900字范文 > 经济社会发展 economic and social development英语短句 例句大全

经济社会发展 economic and social development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-02 01:39:14


经济社会发展 economic and social development英语短句 例句大全

经济社会发展,economic and social development

1)economic and social development经济社会发展

1.Multiple regression analysis on occupational safety andeconomic and social development;安全生产与经济社会发展多元回归分析

2.Research on the relationship between high-skilled innovative talents andeconomic and social development;高技能创新人才与经济社会发展关系研究

3.The British Classical Economists Viewpoint about Economic and Social Development during the Industrial Revolution;英国古典经济学家对工业革命经济社会发展的阐释


1.Centro de Investigacion para el Desarrollo Economico Social经济社会发展研究中心

2.Conference and Exhibition Industry in Promoting Social and Economic Progress;发展我国会展产业,推动经济社会发展

3.Maintain the Ssociety Harmonious and Stable to Promote Development of Economy and Society维护社会和谐稳定 推进经济社会发展

4.The Prosperity of Philosophy and Social Sciences for Socio-economic Development繁荣哲学社会科学 服务经济社会发展

5.Department of Economic and Social Development经济和社会发展部(经社发展部)

6.Economic and Social Development Management Branch经济和社会发展管理处

7.National Economic and Social Development Board国家经济和社会发展局

8.Division of Economic Policy and Social经济政策与社会发展司

9.Economic and Social Development and Human Rights Sectio经济、社会发展和人权科

10.Institute de Desarrollo economico y Social经济和社会发展研究所

11.economic and socal development strategy经济与社会发展战略

12.economic and social development plan经济和社会发展计划

13.socio-economic reconstruction and development社会-经济重建和发展(社经重发)

14.] Societe d"Etudes pour le Developement Economique et Socia经济和社会发展研究协会 (经社发展研究会)

15.Giving Play the Social Role of Religion and Promoting the Development of Society and Economy发挥宗教社会作用,促进社会经济发展

16.A Review of China s Economical Law Study;直面经济和社会发展中的经济法问题

17.Thoughts on the Coordinated Development between Geological Exploration Economy and Social Economy;地勘经济与社会经济协调发展的思考

18.The Relationship Between the Mode of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development;循环经济模式和经济社会可持续发展


development of economy and society经济社会发展

1.Evaluation of coordination degree between capability of water resources disaster prevention anddevelopment of economy and society;水利防灾能力与经济社会发展协调度评价探讨

3)Social and economic development经济社会发展

1.Eco-environment is closely related to social and economic development.生态环境与经济社会发展之间的关系极为密切。

2.The strategic significance of philosophy and social sciences in social and economic development consists in its comprehensive service role and its guiding role.哲学社会科学在经济社会发展中的战略地位主要表现为综合性的服务地位、前瞻性的指导地位和科学性的统领地位,同时具有举足轻重的作用。

3.Scientific development mode is a basic guiding principle for social and economic development in minority areas.科学发展观是指导少数民族地区经济社会发展的基本原则。

4)economic social development经济社会发展

1.The article analyzes the opportunity and the challenge thateconomic social development of Shenyang face completely.全面分析了沈阳经济社会发展面临的机遇与挑战。

2.Currently there are some significant questions ineconomic social development in the southern nomadic areas of Qinghai province、 such as the matter of aweto economy;the follow-on industrial development matters to the eco-emigrants of Three Rivers Sources、 the negative influences of how to restrain tribal force and so on.当前在青南牧区经济社会发展中存在着几个值得关注的问题。

5)social-economic development经济社会发展

1.The present paper,based on a comparative study of the historical evolution of the water environment in Shaoxing and Hangzhou,discusses the active role water environment plays insocial-economic development in terms of material conditions,sources of harmony,cultural incentive,and political guarantee.人类社会赖以生存的水环境是一面镜子,时时处处折射出其本身与经济社会发展之间的密切关系。

2.A presentsocial-economic development status is stated in three types of regions.以辽宁省100个县域单元为研究对象,选取反映区域经济社会综合发展水平的重要指标,运用主成分—聚类分析的方法对研究区域经济社会发展进行综合分析评价,将辽宁省县域单元划分为发达县、中等水平县和欠发达县3类,分析评价各类型区域的经济社会发展现状,并针对当前经济社会发展的不均衡提出了相应的对策建议。

6)social and economic development社会经济发展

1.A study on the impact of different frequency′s floods onsocial and economic development :A case of the district in Sanmenxia Reservoir;不同频率洪水对社会经济发展的影响研究——以三门峡库区为例

2.The synthetic evaluation of Beijing-Kowloon railway s influence on thesocial and economic development of the areas alongside;京九铁路对沿线地区社会经济发展影响的综合评价

3.Features of populaton fluidity of Henan province and its impacts onsocial and economic development;河南省人口流动特点及对社会经济发展影响


