of Public Information Resources;公共信息资源管理的多元化策略研究

4.The Rational Thought of Public Library"s Participation in Public Information Resource Management公共图书馆参与公共信息资源管理的理性思考

paring Government Information Resources Management with Public Information Resources Management;政府信息资源管理与公共信息资源管理比较分析

6.Analysis on the Reason and Solution about Commercialize of Public Information Resource;公共信息资源商品化的成因与对策分析

7.The Role Orientation of Government in Public Information Resources Management;政府在公共信息资源管理中的角色定位

8.Fee-based Service of Public Information Resource and Its Governmental Regulation公共信息资源的有偿服务及其政府规制

9.Research on Evaluation Index of Reasonable Allocation of Government Public Information Resources政府公共信息资源合理配置评价指标问题探讨

10.The Mode Research of Public Information Resources Management Based on E-Participation基于E-Participation的公共信息资源管理模式研究

11.The Trends of Information Resources Sharing and Public Libraries in Transition信息资源共享趋势与公共图书馆转型

12.Research on Barriers of Public Access to Information Resources in China;我国信息资源公共获取障碍问题研究

13.Public land and resources information service system preliminary study国土资源公共信息服务系统建设初探

14.Research on Public Interest of Information Resources From the Judicature Angle信息资源版权公共利益研究:司法视角

15.A Study on Governmental Choices of Public Policy to Promote Information Public Access;推进信息资源公共获取的公共政策选择

16.On the Research of Governmental Information Resource Sharing Based on the Public Goods Theory;基于公共物品理论的政府信息资源共享研究

17.Society Share Issue of Information Resource in the Unpublice Libraries;非公共图书馆信息资源的社会共享问题

18.Public Library and the Exploitation of Government Information Resources公共图书馆与政府信息资源公益性开发


Public information resource公共信息资源

1.Study on Consultation Based on Public Information Resources;基于公共信息资源的咨询服务研究

2.The commercialize ofPublic information resource not only belong to category of public information resource management,but also involve in the just and impartial of society.公共信息资源商品化问题,不仅涉及公共信息资源管理的范畴,还涉及到社会的公平、公正。

3.Public information resources and their cognition mechanisms belong to an ontological category representing a new paradigm of library science, with text paradigm as its ontological and epistemological fulcrum.公共信息资源及其认知机制是一个用以表征图书馆学新范式的本体论范畴。

3)Common Credit Information Resource公共信用信息资源

1.Integration and sharing of our nationalCommon Credit Information Resources can exert their better economic and societal impact,and establish the material foundation for the construction of our national society credit system.对全国公共信用信息资源进行整合和共享,能够发挥其较大的经济和社会效益,也为我国社会信用体系建设奠定了物质基础。

4)information resource open access信息资源公共获取

5)public digital information resources公共数字信息资源

6)users of public information resources公共信息资源用户

1.Effective utilization for theusers of public information resources is closely related to their personal information literacy.文章从公共信息资源用户信息素质现存问题入手,分析对公共信息用户信息素质培养的战略意义,尝试性地提出培养的实施策略。


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
