900字范文 > 业主 owner英语短句 例句大全

业主 owner英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-02 18:31:38


业主 owner英语短句 例句大全



1.Theowner"s impact on safety perpormance of construction projbct: a quantitative study;业主对工程项目安全绩效影响的定量研究

2.Initial study onowner of farmland standardize construction engineering norm turns a management;农田标准化建设工程业主规范化管理的初探

3.On the principal action ofowners in increasing the quality of construction project;浅谈业主在提高建设工程质量中的主力作用


1.Owners establish fellowship by law, set down pact as well as exercise the right of autonomy.业主依法成立业主团体,制定业主公约,行使业主自治权。

2.Industrial Building Owners" Association工业楼宇业主委员会

3.Main Indicators of industrial enterprises工业企业主要经济指标

4.Economic efficiency indicators of industrial enterprises I (Cont"d)工业企业主要行业经济效益指标I(续)

5.Economic efficiency indicators of industrial enterprises I工业企业主要行业经济效益指标 II

6.Industrial Officer (Correctional Services)工业主任(惩教事务)

7.Notice of Termination of Tenancy by Landlord业主终止租约通知书

8.We bought out the owners.我们买下各业主的产权。

9.International Bus Owners Association国际公共汽车业主协会

10.The proprietor committee is the actuating mechanism that represents thoughts of the proprietor assembly or the all proprietors.业主委员会是业主大会的执行机构,代表业主大会或全体业主的意志。

11.The Research for Mechanism of Ability of the Independent Innovation Forming in Industry;工业企业自主创新能力产业机理研究

12.Development Direction of Leading Industry in Fishery Industrialization in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古渔业产业化主导产业发展方向

13.Senior Occupational Health Officer职业健康科主任医生

14.Table 4: Output of Major Industrial Products表4. 主要工业产品产量

15.International Council of Commerce Employers国际商业雇主理事会

16.Director"s Office, GCO贺卡业务主任办公室

17.Deputy Executive Director, Operations负责业务的副执行主任

18.to a mostly industrial one,改变为以工业为主,



1.Counter measures ofproprietors to deal with project risks;业主对工程风险的应对措施

2.Project management ofproprietor in construction;业主在施工阶段的项目管理

3.Practice and thought on the relationship between theproprietor and supervisor in engineering construction;工程建设中业主与监理之间关系的探讨


1.Risk evaluation foremployers of engineering projects with analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy decision method;运用层次模糊法进行工程项目业主风险评价

2.Rent-seeking analysis toemployer and contractor;业主和承包商的寻租分析

3.The Employer Payment Bonding System in China;我国业主支付保证担保制度研究


1.Countermeasures forowners to Control Engineering Cost during the Construction Tendering;业主在招标中控制工程造价的对策

2.Owners’ control of project cost;浅谈业主对工程造价的控制


1.Client s Effect on Design Innovation;业主在设计方案创新中的作用

2.Research on Reputation Appraising Mechanism to Prevent Moral Hazard Confronted by Client;声誉评价机制在业主面临的道德风险防范中的应用研究

3.Research on Cooperative Engineering Project Management with Foreign Deputizing for the Client;代业主工程项目管理的中外合作探索

6)main business主业

1.A few proposals on GWEC′smain business;谈长城电工主业发展设想

2.Study on the development ofmain business of tongling nonferrous metals group;铜陵有色金属公司主业发展问题研究


