900字范文 > 仿生 bionics英语短句 例句大全

仿生 bionics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-15 04:13:57


仿生 bionics英语短句 例句大全



1.The applying of plants structurebionics in industrial design;植物结构仿生学在工业设计中的应用研究

2.Interpretation of Bionics and Solar Energy Utilization in Architecture;仿生与建筑中太阳能利用的解析

3.Analysis of Design of I.C.E.Piston Based on Design Bionics;基于仿生设计学的内燃机活塞设计分析


1.Research of Bionic Underwater Vehicle"s Motion Simulation仿生水下机器人运动仿真技术研究

2.Research on Simulation and Control Technology for Bionic Underwater Vehicle;仿生水下机器人仿真与控制技术研究

3.Bionic Mechanical Design and Motion Simulation of Biped Robot;双足机器人仿生机构设计与运动仿真

4.3D Dynamic Simulation of Motion Morphology of Bionic Robot;仿生机器人运动形态的三维动态仿真

5.Research on the Hopping Principle and Simulation of Bionic Frog Hopping Robot;仿生机器蛙跳跃机理分析及运动仿真

6.Structure Bionic Design and Simulation for Low RCS Column低RCS立柱结构仿生设计及仿真分析

7.Analysis of bionic technologies of anthropomorphic phantom in China探析我国仿真人体模型中的仿生技术

8.General speaking, the main research contents in this field include: bionic city, bionic function, bionic structure, bionic form and so on.它的主要研究内容包括:城市仿生,功能仿生,结构仿生,形式仿生等方面。

9.The word biomimic comes from bio, as in biology and mimetic, which means to copy.仿生学是由「」仿、是复制,「」就是生物两个字组合而成。

10.Virtual Prototype and Collaborative Simulation of Bionic Knee Joint仿生膝关节虚拟样机与协同仿真方法研究

11.Hydrodynamic Simulation and Analysis of Yawing of Bionic Robot Fish仿生机器鱼艏向摆动动力学仿真及分析

12.On 3D Simulation and Cooperation Strategy of Bio-mimetic Robotic Fish;仿生机器鱼三维仿真和协作策略的研究

13.Motion Emulation and Control System Research of the Three Limb Robot;三肢体仿生机器人运动仿真及控制系统研究

14.Underwater Bio-Robot s Motion Analysis and Animation;仿生水下机器人的运动分析及视景仿真

15.The Dynamic Analysis and Simulation on a Type of Quadruped Robot;四足仿生机械仿真研究以及动力学分析

16.Design,Simulation and Experiment of a Bionic Hopper for Planet Exploration星面探测仿生弹跳机器人设计、仿真及实验

17.Simulation on Flow Control for Drag Reduction of Revolution Body Using Bionic Dimpled Surface旋成体仿生凹坑表面流场控制减阻仿真分析

18.Study of Biological Propeller Simulation based on Half-rotating Mechanism基于半转机构的仿生船舶推进器的仿真研究



1.Experimental research on identification of mine fire by usingbionic smell sensors array;仿生气味传感器阵列判识煤矿火灾的实验研究

2.Study on WC/Cu Based Bionic, Non-smoothed, and Composite Coating;WC/Cu基仿生非光滑耐磨复合涂层的研究

3.Experimental research on abionic propulsor with double tail-fins;仿生双尾推进的试验研究


1.Electrospinning ofbiomimetic regenerated silk fibroin aqueous solutions——part 1:processing parameters and structure properties;仿生制备的再生丝素蛋白水溶液的静电纺丝(Ⅰ)——工艺参数及结构特性

2.Progress ofbiomimetic process on the surface of biomedical metal materials;医用金属材料表面仿生处理研究进展

3.Surface Biomimetic Waterproof Modification of Chitosan Rod;壳聚糖棒材表面仿生拒水改性的研究


1.A way that manufactured metallic material with fractal structure has been studied throughbiomimetics and fractal.通过仿生、分形与材料制备相结合的途径,以天然分形材料海藻作为基底材料,利用化学沉积 和电沉积的方法,制备出具有明显分形结构的金属镍,用计盒维数法计算出其分形维数为1。

2.A way of manufacturing metallic (Cu) material with fractal structure was studied using thebiomimetics and fractal concept.从仿生的观点出发,选择具有分形结构的叉枝藻(海藻的一种)作为基底材料,经预处理后用化学沉积方法,先在海藻基底上沉积得到一层铜金属,之后再用电沉积方法,使基底表面的金属铜层加厚到一定程度(30~50μm),最后通过烧蚀去除包裹在铜金属中的海藻,从而得到较为纯净的具有分形结构的金属材料。


1.Mechanical design and suction characteristics of a miniature wall climbing robot with bio-inspired suction cups带仿生吸盘的微型爬壁机器人设计及其吸附特性

2.Mimicking cell-matrix interaction and the properties of extracellular matrix(ECM),bio-inspired modification of polylactides has been achieved by surface modification,bulk modification and composition with bioactive molecules such as collagen,short peptide sequences derived from intact ECM proteins,polysaccharides,as well as hydroxyapatite.模拟细胞与基质相互作用的特点以及细胞外基质的特性,通过表面修饰、本体改性和复合加工的方法在聚乳酸中引入蛋白胶原、活性肽、多糖以及羟基磷灰石等生物活性分子,实现聚乳酸的仿生修饰,能够有效提高聚乳酸材料的生物学功能。

3.To(overcome) the shortcoming,a kind of bio-inspired suction cup actuated by SMA was designed based on summarizing characteristics of biologic suction apparatuses.为了克服现有爬壁机器人负压吸附装置不易微小型化的缺点,在归纳生物负压吸附器官结构特点的基础上,采用新型功能材料形状记忆合金(SMA)作为驱动器设计了一种仿生吸盘。

6)biomimetic growth仿生生长

1.Chemical compositional surface changes after heat treatment andbiomimetic growth were investigated by XRD and XPS, surface morphologies of HA on the surface of Ti were observed by SEM, the Ca/P ratio of HA was investigated by EDXS.研究了纯钛经600-800℃不同温度真空热处理,再经NaOH碱处理后,最后浸入SBF中Ti表面类骨磷灰石(HA)的仿生生长行为,据此考察钛表面的生物活性化情况。

2.In order to validate the bioactivity of the porous films , thebiomimetic growth experiments was carried out in the 1.采用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(FT-IR)以及X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对合金表面的多孔氧化膜结构和仿生生长后表面的Ca-P层进行了表征。


