900字范文 > 底泥释放 sediment release英语短句 例句大全

底泥释放 sediment release英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-17 13:19:22


底泥释放 sediment release英语短句 例句大全

底泥释放,sediment release

1)sediment release底泥释放

1.Research on the characteristics ofsediment release in a heavily polluted tidal river and control technologies;重污染感潮河道底泥释放特征及其控制技术研究

2.Thesediment release experiment showed that the release rate of total nitrogen during the first week was about(0.底泥释放试验表明,总氮第1周平均释放速率为0。

3.The roles of plant absorption,sediment release and denitrification were quantitatively analyzed by indoor simulating tests in order to improve removal effect of hydroponic bio-filter method(HBFM) for dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus.为改善水耕植物过滤法(HBFM)对溶解性氮、磷的去除效果,通过室内模拟试验定量分析HBFM试验床中植物吸收、底泥释放及生物脱氮3个影响因子的作用。


1.Study on Rule of Contaminant Releasing from Sediment in River Network Area and Its Application in Coupled Model;河网底泥释放规律及其与模型耦合应用研究


3.Study on Rule of Nitrogen and Phosphor Release from Sediments in Yanghe Reservoir;洋河水库底泥氮磷释放规律试验研究

4.Study on the Release Laws of Phosphorous and Nitrogen from the Sediment in Dredged Lake, Nanhu;南湖疏浚后底泥氮、磷释放规律研究

5.Simulation on the Release of Nitrogen from Lake Sediment into Water湖泊底泥氮释放规律模拟研究(英文)

6.Indoor Simulation Study on Nutrient Release of Fishponds Sediment池塘底泥营养盐释放的室内模拟研究

7.Nutrient Release from the Sediment in Xiangxi River Bay香溪河库湾底泥营养盐释放规律初探

8.Preliminary Study on Release Rule of Cr~(6+) from River Sediments河流底泥中六价铬释放规律初步研究

9.Preliminary Study on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Release from the Creek Sediments, Outskirts of Shanghai上海市郊河流底泥氮磷释放规律的初步研究

10.Impact of Macrophyte on the Characteristics of Phosphorus Release and Phosphorus Sorption in Sediments;水生植物对底泥磷的释放与吸附特性的影响

11.Pollution Assessment and Release Mechanism of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Dongping Lake;东平湖底泥重金属污染评价及释放机理的研究

12.Impact of Environmental Factors and Submerged Plant on Phosphate Release from Sediment;环境因子与沉水植物对底泥磷释放的影响研究

13.Study on Character of Phosphorus Release and Adsorption in Long Shui Lake, Chongqing;重庆龙水湖底泥磷的吸附与释放特征研究

14.Characteristics of Phosphorus Adsorption and Release by Sediment of the Suzhou River;苏州城市河道底泥对磷吸附释放特征的研究

15.Study on the Release Laws of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Heavy Metals from Sediments of Surface Water Body地表水体底泥中氮磷及重金属的释放规律研究

16.Study for fluoride in soil collected from inside and around of Yangshapao reservoir吉林西部洋沙泡底泥及周边土中氟释放研究

17.Phosphorus Pollution of the Sediment from Hangzhou Urban River and Hydraulic Simulation of Phosphorus Release杭州城市内河底泥磷污染与磷释放水力模拟

18.Environmental effect of sediment dredging in lake: Ⅱ. the role of sediment dredging in reducing internal nitrogen release湖泊底泥疏浚环境效应:Ⅱ.内源氮释放控制作用


sediment contamination release底泥污染物释放

3)salt release from sediment底泥盐分释放

1.To determine the effect of water storage and operation onsalt release from sediment of Beitang Reservoir after water transfer project,experiment was conducted in PVC pipe loaded in original sediments of 60cm to analyze rule of Cl~- release from sediment in different salt contents,storage water quality and water level.为研究南水北调通水后,水源改变及水库调度对底泥盐分释放的影响,7月,取0~60cm深度的北塘水库原状底泥样品,在实验室内模拟分析不同底泥含盐量、不同蓄水水质及水位变动和扰动条件下底泥氯化物释放规律。

4)Sediment fluxes底泥释

5)P release of sediments底质磷释放

6)sediment storing-releasing泥沙存贮-释放

1.Based on data from the Huanghe(Yellow) River,thesediment storing-releasing process in an alluvial channel has been studied.确定了黄河下游河道处于泥沙存贮-释放临界状态的水沙临界条件。


