900字范文 > 乾隆朝 Qianlong period英语短句 例句大全

乾隆朝 Qianlong period英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-22 21:52:22


乾隆朝 Qianlong period英语短句 例句大全

乾隆朝,Qianlong period

1)Qianlong period乾隆朝

1.The Study of the Stability of Agriculture in Huangfan Plain in Qianlong Period of Qing Dynasty;如此,笔者有意以乾隆朝为时段,以黄泛平原为研究对象,就农业生产稳定性这一问题作一些力所能及的研究。


1.Junjichu and the replying zouzhe in the time of emperor Qianlong--reviewing focus on "the Shangyudang of emperor Qianlong";乾隆朝军机处与奏折的处理——以《乾隆朝上谕档》为核心的考察

2.On the Treatment of in Factual Record of Qing Dynasty;从《清实录》看乾隆朝对回民案件的处断

3.In the reign of Emperor Qianlong,corruption was the order of the day,and severe measures were adopted to punish corrupted officials.乾隆朝官员贪污现象严重,乾隆惩治贪污的决心和举措也大而多。

4.Relief and Control: Research on "Liuyang Zisong" Policy of Qianlong Government in Qing Dynasty;救济与控制:清代乾隆朝“留养资送”制度研究

5.Official Compiling History and Cultural-moral Governance of the Emperors in Qing Dynasty;史馆修史与清代帝王文治——以乾隆朝为中心

6.Yuhua Ge: A discussion of this Buddhist centre in the Qianlong imperial palaces;雨花阁:乾隆朝宫廷佛堂建设主导思想论

7.The Profit Estimation of Hui Merchants in Salt Bussiness of Qian Long s Domination;乾隆朝徽商在淮盐业经营中的获利估算

8.A tentative investigation into the relationship between the closure of Northeast frontier and the subsistence of the Eight Banners during the reign of Emperor Qian Long in the Qing Dynasty;试论乾隆朝东北禁边与八旗生计之关系

9.The Social and Economic Order Reflected in the Southeast Governor"s Corruption Cases in the Time of Emperor Qianlong从乾隆朝东南督抚贪腐案看海疆社会经济秩序

10.Adjustment and Its Limitation with the Sanction to the Civil and Military Officials in the Qianlong Period乾隆朝对文武官员处分的调节及其局限性

11.New Evidence about Yuanming Yuan:The Discovery and Study of a Complete Map of the Garden Palace Complex from the Qianlong Period圆明园新证——乾隆朝圆明园全图的发现与研究

12.The Image of Emperor Qianlong in the Eyes of Choson Envoys to Yenching朝鲜朝燕行使节眼中的乾隆皇帝形象

13.Discussion on the Reasons of the Harmonious Development of China and Korea s Relations during the Qianlong Period;乾隆时期中朝关系和谐发展原因初探

14.The Discourse of Celestial Empire and the Translation of King George Ⅲ"s Letter to Emperor Qianlong天朝话语与乔治三世致乾隆皇帝书的清宫译文

15.The pavilion is open with a stele hanging on the eave inscribed by the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty.亭身是空透的,亭檐上悬挂着清朝乾隆皇帝书写的“历下亭”匾额。

16.During the period of stopping Sino-Russia trade,the Qing authority tried to controlling Russia by rhubarb.在乾隆五十一———五十七年关闭恰克图贸易期间清朝实行大黄制俄。

17.In the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), both Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong were very fond of the scenery of Jiang"Nan. They travelled extensively in the region while making inspection tours.清朝的康熙帝和乾隆帝酷爱江南,常借南巡之机畅游西湖。

ing into being in Qianlong"s reign of the Qing Dynasty, it is still sued now for communication due to the lack of information.形成于清朝乾隆中期,由于封闭至今仍以这种语言作为交际语言。



1.Detecting the Omissions of the Compiling in Four Treasuries inQianlong Dynasty;论乾隆朝四库修书的失载

2.In the entire Qing dynasty , the emperorQianlong epoch is particular one.而清代收藏又以乾隆朝为最,成为全盛时期。

3)the period of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty清(乾隆)朝

4)Edition of Qianlong times "A veritablerecords of the three Reigns"乾隆本《三朝实录》

5)The Corruption During the Reign of Emperor Qianlong乾隆朝的贪污腐败

6)Qian Long乾隆

1.Qian Long Decree and the Complete Library in Four Divisions;乾隆“圣谕”与《四库全书》纂修

2.Negative Effects ofQian Long s "Punish Officials"——Taking the Three Punishments of Liu Tongxun as Perspective;乾隆“用人以罚”驭臣术之负面效应——以刘统勋三度受罚为切入点

3.Administrative System of Famine Relieving to Great Earthquake in Ningxia in the Third Year ofQian Long Period;试论乾隆三年宁夏府大地震的荒政实施


