900字范文 > 一汽集团 FAW英语短句 例句大全

一汽集团 FAW英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-28 18:22:24


一汽集团 FAW英语短句 例句大全



1.The Study on the Problem of the Diversification Strategy for the Equips Manufacturing Enterprises ofFAW;一汽集团装备制造企业多元化经营战略问题研究


1.Logistics Management System Design of FAW JIEFANG CO.;一汽集团解放公司物流管理系统设计

2.The Research on Car Strategic Management of China FAW Group Corporation;中国一汽集团公司轿车战略管理研究

3.Research on the Product Planning Project on Middle Class Car of FAW Group一汽集团中级轿车产品规划方案研究

4.Forward Research in Developing Colombia Automobile Market by the First Automobile Group of China一汽集团开拓哥伦比亚汽车市场的前期研究

5.Research on Strategies for FAW Group s Exploitation of American Auto Market;一汽集团开拓美国汽车市场的策略研究

6.Research of Upgrade Competitiveness of Changchun Auto Industry Backed up by the FAW Group依托一汽集团提升长春汽车产业竞争力研究

7.Structure adjustments have triggered deep changes within the FAW Group of China结构调整使中国一汽集团发生深刻变革

8.FAW Group High-technology Brain Drain Cause Analysis and Countermeasures Exploration;一汽集团高科技人才流失原因分析及对策初探

9.The Project Management of FAW R&D CENTER s Heavy Duty Vehicle Develop Project;一汽集团技术中心重型车开发项目管理

10.Perfect FAW Funds Management Mode Counterplan Research;完善一汽集团公司资金管理模式的对策研究

11.The Plan Design of Used Car Exchange Centre of FAW Group;一汽集团二手车交易中心组建方案的设计

12.Strategic Analysis On Developing Industry Tourismin China FAW Group Corperation;中国一汽集团公司开展工业旅游的战略分析

13.Status Quo and Development Trendon the Energy Usesand Savingin First Automo bile Group Company;一汽集团公司能源利用现状及节能方向

14.Study on Capital Management Model of Large-scale Group Company and the Capital Management Model in First Automobile Group Company;大型企业集团公司资金管理模式及一汽集团公司资金管理模式研究

15.Study on TPL and the FAW Group Integrated Logistics Operation Mode;第三方物流与一汽集团物流一体化运作模式研究

16.The main bodies of investment of the FAW Group is increasingly diversifying, and is gradually moving towards an assets operation and management company.一汽集团投资主体正日益多元化,并逐步向资产经营管理公司过渡。

17.The Investment Analysis on Project of Technology Reforming for FAW Middle-heavy Truck Cab Welding Assembly Line一汽集团中重型载货车驾驶室焊装线技术改造项目投资分析

18.The Talent Incubation Scheme Designed for the Technical Workers on the Assembly Lines of FAW Group Corporation;一汽集团装配生产线技术工人人才育成方案设计


FAW group corporation一汽集团公司

1.FAW Group Corporation that has 30 wholly—owned subsidiaries and 18 holding subsidiaries .而随着一汽集团的不断发展,如何实施对其子公司的财务控制,已经成为一汽集团公司面临的一个重要而又十分棘手的问题。

3)China FAW Group Cor poration中国第一汽车集团公司


1.Talking about Establishing the Competitive Intelligence System (CIS) in Large Automobile Enterprise of China——Taking First Automobile Works (FAW) as an Example谈在中国大型汽车企业中建立竞争情报系统——以第一汽车集团公司为例

5)automobil group汽车集团



