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情境学习 Situated Learning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-23 23:09:26


情境学习 Situated Learning英语短句 例句大全

情境学习,Situated Learning

1)Situated Learning情境学习

1.The use of anchored instructional model in physical situated learning ——An instructional exploration of “composition and resolution of motion”;物理情境学习中抛锚式教学模式的应用——“运动的合成和分解”一节的教学探索

2.Situated Cognition andSituated Learning in Mathematics Class;情境认知与数学课堂中的情境学习

3.The theory of situated learning insists that the actual and complete knowledge is acquired in real learning situation on which language learning is also emphasized.情境学习理论认为,真正的、完整的知识是在真实的学习情境中获得的,语言学习强调的也正是这样的语境。


1.The Situational-studying Views on the Primary and Middle-school Students the Mathematical Situations and Posing Problems Teaching;中小学数学“情境——问题”教学中的情境学习观

2.Principles of Learning Environment Design Based on Situational Learning Theory基于情境学习理论的学习环境设计原则

3.Role Learning of Adults:Consideration Based on Adult Situational Learning成人角色学习:基于成人情境学习的思考

4.On Situational-Learning Belief and Strategy of Maths "Situation and Problem" Instruction in Primary and Middle Schools;浅谈中小学数学“情境—问题”教学中情境学习的理念与策略

5.Context Learning and Assessment by the way of Jasper series;关于“杰斯帕系列”的情境学习与评价

6.Anthropological Context Theory Attachment to Improve the Quality of the on-job Practice论情境学习理论对顶岗实习的指导意义

7.The Teaching Strategies for Creating a Learning Scene in Network Environment;网络环境下“创设学习情境”的教学策略

8.Creating a cooperative learning environment and reducing students affective f ilters in foreign language learning;创建合作学习情境,降低外语学习中的情感障碍

9.Mathematics "Situation-Problem" Teaching Based on Inquiry Learning;基于探究学习的数学“情境—问题”教学

10.Creating Good Situations for Physics Teaching to Develop the Students Interests;创设物理教学情境 培养学生学习兴趣

11.To create excellent study circumstance and improve students level in science;创设优良学习情境提高学生科学素质

12.Improving English Learning Situation and Stimulating Medical Students Motivation in English Learning;优化学习情境 激发医学生英语学习动机

13.Situational Advantages of Cooperative Learning--Impacts of Three Situations on Learning Motivation;合作学习的情境优势——兼谈三种情境对学习动机的影响

14.Creation of Active Learning Context for Class Teaching;激发学生主动式学习的课堂情境创设

15.The Constructive Learning Theory and English Situated-teaching;从建构主义学习理论看英语情境教学

16.Constructivist learning theory emphasizes the creation of learning environment.建构主义学习理论强调学习情境的创设。

17.To Create Teaching Situation,and Cultivate Students" Interest in Learning Chinese创设情境,激发情感,培养学生学习语文的兴趣

18.Study on characters Affective Computing in Virtual Learning Environment;虚拟学习环境中的人物情感计算研究


situational learning情境学习

1.Researches on maths "situation-problem" instruction in middle and primary schools in China,based on the widespread tendency of maths education reform at home and abroad,are carried out in the form of advanced,exploratory and empirical classroom teaching research,in which the perspective ofsituational learning has Chinese characteristics.情境学习是20世纪90年代以来西方学习理论领域研究的热点,中小学数学"情境—问题"教学研究是基于国际、国内数学教育改革大趋势而开展的一项前沿性、探索性与实证性的课堂教学研究,其中包含的情境学习观有中国特色,其基本的情境学习理念与策略,具有十分重要的实践意义。

2.This paper analyzes the connotation and basic views ofsituational learning theory and studies the guiding principles for learning environment design with a view to helping create adequate learning environment,stimulating learners\" thinking and involving learner emotions in cognitive activities.情境学习理论认为,学习是情境、文化和学习活动的共同功能,个体与环境的相互作用是获得知识、形成能力以及社会化的必经途径。

