900字范文 > 协同航班调度 collaborative aircraft scheduling英语短句 例句大全

协同航班调度 collaborative aircraft scheduling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-24 02:57:19


协同航班调度 collaborative aircraft scheduling英语短句 例句大全

协同航班调度,collaborative aircraft scheduling

1)collaborative aircraft scheduling协同航班调度

1.To make a safe,fair and efficient tactical decision in ATC (air traffic control),thecollaborative aircraft scheduling (CAS) problem was studied,in which the factors concerning ATC,airlines and airports were considered.提出了采用协同航班调度策略和多目标优化调度模型。

2)Flight scheduling航班调度

1.Flight scheduling problem has the direct influence on the efficiency of the airport and the airliner.研究进港航班调度问题的主要目的是使进港航班按照一定的秩序降落,以方便旅客的乘降,同时确保机场各项地面作业顺利进行,顺利完成民航运输生产任务。


1.The Technology Study and Implementation of the MIS of CSWA Flight Controlling;航班调度信息管理系统技术研究与实现

2.Research on Intelligent Flight Scheduling Based on Particle Swarm Optimization;基于粒子群算法的智能航班调度方法研究

3.Study of Arrival Flight Scheduling Optimizing Based on Delay Cost基于延误成本的进港航班调度优化研究

4.Arrival/Departure Process of Flight Based on Fuzzy Petri Net;基于模糊佩特里网的航班进离港调度

5.Research on System Model for Arrival/Departure Airport Scheduling面向航班进离港调度的系统模型研究

6.Research on Irregular Flight Management and Scheduling Algorithms in Airlines;航空公司不正常航班管理和调度算法研究

7.Large-scale Recovery Scheduling of Flight Delays Model and Management Study大规模航班延误恢复调度模型及管理研究

8.Ant colony algorithm for arrival sequencing and scheduling optimization蚁群算法优化到达航班排序和调度问题的研究

9.Application of coordination model in arrival/departure airfield control system协同模型在航班进离港调度系统中的应用

10.Airport Multi-flight and Multi-service Scheduling Strategy Based on Modified Particle Swarm Optimization;基于改进粒子群算法的机场多航班多服务调度策略

11.Length of Civil Aviation Routes: refers to the length of all r outes for regular civil aviation flights.民用航空航线里程:指民航运输定期班机飞行的航线长度的总和。

12.Refers to the length of all routes for regular civil aviation flights.指民航运输定期班机飞行的航线长度的总和。

13.The Design and Realization of the air Traffic Manage Prepare System;民航空管中心区调班前准备系统软件开发

14.AAL Flight 250 is a direct flight to New York.美航飞纽约250航班是直达航班。

15.A Model for Passenger Flight Choice:Variable Precision Rough Set Approach;旅客航班选择模型研究:变精度粗集方法

16.That"s JAL 724.是日航724班机。

17.a scheduled flight,service,etc.定期航班、 服务等.

18.B: Pan American Airlines. Flight 282.乙:泛美航空公司,282航班。


Flight scheduling航班调度

1.Flight scheduling problem has the direct influence on the efficiency of the airport and the airliner.研究进港航班调度问题的主要目的是使进港航班按照一定的秩序降落,以方便旅客的乘降,同时确保机场各项地面作业顺利进行,顺利完成民航运输生产任务。

3)cooperative scheduling协同调度

1.Modeling forcooperative scheduling in sequencing planning and workstation task of flexible mixed model assembly line;混装线投产序列和工位任务的协同调度方法研究

2.The idea ofcooperative scheduling of production Sequence and WorkStation Planning was pointed out.通过分析汽车行业装配生产现状,提出高效而精准的调度目标,指出面向车型投产序列规划和工位任务规划的协同调度思想;说明针对不同目标采用的投产序列和工位规划方法,陈述了协同调度的策略框架,并用实际事例递进演示了协同调度机理。

4)scheduling of flight delay航班延误调度

5)irregular flight operation不正常航班调度

6)optimization of flight control航班调度优化


