900字范文 > 高层 tall building英语短句 例句大全

高层 tall building英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-13 17:04:23


高层 tall building英语短句 例句大全

高层,tall building

1)tall building高层

1.Problem of concrete structural crack intall buildings;高层混凝土结构裂缝及防治

2.So,in design oftall building,even though some measures of reducing the beam force are used,the beam still can t meet requirement.高层剪力墙连梁一般具有跨度小,截面大,与连梁相连的墙体刚度又很大等特点。

3.In China,tall building hybrid structures (TBHS), which are composed with steel frames and concrete core-tubes (shear-walls), have been widely applied.高层钢框架一混凝土核心筒(墙)混合结构,是近年来在我国迅速发展的一种新型结构体系。


1.Rational stiffness of outriggers in high-rise structure with strengthened stories带加强层高层建筑中加强层刚度的合理取值

2.Start from the bottom and work towards the top.从基层做起,一步步地做到最高层。

3.A multistoried building equipped with elevators.高层建筑带电梯的多层建筑

4.a member of an elite intellectual or cultural group.高层智能或文化阶层中的中坚分子。

5.upper atmosphere【气象学】(对流层以上的)高层大气

6.Seismic Optimum Design for High-rise Building with Girder Transfer Floor;带梁式转换层高层建筑抗震优化设计

7.The Construction Technology Research on High-rise Building with Thick Transfer Floor;高层建筑厚板转换层的施工技术研究

8.Multi-tower High Building Structure with a Transfer;多塔带转换层高层结构抗震性能研究

9.Analysis of High-Rise Building Transfer Thick Slab;高层建筑厚板结构转换层的内力分析

10.Study of construction method for the transform floor of the high bnflding structure;高层建筑结构转换层的施工方法探讨

11.An Introduction to the Plan for Fully Duplex-type "Urban Villa" High-rise Apartment全跃层式“都市别墅”高层住宅方案介绍

12.Discussion on Construction Technology of Thick Slab Conversion Layer in High-rise Building高层建筑厚板式转换层施工技术探讨

13.higher layers (of the stratosphere)比平流层更高的大气层

14.High-Resolotion Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservior Strata Prediction in the Boxing Sub-depression;博兴洼陷高分辨率层序地层研究与储层预测

15.The Application of High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in Reservior Study;高分辨率层序地层学在储层研究中的应用

16.stratigraphic high resolution dipmeter tool地层学高分辨率地层倾角测井仪

17.The final statement in such a series.层进最高格层进法的最后一句

18.Structural Analysis of the Building with Interlocked Floor Structure in High Earthquake Intensity Regions;高烈度地区多层错层设计的结构分析



1.The Research on Public Space in High-rise Office Building District;高层办公区域公共空间研究

2.There has been more and morehigh-rise even superhigh-rise buildings nowadays; and in order to guarantee its safety and service life as well as provide reliable data and settlement parameter for the later survey design and construction,it is important and necessary to make settlement observation.高层及超高层建(构)筑物越来越多,为了保证建(构)筑物的正常使用寿命及其安全性,并为以后的勘察设计施工提供可靠的资料及相应的沉降参数,建(构)筑物沉降观测的必要性和重要性愈加明显。

3.Taking residentialhigh-rise buildings as an example, this article gives 90/70 floorage middle and small residence design schemes so as to satisfy the requirements for saving land resources.文章以高层住宅为例,设计了满足90/70建筑面积的中小户型住宅方案,以满足节约土地资源的要求。

3)high building高层

1.Shallow to talk thehigh building shear wall connecting beam design notice problem浅谈高层剪力墙中连梁的设计应注意的问题

2.The authors of this paper put forward some suggestions about the design of firefight water supply in currenthigh buildings for civil use and analyze the reasonable arrangement in the aspect.对当前高层民用建筑消防给水设计提出想法和见解,分析当前建筑消防设计方面应合理布防设施,并提出合理的建议。

3.This article proposed differ-frequency network scheme of IDS, in order to solve the wireless network quality of WCDMA system inhigh building.为了有效解决WCDMA系统高层建筑物无线网络质量问题,本文提出了室内分布异频组网方案。

4)high-rise building高层

1.The paper introduces the aseismic concept design,seismic analysis,aseismic measure and detail design of ahigh-rise building with steel-concrete composite transfer truss which is out of the current code.介绍了某带钢-混凝土组合桁架高位转换超限高层结构的抗震概念设计、抗震计算分析、主要抗震措施以及节点构造设计。

5)High-rise buildings高层

1.This article has investigated the state of so many high-rise buildings being built in recent years in Shanghai, analysed its cause from the point of view of urban planning, then raises the question of institutionalization of compilation, approval and implementation of urban planning, and firmly grasps the study of the construction of the implementation mechanism of urban plannin本文对近几年上海市高层建筑的状况进行了调查分析,并对产生高层如林的原因从城市规划的角度进行了剖析。

6)storey height层高

1.Starting from the definition ofstorey height(H) and shape coefficient of building(S),a relationship expression between rural residential buildings S and H is deducted.从乡村住宅的层高和体形系数的定义出发,通过理论推导得出乡村住宅体形系数和层高之间关系的表达式,并以模拟得出的鲁北乡村住宅室内温度变化的转折处的层高作为参照点,分析验证了不同层高乡村住宅的体形系数,指出乡村住宅层高变化对体形系数的影响程度,呼吁制订针对乡村住宅体形系数的规定以促进乡村住宅的节能。

2.From the plan design,space area,storey height,wideness,direction and other aspects the rationality and amenity of house type are analyzed in order to design favorable house type and create natural and comfortable dwelling environment for residents.从住宅的平面设计、空间面积、层高、进深、面宽与开间、朝向等几个方面来分析户型的合理性和舒适性,以期设计出好的户型,还原给人类一个自然、舒适的居住环境。

3.This thesis presents a detailed analysis to the classification of the residential buildings of varyingstorey height as well as their advantages and disadvantages, it also provides a method for the selection of such buildings in detailed planning of residential district according to various situations.文章详细地分析了“变层高住宅”的分类及其优缺点,提出了在居住区详细规划中根据各种不同情况选用“变层高住宅”的方法。


高层①(楼房等)层数多的:~住宅丨 ~建筑。②居于上层的:~岗位丨~领导丨~人物。
