900字范文 > 延误航班指数 index of delay flights英语短句 例句大全

延误航班指数 index of delay flights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-09 09:54:47


延误航班指数 index of delay flights英语短句 例句大全

延误航班指数,index of delay flights

1)index of delay flights延误航班指数

2)flight delay航班延误

1.Study on modelling and algorithm of irregularflight delay operation;不正常航班延误调度模型及算法

2.Analysis on China s Legal Regulation about Scheduled Flight Delay;试析我国有关航班延误的法律规定

3.Property Rights Analysis and Contractual Governance on the Group Events of Flight Delay;航班延误群体性事件的产权分析及契约治理


1.Research on Flights Delays Statistical Indicator System and Delays Rating Assessment;航班延误统计指标体系及延误等级评估研究

2.On Disputes Arising from Flight Delay: Present Situation, Causes and Corresponding Solutions;我国航班延误纠纷的现状、诱因及对策

3.Analysis of Flight Delay Propagation Using Bayesian Networks;基于贝叶斯网络的航班延误传播分析

4.Flight delay propagation research based on Bayesian net;基于贝叶斯网络的航班延误波及研究

5.Suggestions to Improvements of Service and Scenario of Compensation After Flight Delay;航班延误后服务改进与理赔方案设计

6.Flight Delay Compensation Bill Puts Heavy Burden on European Aviation Industry航班延误赔偿法案——欧洲航空业不能承受之重

7.The Economic Loss of Airlines and Passengers Caused by Flight Delays;航班延误引发的航空公司及旅客经济损失

8.Research on Service Recovery Strategies for Airline Delay of Civil Aviation in China我国民航业航班延误服务补救策略研究

9.Flight Delay Propagation Analyzing and Predicting System of Civil Aviation of China Based on SOA基于SOA的民航航班延误波及分析与预警系统

10.Modeling and Analysis of Airline Flight Delay Early Warning Management航空公司航班延误预警管理模型与分析

11.The departure of Flight007 to Honololo has heen delayed by two hours.飞往檀香山的第007次航班延误两小时起飞。

12.The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day.航班延误了,而它将影响你一整天的行程。

13.Research on the Application of Immune Algorithm in Rapid Restoration of Flight Delay;免疫算法在航班延误快速恢复中应用研究

14.Property Rights Analysis and Contractual Governance on the Group Events of Flight Delay;航班延误群体性事件的产权分析及契约治理

15.Rapid recovery model of flight delays based on immune mechanism;基于免疫机制的航班延误快速恢复模型及实现

16.Modeling of Flight Delays Chain Reaction Based on Timed Petri Net;基于时间Petri网的航班延误链式反应模型构建

17.Application of Multi-grade Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method to Flight delay;多等级模糊评价方法在航班延误中的应用

18.Legal Analysis on Compensatory Guide Advice of Flight Delay;《航班延误经济补偿指导意见》的法律分析


flight delay航班延误

1.Study on modelling and algorithm of irregularflight delay operation;不正常航班延误调度模型及算法

2.Analysis on China s Legal Regulation about Scheduled Flight Delay;试析我国有关航班延误的法律规定

3.Property Rights Analysis and Contractual Governance on the Group Events of Flight Delay;航班延误群体性事件的产权分析及契约治理

3)Flight Delays航班延误

1.The Economic Loss of Airlines and Passengers Caused byFlight Delays;航班延误引发的航空公司及旅客经济损失

2.Dissensions caused by flight delays rise at times.在民用航空运输中,由于多种原因,航班延误难以避免,因航班延误引起的纠纷时有发生。

4)delay flight set延误航班集

5)flight delay tree航班延误树

6)scheduling of flight delay航班延误调度


