900字范文 > 社会主义经济理论 socialist economic theory英语短句 例句大全

社会主义经济理论 socialist economic theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-29 20:37:23


社会主义经济理论 socialist economic theory英语短句 例句大全

社会主义经济理论,socialist economic theory

1)socialist economic theory社会主义经济理论

1.Professor JIAN Xin-hua explores key issues of China s economic reform and development, and sticks to the study of the difficult problems ofsocialist economic theory.简新华教授深入探讨中国经济发展和改革的重大问题, 坚持不懈地跟踪研究社会主义经济理论的难点问题, 努力创新, 提出了诸多在学术界有影响的观点。


1.A Theoretical Sketch of the Socialist Economic System with Chinese Characteristics;中国特色社会主义经济理论体系论纲

2.On the Socialist Economy Theoretical System with Chinese Characteristics;试论中国特色社会主义经济理论体系

3.Basic Features of Deng Xiaoping Socialist Economic Theory;邓小平社会主义经济理论的基本特征

4.Deepening Research on Economic Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics深化中国特色社会主义经济理论研究

5.Inheriting Mao Zedong s Economic Thought and Perfecting Socialist Economic Theory;继承毛泽东经济思想 完善社会主义经济理论

6.On Mao Zedong s Economic Theory of Socialism and Its Practical Significance;试论毛泽东的社会主义经济理论及其现实意义

parison on the Economic Theory between Market Socialism and China Socialism;市场社会主义与我国社会主义经济理论的几点比较

8.The Marxism and the Theory of Socialist Market Economy;马克思主义与社会主义市场经济理论

9.The Theoretical Discussion about "Social Economic Person" under the Socialism Market Economy;社会主义市场经济中“社会经济人”的理论探讨

10.Advancing with Times: the Theory of Economic System of Socialism;论社会主义经济制度理论的与时俱进

11.On the Theoretical Foundation of Chinese Socialist Market Economy论中国社会主义市场经济的理论基础

12.Theoretical Course of the Transition to Socialist Market Economy;向社会主义市场经济转变的理论轨迹

13.The formation and development of socialism market economy theories;社会主义市场经济理论的形成和发展

14.Theoretical Considerations of the Connotation of Socialist Market Economy;对社会主义市场经济内涵的理论思考

15.Interpretation of Deng Xiaoping s Socialist Market Economy;"邓小平社会主义市场经济理论"解读

16.Theoretical Innovation of Socialist Market Economy Restructuring;社会主义市场经济体制改革理论创新

17.How to Constitute Socialist Theoretical Economics of China;创建中国社会主义理论经济学之我见

18.The General Theoretical Sense of socialist Economic Crisis;对社会主义经济危机的一般理论认识


theory of socialist market economy社会主义市场经济理论

1.Deng Xiao-ping raised and formed histheory of socialist market economy during the process of leading China to conduct opening and reforming policy on the basis of learning from the experience and lessons of international and interior socialist construction.列宁在领导苏维埃俄国恢复国民经济的过程中,根据俄国当时所面临的国内外实际提出并实行了新经济政策;邓小平在领导和指导中国改革开放的过程中,总结国内外社会主义建设的经验教训,提出并形成了社会主义市场经济理论。

3)socialism theories economics社会主义理论经济学

1.Thesocialism theories economics category system takes three new categories of″independence labor″,″society originally″,″needs value″ as basal new theories systems.社会主义理论经济学范畴体系是以“自主劳动”、“社本”、“需要价值”这样三个全新范畴为基础的新的理论体系。

4)socialist market economy theory社会主义市场经济理论

1.Deng Xiaoping’s theory achieves innovation in Marxism’s basic theory by acceptingsocialist market economy theory through applying dialectical materialism and forms a new theory paradigm.邓小平理论重新匡正了唯物辩证法在马克思主义中的灵魂地位,并运用这一方法实现了以社会主义市场经济理论为标志的马克思主义基本理论创新,形成一个新的理论范式。

2.guided by both practice character of dealing with concrete matters relating to work and by innovating character of exploring courageously,socialist market economy theory has improved gradually.实践品格和创新品格是邓小平理论蕴涵的两大品格 ,正是在邓小平求真务实的实践品格和大胆探索的创新品格的指导下 ,社会主义市场经济理论从无到有逐渐形成并完善起来 ,使马克思主义理论得到重大发展。

5)The theory of the socialist economic construction社会主义经济建设理论

6)the theory of socialism market economy社会主义市场经济论

1.We discussed the important content of theories - the Deng Xiaoping s theories - the theory of the socialism essence, the theory of socialist stage,the theory of socialism market economy, the theory of the motive force of the development of socialism, the theory of socialist spiritual civilization, and the theory of "one nation, two systems".论述了邓小平理论的重要内容—社会主义本质、社会主义阶段论、社会主义市场经济论、社会主义发展动力论、社会主义精神文明论,“一国两制”论,阐明了邓小平理论是我国实现社会主义现代化宏伟目标的重要保证。


