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粘度 viscosity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-04 11:25:23


粘度 viscosity英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on synthesis of highviscosity carboxymethyl starch;高粘度羧甲基淀粉的制备研究

2.Preparation of waterborne automotive coatings and investigation ofviscosity;水性丙烯酸酯汽车涂料树脂的制备与粘度的研究

3.Study on cationic degree andviscosity of oil displacement agent of molecular deposition films;分子沉积膜驱油剂的阳离子度及其粘度研究


1.air bubble viscosimeter气泡粘度计气泡粘度计

2.coefficient of kinetic viscosity动力粘性系数,动力粘度

3.CMC is available in a wide range of viscosity types.CMC粘度范围很广。

4.Tackmeter: An instrument for determining the degree of tack of an ink.粘度计:测定油墨粘度的仪器。

5.An instrument used to measure viscosity.粘度计用于测量粘度的仪器

6.logarithmic viscosity number对数粘[度]数,比浓对数粘度

7.high consistency rotational viscometer旋转式高稠度粘度计

8.representative viscosity-temperature curve代表性粘度-温度曲线

9.Minimum variation in viscosity with change in temperature高粘度指数确保温度变化时最小的粘度变化。

10.Determination methods for viscosity of adhesivesGB/T2794-1995胶粘剂粘度的测定

11.efflux flow cup pattern viscometer溢流杯式毛细管粘度计

12.clinical capillary blood viscometer临床毛细管血液粘度计

13.Ferranti-shirley viscometer费伦提-雪莱粘度计

14.Determination of viscosity of coatingsGB/T1723-1993涂料粘度测定法

15.Einstein viscosity equation爱因斯坦粘度方程式

16.recording sedimeter记录式粘度分布测定仪

17.viscosel viscometer气动信号连续式粘度计

18.bicone-bob torsion pendulum viscometer双锥-垂球扭摆粘度计



1.The mechanism of the metallic Ca to influence theviscidity of molten aluminum and the infection of different quantity of metallic Ca to the porosity of closed-foam aluminum has been studied.发现加入金属Ca并搅拌均匀后,主要生成金属间化合物CaAl4和CaAl2,在熔体中弥散存在,且CaAl4熔点(697℃)高于制备泡沫铝的试验温度(680℃),处于半熔化状态,因此增加了铝熔体粘度。

2.In order to study the rheological properties of three-phase foam,experiments were conducted to research the factors influencing itsviscidity in relation to shear rate,expansion of foam,temperature and gaseous medium,and a rheological expression of three-phase foam is set up according to these parameters and its flowing resistance and reduction of pressure is measured in the pipeline.为了研究三相泡沫的流体特性,采用实验的方法,考察了剪切速率、发泡倍数、温度、气体介质对三相泡沫粘度的影响,构建了三相泡沫流体的本构方程,测定了三相泡沫流体在注浆管路中的流动阻力及管压降。

3.According to the reflect characteristics of light andviscidity equation of Einstein,the influence of foil shape on theviscidity and luster of new metallic ink were studied.根据光反射特点和爱因斯坦粘度方程,研究了颗粒形状与油墨的金属光泽和油墨粘度的关系,结果表明,长片状的金属颗粒能得到最好的印刷效果。


1.The experimental methods are briefly introduced to measure the properties of hot metal in blast furnace at Pangang, The influence of C , V , Ti , Si and S contents in hot metal was discussed on theviscocity, melting temperature, and freezing point of hot metal.简介针对攀钢高炉铁水性质所采用的测试研究方法,论述了钛、钒、硫、硅、碳单因素及其综合因素对铁水粘度、熔化性温度和凝固点的影响,对攀钢高炉冶炼的铁水成分控制提出了建议。

2.The experiments show that it is important to keep adequate hydroxyl value andviscocity of Span-80 for improving the emulsion explosive quality.结果认为,控制Span-80的羟值和粘度是提高乳化炸药质量的关键。


1.Relationship between Amylose Content and Edible Stickiness and Softness of Cooked Rice of Hybrids;杂交稻米的直链淀粉含量与米饭口感粘度硬度关系的研究

2.A lot of research had been made about wheat doughstickiness throughout the world.该文介绍国内外对小麦面团粘度影响因素研究进展;粘度是由面团粘结特性和内聚特性所共同决定一种特性,粘度过大会造成生产中断,且最终产品质量也会有所降低;麦谷蛋白及醇溶蛋白比例及结构、戊聚糖、1BL/1RS易位均对面团粘度产生影响。

3.Magnetic liquid with highstickiness were produced by using the components of ultrafine metal particles,surfactant and foundation liquid.利用金属或合金超微粒子 ,选择适当的表面活性剂和载液 ,制备了高粘度磁性液体密封材料 (MF) ,常温 (2 5℃ )粘度为 (2 。




