900字范文 > 治理制度 Governance Institution英语短句 例句大全

治理制度 Governance Institution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-24 20:58:45


治理制度 Governance Institution英语短句 例句大全

治理制度,Governance Institution

1)Governance Institution治理制度

1.The Analysis of the Relationship of Corporate Governance Culture andGovernance Institution;论公司治理文化与治理制度不同偏好的互补与替代

2.Since China was set up, the governance institution and mode of Chinese small-scale irrigation works has been innovated, but there still exist practice puzzledoms.新中国成立后,我国就不断进行小型农田水利工程治理制度创新,工程的治理模式也不断随之改变,但是实践中工程的治理仍然存在种种困境。

3.The governance institution is one of the important elements to determine the performance of the governance activities.生态环境治理是一种直接关乎经济与社会的持续发展的重要的人类活动,治理制度则是决定生态环境治理活动绩效的重要因素之一。


1.On the Perfection of Corporate Governance System and Public Governance system in College;浅论高校法人治理制度与公共治理制度的完善

2.CMF system and corporation management innovation in China;美国CMF制度与中国公司治理制度创新

3.Reference of New Institutionalism to Institutionalization of State Governance新制度主义对国家治理制度化的启悟

4.Research on Governance Institution and Mode of Little-scale Irrigation Works;小型农田水利工程治理制度与治理模式研究

5.Discussion on the Public University Efficiency of the Governance System Foundation and Its Reconstruction in China;我国公立高校效率的治理制度基础与制度重构

6.On the Institution Design and Arrange in the Co-governance;论合作治理中的制度设计和制度安排

7.Legal Institutions,Extra-Legal Institutions and Financial Governance Efficiency法律制度、法律外制度与财务治理效率

8.Internal Control Measurement in Modern Enterprise Management System;现代企业治理机制下的内部控制制度

9.Institutional Basis,Evolving Mechanism and Governing Efficiency of Corporate Governance Agreement;公司治理合约的制度基础、演进机理与治理效率

10.Advanced Treatment Technology for High-Concentration Wastewater from Pulp and Paper Mills高浓度制浆造纸废水的深度治理技术

11.Institutional analysis of ultimate controlling shareholder and governance efficiency;终极控制股东与治理效率的制度分析

12.Chinese Ecological Public Governance: Idea, Institution and Policy;中国生态公共治理的理念、制度与政策

13.Rational-choice Theory of New Institutional Politics;新制度主义政治学中的理性选择理论

14.The Value Origination of Governmental Public Administration;制度理性:政府公共治理的价值源起

15.Theoretical preparation for New China s political systems;新中国政治制度和政治体制建立的理论准备

16.Transcend the Logic of "Individual Ethical Politics" and "Systematical Ethical Politics";超越“个体伦理政治”与“制度伦理政治”的逻辑

17.Analysis on the System of Regional Governance Innovation from the Perspective of Intergovernmental Governance区域治理创新的制度分析:府际治理视角

18.Review and Progress: The Institutional Change Theory of New Institutionalism Politics;反思与进展:新制度主义政治学的制度变迁理论


Governance system治理制度

1.Firstly,the article explains theoretically that university governance system is an important factor to affect its efficiency.高校治理制度是规范高校各利益主体经济行为的一系列制度安排,具体包括委托人制度安排、委托———代理制度安排和代理人制度安排。

3)governance institutions治理制度

1.Now, the governance institution can be divided into three forms: the compulsive institution based on the government measures, the market institutions that based on the pure market rationality and property right deal, and the internalgovernance institutions that dependent on the self-discipline of the participants.生态环境治理制度包括三种类型 :基于政府主导的强制性治理制度、强调纯市场理性和产权途径的市场取向的治理制度以及建立在不同参预者自我约束的、以非强制性为特点的内在治理制度。

2.So,through the way of setting up the exclusive property right and establishing a market of pollution control,we can innovate the environmentalgovernance institutions effectiv.从环境资源的产权特性出发进行产权调整 ,如明晰环境资源产权 ,建立排污权交易市场等 ,是实现环境治理制度创新的有效途径。

4)fathering system治理制度

1.Aiming at the phenomenon of bribery election of Chinese villager autonomy,ourfathering system is not complete.针对我国村民自治中的贿选现象,我国现在的治理制度还不完善。

2.It mainly deals with classifying system of juridical person in registering and managing procedure, funds-raising system, estate system and corporatefathering system in private school.民办学校的法人制度实际上就是根据有关民法、行政法、行政法规的条款规定,形成的一系列有关保障民办学校法人主体资格和社会作用的规章制度的总称,其内容主要涉及到民办学校的法人分类制度、登记与管理制度、经费筹措与财产制度、法人治理制度等几个方面。

5)institution governance制度治理

6)institutional governance制度化治理


