900字范文 > 微表处 Micro-surfacing英语短句 例句大全

微表处 Micro-surfacing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-17 08:08:36


微表处 Micro-surfacing英语短句 例句大全



1.Application of micro-surfacing to disease treatment of road pavement;微表处在路面病害防治上的应用研究

2.The application of micro-surfacing technology in Wu-He expressway;微表处技术在武合高速公路中的应用

3.Key techniques for micro-surfacing construction under low temperature;低温下微表处施工关键技术


1.Research on SBS Modified Asphalt Emulsion and Its Micro-surfacing Technology;乳化SBS改性沥青及其微表处技术研究

2.Research on Experiment and Construction for a New Type Micro-Surfacing(MS-4)MS-4新型微表处试验与施工研究

3.Test Research on Water Damage Resistant Performance of Mixed Materials on Micro-surfacing微表处混合料抗水损害性能试验研究

4.Inquiry of Highway Micro-surfacing Construction and Quality Control Points公路微表处施工及质量控制要点探究

5.On Micro-surfacing Technique Applied in the Expressway Maintenance微表处技术在高速公路养护中的应用

6.A Brief Analysis of the Advantages of Micro-Surfacing in Highway Conservation浅析微表处在高速公路养护中的优势

7.Performance Test on Fiber to Modified Mixture纤维对改良微表处混合料性能的试验

8.The Application of Micro-surfacing in Fixing Tracks in Huihe Highway微表处在处治惠河高速公路车辙病害中的应用

9.Research on Micro-surfacing Mixture Properties and Maintenance Timing of Gansu Province甘肃省公路微表处混合料性能及养护时机研究

10.Application of Micro Surfacing in Expressway Pavement Maintenance微表处在高速公路路面养护中的应用与研究

11.Research and Application of Micro-surfacing Technology in Preventative Maintenance微表处技术在预防性养护中的研究与应用

12.Application of Micro-Surfacing Technology for Pavement Preventive Maintenance微表处技术在预防性道路养护中的应用

13.Application of the micro surfacing on bridge pavement maintenance of the Wenfeng overpass微表处在文峰立交桥桥面养护中的应用

14.Effects of Sand Equivalent Changes on Micro-surfacing Mixture Performance砂当量变化对微表处混合料性能的影响分析

15.microprocessor instrumentation微处理机控制的检测仪表

16.Analog signal processing for Microprocessor based ?微机控制仪表的模拟信号处理

17.a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface.表面光滑处的轻微的凹陷。

18.Characterization of Microstructural Parameters of Pure Iron after Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment纯铁经表面机械研磨处理后微结构参量的表征



1.Analysis of Influence of Fiber on Performance of Microsurfacing Mixture;纤维对微表处混合料性能影响分析

2.Simple Talking about Application of Microsurfacing Technique in Preventative Curing;浅谈微表处技术在预防性养护中的应用

3)micro surfacing微表处

1.The experimental study of mixture inmicro surfacing using orthogonal method;用正交法进行微表处混合料的试验研究

2.The Application of Micro surfacing Technology in the Road Maintenance of Shanghai Expressway;微表处技术在上海高速公路养护中的应用

3.Application of themicro surfacing on bridge pavement maintenance of the Wenfeng overpass微表处在文峰立交桥桥面养护中的应用

4)micro-surfacing treating微表处理

5)micro-surfacing technique微表处技术

1.The application ofmicro-surfacing technique in preventive maintenance of bituminous pavement;微表处技术在沥青路面预防性养护中的应用

6)Fiber Micro-surfacing纤维微表处


