900字范文 > 先导式 pilot-operated英语短句 例句大全

先导式 pilot-operated英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-20 11:30:56


先导式 pilot-operated英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of pressing process aboutpilot-operated double-seats solenoid valve;先导式双向电磁阀初始建压过程分析


1.Pilot-operated reducing valvesGB/T12246-1989先导式减压阀

2.A Study on Writing-driven Model for Chinese Teaching in Primary Schools小学语文“作文先导式”教学模式述评

3.Dynamic Analysis of a Spindle of Pilot-operated Solenoid Valve两级先导式电磁阀主阀芯动力学分析

4.Characteristics of Icing in High Pressure Pneumatic Relief Valve with Slide Pilot滑阀先导式高压气动减压阀结冰特性

5.A Case Study on Preemptive Focus-on-Form Episodes in EFL Classrooms二语课堂教学的先导式形式聚焦案例研究

6.A Method to Accelevate the Closing Process of The Main Valve Opening of Pilot Relief Valve;加快先导式溢流阀主阀口关闭过程的方法

7.Fault Analysis of Pilot Operated Safety Valve Trip under Pressure一起先导式安全阀未超压起跳故障分析

8.Effects of Variable Discharge Coefficient Models on Steady-state Simulation of Pilot Relief Valves先导式溢流阀变流量系数模型静态仿真研究

9.Clearance leakage in high pressure pneumatic relief valve with slide pilot滑阀先导式高压气动减压阀间隙泄漏特性研究

10.The design of levers differential pressure piston pilot cup float steam trap杠杆差压活塞先导式钟形浮子疏水阀的设计

11.Cause and treatment of fluid-induced vibration for pilot-cage type control valve先导式套筒调节阀的流体激振原因及处理

12.Preemptive FOF in Meaning-Focused EFL Lessons--A Case Study on Experienced EFL Teachers;意义为中心EFL课堂环境下先导式形式聚焦教学探究——个案研究

13.Oil Supply of Hydraulic Pilot Control System for Wheel Loader轮胎式装载机先导操纵系统供油方式

14.On "Headline First, Narration Next;“先总括提示后具体述说式”导语探析

15.Note: An imported style sheet has lower precedence than the importing style sheet.注意:一张导入的样式表比主样式表优先级低。

16.An advanced model, the Nike-Zeus, is designed to intercept invading missiles.一种先进模式的“奈克Ⅲ式”导弹被设计用于截击入侵导弹。

17.An upgraded digital Weapon Delivery and Navigation System, WDNS, is installed in Mirage2000.先进的数字式火控和导航系统(DNS)被幻影2000采用。

18.First, all stars within the field of view (FOV) of 14° are found and the number of all FOV is 9 176 obtained by going through the catalog of the navigation stars.首先,构造全部导航星的 14°视场模式,共9 176个。


pilot type valve先导式阀

3)preemptive FOF episodes先导式形式聚焦

1.The results indicated that preemptive FOF is effective in classroom teaching,and thatpreemptive FOF episodes initiated by students is more successful than those initiated by teachers.通过课堂观察、刺激回忆访谈等方法,研究了两名大学教师的大学英语口语课的先导式形式聚焦。

4)guiding type breath valve先导式呼吸阀

5)Preguiding overflow valve先导式溢流阀

1.In this paper the preguiding overflow valve has been investigated by theory of flow resistance characteristic,the relationship of the runoff and pressure has been explained and the runoff-pressure characteristic relation has been abtained.本文应用液阴特性理论,对先导式溢流阀进行了理论分析,阐明了先导式溢流阀流量Q与压力P之间的综合关系,并导出了流量—压力特性方程。

6)piloted valve先导式调节阀

1.Analysis ofpiloted valve s sealing construction;先导式调节阀密封结构分析