3)Learning environment学习情境

1.Design of syllabus of the course,Diagnosis and Repair of Automobile Transmission System,based on learning environments of typical working processes is introduced after an analysis of key elements in conventional,subject-based teaching syllabus,and a reconstruction of the learning environments.本文阐述了汽车运用技术专业核心课程"汽车传动系统检修"的课程方案设计,是基于典型工作过程的学习情境设计,新的课程方案的设计过程是对传统学科体系的课程方案解构、重构的过程,它既涵盖了传统学科体系的知识点,以学习情境为载体使学生掌握相关知识,激发学生的兴趣和思维,从而提高学生综合职业能力。

2.It also gives examples on the reconstruction of curriculum system,learning environment setting and assignments design.针对基于工作过程导向课程开发思路,介绍了武汉职业技术学院数控技术应用专业进行课程开发的具体实践过程,并就课程体系重构和学习情境设计、课业设计等作了一些案例的描述。

3.An optimized, full of emotional and intellectual learning environment is to stimulate students to actively participate in learning the fundamental guarantee.学习情境是学生参与学习的具体的现实环境。

4)learning context学习情境

1.To analyze the learner slearning context is very important in the design course.给出了基于学习情境分析的E_Learning系统用户视图的设计框架,在设计过程中,通过学习情境更新方法获取学习者的认知特性,通过用户视图生成方法保证设计出的E_Learning系统用户视图符合学习者的认知特性。

2.After that,learning contexts can be divided and arrayed following hierarchical and parallel law.在对企业中进行产品数控加工的实际工作过程细化分析的基础上,寻找共性和个性特征,以工作流程的分支点为依据,归并整合出学习领域课程,按递进与平行排列规则划分学习情境,并依照认知规律和职业成长规律进行序化设计。

3.The research follows the pattern of professional growth,students cognitive law and the systematization of work processes and puts forward ideas for the construction oflearning contexts and implementation of learning fields with the example of Computer Networking and Management in higher vocational colleges.文章从职业成长规律、学生的认知规律和工作过程系统化的规律出发,对高职院校计算机组网与管理学习领域课程的学习情境提出了设计理念和实施的方法,并针对教学实践进行了反馈思考。

5)learning situation学习情境

1.Based on the theory of Dornyei s model of foreign language learning motivation,the author conducted a questionnaire survey and interview to investigate the influence oflearning situation on medical sophomores motivation in English learning.依照Dornyei的外语学习动机模式中学习情境层面的因素理论,通过问卷和访谈调查了二年级医学生英语学习动机受情境影响的程度,提出了几点优化教学情境,激发英语学习动机的建议。

2.On the basis of some problems and phenomenon resulted from the application and understanding of scientific inquiry, and by exchanging ideas with educational experts from home and abroad, taking chemistry teaching as an example, we try to understand the concept of chemistry in the view of subject knowledge system,learning situation and process and the method of inquiry learning, tha.在开展和深化基础教育课程改革过程中,科学探究成为实施和研究的重要环节,根据实施过程中对科学探究应用和理解出现的一些问题和现象,在与国内外科学教育专家交流和研讨的基础上,以化学学科教学为例,试图从学科知识体系特征、学习情境与过程和探究式学习方式角度去分析,即建立在宏观现象水平、微观粒子水平和符号表征水平三个层次上对化学概念的理解;重视设计学习情境和途径来促进概念的应用与转化;增进对科学探究本质过程的理解,达到更加深入地领会科学探究进入科学教育的主体过程的必然性与可操作性,以期加快教师观念的转变与实践能力的提高。

3.To achieve innovation oflearning situation in the teaching process of basketball possess realistic value and signification.在篮球教学过程中实现学习情境的创新 ,具有实际的价值和意义。

6)situated learning情境性学习


情境性学习情境性学习:学习的社会建构理论对知识与学习的一种看法,认为知识不是个人的认知结构,而是随着时间而发展的社会团体的创造。社会团体的习俗(practices of community)——相互作用和办事的方式以及该团体所创造的工具——构成了该团体的知识。学习意味着变得更有能力参与那些实践和应用那些工具。
