900字范文 > 通用即插即用 UPnP英语短句 例句大全

通用即插即用 UPnP英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-13 04:45:40


通用即插即用 UPnP英语短句 例句大全



1.Automatic Service Discovery inUPnP;通用即插即用服务自动发现技术

2.It s based onUPnP protocol,USB 2.随着数字媒体内容在家庭网络中的持续增长,为了满足数字媒体在家庭内部充分流通和共享的需求,家庭媒体娱乐中心(Home Media Entertainment Center,HMEC)在嵌入式设备上实现家庭网络中的数字媒体娱乐中心,基于通用即插即用(Universal Plug and Play,UPnP)协议及USB2。

3.Introduced a new networking protocol named universal plug&play(UPnP),proposed the protocol ofUPnP and its work procedure such as addressing,discovery,description,control,eventing and presentation.介绍了一种新颖的网络协议通用即插即用(UPnP),阐述了UPnP协议以及寻址、发现、描述、控制、事件处理和展示等工作过程。


1.Provides support to host Universal Plug and Play devices.提供对主持通用即插即用设备的支持。

2.There are two sides to the U flaw.“通用即插即用”的缺陷有两个方面。

worked manufacturing system based on UPnP基于通用即插即用的网络化制造系统研究

4."Configuration Manager: The Plug and Play service is not available."配置管理器: 即插即用服务不可用。

5.Technology of Designing Platform Orienting Reusing Components Based on Plug and Play Mode面向构件“即插即用”式复用的平台设计

6.The operating systems claim to support plug and play functionality.操作系统声称支持即插即用功能。

7."Scan for changed or new Plug and Play devices."扫描经过改动的或新的即插即用设备。

8."The wizard automatically locates new Plug and Play hardware."向导会自动定位新的即插即用硬件。

9.Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer自动检测并安装我的即插即用打印机

10.Install software for Plug and Play devices within range.安装有效区域内的即插即用设备软件。

11.Figure 2-3. Installing a Plug and Play device.图2-3。安装一个即插即用设备。

12.It realizes high speed data acquisition and PNP.由此实现数据的高速采集和即插即用。

13.USB power supply directly. No other power supply. Plug and play.免电源。无需外部电源。即插即用。

14.An Exploration on IT Technique Training Model;“即插即用”型IT人才培养模式探索

15.Research of Plug-and-play Technology Based on DeviceNet Fieldbus基于DeviceNet总线的即插即用技术研究

16.Plug and play monitoring system based on CAN & LIN bus基于CAN/LIN总线的即插即用式监控系统

17.IP Core Plug-and-Play in SoC System Based on AMBA BusAMBA总线SoC系统IP核的即插即用研究

18.Manual operation can be carried out when bolt is pulled in the hole.专用插销插入孔中即可进行手动操作。


universal plug and play(UPnP)通用即插即用(UPnP)

1.In order to resolve the problem of bad dynamic ability and poor versatility in the area of industry monitoring network technology(IMNT),an intelligent status monitoring and fault diagnosis network system(SFNS) based on a new network middleware,universal plug and play(UPnP),was proposed.针对当前工业监测网络技术中存在的动态性能及通用性较差等问题,提出了一种基于新一代网络中间件———通用即插即用(UPnP)技术的智能化状态监测与故障诊断网络系统实现方法。

3)plug and play即插即用

1.Research and application of mineplug and play network sensor;矿用即插即用网络化传感器的研究与实现

2.Design and application ofplug and play technology in microwave measurement instrument;微波仪器中即插即用技术的设计和应用

3.Method to setplug and play diskless workstation;即插即用无盘工作站设置软件的设计与实现


1.PnP Supported CNC System;支持即插即用的CNC系统

2.ThePnP device driver based on PCI is designed in the end.重点论述了即插即用设备驱动程序和接口控制模块的实现。

3.Thus, this paper introduces an easy, efficient NAT based way to make aPnP-able network by means of ARP disguise and NAT extension.DHCP的存在使得主机即插即用成为一种可能;移动IP技术使主机可以在网络中任意迁移。


1.Research and Development of Remote Controller in Home Network Supporting Plug-and-Play;即插即用家庭网络遥控器的研究与开发

2.Implementation and comparison of networkplug-and-play technologies;网络即插即用技术的实现与比较

3.JALGW:A New Design of Plug-and-Play in Open System Environment;JALGW:一种新的开放系统即插即用的设计方法

6)Plug & Play即插即用

1.Designing of a FlexiblePlug & Play Signal Processing System based on Virtual Instrument;基于VI的柔性即插即用测试信号处理系统的设计

2.A new fechnology of plug & play-JINI;一种新型的网上即插即用技术:JINI

3.2, this paper proposes a design method of plug & play robotic perceptual system node for the information acquisition of robotic perceptual system in network environments.2网络传感器设计思想 ,提出一种即插即用机器人感知系统节点的设计方法 ,并针对具体感知节点提出一种在线编程的方法 ,即可在线修改感知系统节点中具体的传感器 /执行器的有关参数 ,如 :生产厂家、日期、校准参数等 ;并给出了网络环境下机器人感知系统的网络拓扑结构以及数字接口 。


